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I've spent 20 years in law enforcement, and another 10 with various private security companies and I can tell you I wouldn't read much into official comments from any police mouthpiece or the DA. Neither group is above telling half truths, hiding some truth, or just outright lying to protect their case. I also wouldn't read much into rumors coming from other law enforcement officers. The bullpen is about as bad as bunch of old women when it comes to talking about rumors and such.

I have no idea weather KCJJ has their **** together on what they are reporting or not, it could go either way. No one will know a thing for sure until someone issues a public statement which will only happen when/if they are ready to file charges.
Chad - I don't visit this site much so am glad to see you are still among the living. BTW I am still waiting on that algebra assignment:)

Merry Christmas Bob,

Nice to hear from you. We are doing great. In fact at the ripe old age of 41 we are expecting our 5th child if you can believe it.

God bless you and thanks for the shout out. Hope things are well for you and your extended family.

I've spent 20 years in law enforcement, and another 10 with various private security companies and I can tell you I wouldn't read much into official comments from any police mouthpiece or the DA. Neither group is above telling half truths, hiding some truth, or just outright lying to protect their case. I also wouldn't read much into rumors coming from other law enforcement officers. The bullpen is about as bad as bunch of old women when it comes to talking about rumors and such.

I have no idea weather KCJJ has their **** together on what they are reporting or not, it could go either way. No one will know a thing for sure until someone issues a public statement which will only happen when/if they are ready to file charges.
are you 2starstan's old boss?
i find it funny a hack from a hack radio station put out a very unreliable rumor out there
and every internet poster suddenly takes it to be fact
no police officer would talk to just one radio station
there would be a press conference or a public relation officer doing the talk and there would be more than one media representative present
they barely reach outside the Iowa City listening area
face it was a academic issue not a criminal issue the Johnson County Attourny and Sally Mason President of the University herself addressed this
if it was truly a criminal wrong doing Gary Barta and KF would have announced the suspension
the only legal aspect is a academic issue ofeither copying off anothers test or letting somebody copying answers off yours
or plagerism, which is academic in nature and can result in a automatic F and/or expulsion

Well Herby you are incorrect. We were told by the investigating agency that they were investigating Mr. Coker. Police officers talk to individual stations or newspapers all the time. They are called "sources" and you are a moron.
Well Herby you are incorrect. We were told by the investigating agency that they were investigating Mr. Coker. Police officers talk to individual stations or newspapers all the time. They are called "sources" and you are a moron.

LOL. Hawkeyenation and Hawkeyereport are your sources. You guys dont know ****
LOL. Hawkeyenation and Hawkeyereport are your sources. You guys dont know ****

Yep. I love all the "my sources tell me" lines. None of these morons know anymore than the rest of us despite their anonymous claims. It's crazy how they have all of this inside info, but can't pass it along because "I don't want to get banned." What a bunch of *** clowns. They don't know defecation about defecation.
It sounds like no one knows anything about the Coker situation. In time we will all know. Truth always comes out sooner or later.
Yep. I love all the "my sources tell me" lines. None of these morons know anymore than the rest of us despite their anonymous claims. It's crazy how they have all of this inside info, but can't pass it along because "I don't want to get banned." What a bunch of *** clowns. They don't know defecation about defecation.

i knew about Weger ahead of time but didn't post because it was a client source that i wasn't going to name. there are such things, but i agree it just looks shady when folks say that as there's no way to confirm.

for the record the Hubbard and Coker rumors-to-fact broke on message boards you have to take it all with a grain of salt
For what its worth I have heard from a very reliable source that the info KCJJ is reporting is 100% accurate. I know specifically what is going on, but since I can't prove it and I don't want to be banned I will just leave you with that cliffhanger. Sorry.

This is the way to I'm going to jump on board with it so that no matter what it winds up being, I knew too!:D
So basically its a non legal legal matter that involves the school but not academics. It all makes sense now!
with how people are talking it sounds like it isnt anything terribly bad. my concern is how likely is it that coker and/or mccall leave. i hope neither do because i think they could be a greene and hampton type 1, 2 punch.
I often look back over my own youthfull transgressions and shudder. But for the Grace of God go I. Or so go us all for that matter.

yeah, i think we can all do that. good thing most/all of us didn't have this kind of scrutiny into our lives.
Let me get this straight (regardless of if this rumor is true)... If two students at the University of Iowa have consensual sex, but female half of the duet does not specifically say "Yes, I want to have sex with you.", then this is against the student code of conduct? Seriously? If consensual, who reports this violation and to whom do they report it?

From what I was told by my best friend who is in the know, it's exactly the case. The female got her feelings hurt because she felt 'used' (imagine that)and reported this violation to the University. Sounds like a knee jerk reaction in policy to the Everson/Satterfield fiasco to me, but what do I know :rolleyes:
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