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If its something that is potentially harmful to a person's character, you darn right they can try. And whether or not that attempt proves in a successful libel suit, you spend a great deal of money defending you lose either way.

My stance on these matters is not open for debate. Either stick to the policy, or please visit another website (this is a general statement, not necc. directed at one poster)

FTR, I'm fine with you running your site and limit your potential liability any way you want. I was surprised about the libel angle is all.
FTR, I'm fine with you running your site and limit your potential liability any way you want. I was surprised about the libel angle is all.

My attorney may be able to successfully make the claim that a message board post isn't libelous. However, I still have to pay him to make that claim for me, and it isn't free. What is law and what is perceived law is immaterial; if someone sues you, you are going to lose money at a minimum.
If someone says they heard rumor XYZ, they can be sued for libel if it's not true? I honestly don't know, but that would surprise me.

You certainly can, especially when the talk involves the sort of things that this discussion would involve. Defamation suits are typically pretty tough to win, though.
Enquiring Hawkeyes minds want to know. I guess I should contact my niece to see what rumors are flying around Iowa city. Last week everyone was linking the rumors to our other suspended running back. Not it appears those rumors are being shifted to Coker.
If there was an on going investiagtion, wouldnt Coker be suspended from team activities before he was practicing on 12-18.?

Not necessarily. DJK and his roomie were involved in an ongoing investigation, too. The cops won't typically advertise their presence to you unless they have to. Otherwise, they'll stalk in the shadows while they gather information.
How about create an account with your real name. Someone will send you the rumor, and you post it, with your name and where you work. In the event that what you heard doesn't turn out to be 100% factual, and someone comes to sue you for libel, I will have that information handy so that I can be sure to give you full credit, and liability.


Point taken. I need to ask though… in the 11 years of you running this site, how many times have you even had a sniff of anything like this happening to you. Have you been contacted about a rumor a poster made by an attorney looking to sue? Doesn’t Coker himself have to be the one who wants to file suit? Do you think he would spend time/money/resources to track down you with a lawyer looking to find the particular poster who said that they heard this “rumorâ€￾? Not even claiming it a fact, but just a rumor. Doesn’t he have more important things to worry about right now? Furthermore, do you even think Coker as heard about this site? If he has, do you think he is on here digging through the posts to find which particular user is writing defamatory things? In my opinion, the chances of all of these things coming together, and somebody getting sued is well, um, zero. My point is, the audience in this particular case is very limited. I do not believe the rumor would blow up anywhere outside of HawkeyeNation.
Carry on.
The Gazette has the Johnson County atty on record saying they are not investigating Coker:

Coker suspended from Insight Bowl | TheGazette

Also, Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness said Tuesday her office isn’t investigating anything involving Coker, who was with the team as late as Sunday.

Just another reason to proceed cautiously with things you are wanting to say, at this time.
Wow, what a bunch of rumor-mongers. Wasn't KCJJ one of the main people pushing the 23 players suspended before last years bowl game too? They have exactly no proof, or sources, outside of you message board rumor spreaders. If they did, they would have have cited their sources. It's a big circle between these message boards and KCJJ. Sad part, it's Iowa fans spreading these rumors.
Point taken. I need to ask though… in the 11 years of you running this site, how many times have you even had a sniff of anything like this happening to you. Have you been contacted about a rumor a poster made by an attorney looking to sue? Doesn’t Coker himself have to be the one who wants to file suit? Do you think he would spend time/money/resources to track down you with a lawyer looking to find the particular poster who said that they heard this “rumorâ€￾? Not even claiming it a fact, but just a rumor. Doesn’t he have more important things to worry about right now? Furthermore, do you even think Coker as heard about this site? If he has, do you think he is on here digging through the posts to find which particular user is writing defamatory things? In my opinion, the chances of all of these things coming together, and somebody getting sued is well, um, zero. My point is, the audience in this particular case is very limited. I do not believe the rumor would blow up anywhere outside of HawkeyeNation.
Carry on.

Moot. This is a private enterprise, which I own and this is the way I wish for these matters to be handled.
Moot. This is a private enterprise, which I own and this is the way I wish for these matters to be handled.

Yep, it's your kingdom...that means you have a right to rule it how you see fit! I don't quite get the argument that guy is trying to make.
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