Clayborn: We're the Only Team in the State

Calm down clowns. It's not like he made anything up. He's just reciting common knowledge. I mean, the sucktitude of ISU is such common knowledge that if you were referencing it in a research paper you wouldn't even need to cite it.
Bondurant huh...good then you live close enough to Des Moines to make it out to a bar. Tell you what. If you come watch it at the bar I'm at...I'll buy ya 3 rounds! It will be WELL worth it for me to watch you absolutely self destruct as I verbally abuse you.
Calm down clowns. It's not like he made anything up. He's just reciting common knowledge. I mean, the sucktitude of ISU is such common knowledge that if you were referencing it in a research paper you wouldn't even need to cite it.
You speaking on behalf of the Iowa basketball program? At least ISU has seen a winning season in football over the last 10 years.
I was wondering if was some other context to that quote (the Register would never do something like take a quote out of context.

But, that seems to be the extent of it. Oh well.

That's how I took it. If you read the whole question and answer, it comes off more as: "How much do you hear about the expectations?" "Honestly, with as much as everybody is talking about us, you'd think we were the only team in the state."

There's a BIG difference between that and "We're the only team in the state".
Bondurant huh...good then you live close enough to Des Moines to make it out to a bar. Tell you what. If you come watch it at the bar I'm at...I'll buy ya 3 rounds! It will be WELL worth it for me to watch you absolutely self destruct as I verbally abuse you.
Why wouldnt you be at the game? Come on man arent you a season ticket holder? Also I will be having a party at my place, stop over.
Sorry if you would have played football you know you dont say stuff like this about another school. This here is not good for Claybourn, he will not make it through the game, and I would put $50 on that.

Time for the Banhammer. You've called for late hits, and cheap shots from the ISU O-Line and now you've put a bounty out on Clayborn
You speaking on behalf of the Iowa basketball program? At least ISU has seen a winning season in football over the last 10 years.
Why must someone always bring up basketball in a football thread?

Ok, here you go, Clone. You brought it up, you can take it...

Iowa just came off the worse decade in the history of the program. The worse. Ever. Yet in that decade they were able to get a 3 seed in the NCAA tourney and even eek out three 20+ win seasons. Worst. Decade. Ever.

Compare to Iowa State, which is coming off one of ISU's best decades ever. Best. Decades. Ever.

OK, got it? Iowa - worst decade ever. ISU - best decade ever. Got that much, right? You are still with me, right?

Ok, here's where it gets good.

Overall record of Iowa State Football last 10 years: 55-68 (.447 win %)
Overall record of Iowa Basketball last 10 years: 176-148 (.543 win %)

Seriously... you just compared ISU football to Iowa basketball. And got owned.
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This is pretty clearly an effort by the Des Moines Register writer to act offended so he can rile up oversensitive Cyclone/Hawk fans and get more hits to his blog. Mission accomplished.
Time for the Banhammer. You've called for late hits, and cheap shots from the ISU O-Line and now you've put a bounty out on Clayborn
Any Hawk fan knows there is a target on him now, just saying that target may be so big he may not make it 4 quarters.
Any Hawk fan knows there is a target on him now, just saying that target may be so big he may not make it 4 quarters.

There shouldn't be a target at all, at least not for the comment he made in the interview. IT WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT. How difficult is this to imagine, especially when it's the Register that reported it?
Why must someone always bring up basketball in a football thread?

Ok, here you go, Clone. You brought it up, you can take it...

Iowa just came off the worse decade in the history of the program. The worse. Ever. Yet in that decade they were able to get a 3 seed in the NCAA tourney and even eek out three 20+ win seasons. Worst. Decade. Ever.

Compare to Iowa State, which is coming off one of ISU's best decades ever. Best. Decades. Ever.

OK, got it? Iowa - worst decade ever. ISU - best decade ever. Got that much, right? You are still with me, right?

Ok, here's where it gets good.

Overall record of Iowa State Football last 10 years: 55-68 (.447 win %)
Overall record of Iowa Basketball last 10 years: 176-148 (.543 win %)

Seriously... you just compared ISU football to Iowa basketball. And got owned.
First off doesn't Cabman's comments relate to all sports? He said its the only school in the state? Hmm. Second do we want to compare bowl games to NCAA tournament appearances over the last decade? You know ISU has only missed a bowl game 4 times over the last 10 years and were two kicks away from possibly playing in a BCS game? No sir, you got schooled.
First off doesn't Cabman's comments relate to all sports? He said its the only school in the state? Hmm. Second do we want to compare bowl games to NCAA tournament appearances over the last decade? You know ISU has only missed a bowl game 4 times over the last 10 years and were two kicks away from possibly playing in a BCS game? No sir, you got schooled.

Well Stormin', I guess he showed you...

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