Chris Bosh Moving Picks

You guys keep complaining and giving reasons why the NBA is loosing fans yet their numbers are stronger than ever. I dont understand....
THEY ARE LOSING A DEMOGRAPHIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THE RULES OF BASKETBALL. And gaining fans that do not understand it like my female coworker who watches it only because she enjoys looking at males in shorts. She could care less about the rules. All she sees are baskets scored. This is who today's NBA appeals to.

they are losing a demograpgic they dont care about, you. they are gainig the demographic they do care about, males 18 to 35 entering or in the middle of the age of acquisition and establishing life long consumer relationships.

You have no power or influence here, your voice doesnt matter.
Sounds like a team that needs to work on not choking in the playoffs to me by your previous posting logic huh there herky?

Well when the reigning MVP goes down at the end of game one that tends to dramatically diminish the odds of winning.
The reffing (especially in the 4th qtr) of this series is laughable. And I feel bad for anyone who can’t recognize it. Harden and Westbrook blew that game last night but its hard to get in any rhythm offensively when phantom and 1’s are awarded to the Heat every other time down the court.
Well when the reigning MVP goes down at the end of game one that tends to dramatically diminish the odds of winning.

The fake MVP. But what about said MVP's choke job in last year's playoffs? Dude shot 6.3% from the field when Lebron guarded him. Any words for D Rose like you had for Lebron?
The reffing (especially in the 4th qtr) of this series is laughable. And I feel bad for anyone who can’t recognize it. Harden and Westbrook blew that game last night but its hard to get in any rhythm offensively when phantom and 1’s are awarded to the Heat every other time down the court.

Also tough when your star is getting ripped, throwing the ball away, throwing up air balls and getting rejected in the 4th qtr. But I'm sure it wasn't that. It was the ref's.
Also tough when your star is getting ripped, throwing the ball away, throwing up air balls and getting rejected in the 4th qtr. But I'm sure it wasn't that. It was the ref's.

OKC played like s*** in that 4th qtr. Durant was also in foul trouble most of the 2nd half and it seemed to take him out of the game. That being said, Heat got every close call just like game 2.

-D Wades and 1 where he was handchecked by perkins
-Lebrons and 1 when Durant was set for 2 seconds
-Sefolosha getting whacked in the head by Wade on his steal to lay-in
-Lebron knocking Harden to the ground with 16 sec left
-Two 3 point fouls to make up for Fisher getting one

Those are just off the top of my head.
OKC played like s*** in that 4th qtr. Durant was also in foul trouble most of the 2nd half and it seemed to take him out of the game. That being said, Heat got every close call just like game 2.

-D Wades and 1 where he was handchecked by perkins
-Lebrons and 1 when Durant was set for 2 seconds
-Sefolosha getting whacked in the head by Wade on his steal to lay-in
-Lebron knocking Harden to the ground with 16 sec left
-Two 3 point fouls to make up for Fisher getting one

Those are just off the top of my head.

These 3 show you are clueless. The other 2 were borderline. These 3 were not. Thank you for confirming to everyone that you are a whiner.
OKC played like s*** in that 4th qtr. Durant was also in foul trouble most of the 2nd half and it seemed to take him out of the game. That being said, Heat got every close call just like game 2.

-D Wades and 1 where he was handchecked by perkins
-Lebrons and 1 when Durant was set for 2 seconds
-Sefolosha getting whacked in the head by Wade on his steal to lay-in
-Lebron knocking Harden to the ground with 16 sec left
-Two 3 point fouls to make up for Fisher getting one

Those are just off the top of my head.

This wasn't even close.
I think there have been bad calls for both sides. I remember back to back ones in game two that illuminate this point. Wade drives and doesn't even get touched but flails and the call a foul on Harden. OKC gets the ball back Harden flops to make it look like Wade hit him hard and a fould was called. Neither fould should have been called but refs just react to gestures instead of actually seeing a foul.
The fake MVP. But what about said MVP's choke job in last year's playoffs? Dude shot 6.3% from the field when Lebron guarded him. Any words for D Rose like you had for Lebron?

Last year was Rose's third year in the NBA, correct? And he was what- 21 years old? 22? So you are comparing the failures of an 8 year veteran to those of a 3rd year player? That's ridiculous.

Furthermore, you make it sound like Lebron guarded Rose all series long. He didn't. He MAYBE (being generous here) guarded him for 5 minutes a game. And he did a good job.
Was listening to sports gossip radio, yesterday, and some host said the ref who didn't call the foul on Lebron at the end of game 2 couldn't be blamed because the ref was in the wrong position to see Lebron's reach in foul even though the ref was in the correct position to call the play.... Doublespeak? Ah, yes...

Why didn't the ref call in his buddies to help make the call? Some ref had to be trailing the play.
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Was listening to sports gossip radio, yesterday, and some host said the ref who didn't call the foul on Lebron at the end of game 2 couldn't be blamed because the ref was in the wrong position to see Lebron's reach in foul even though the ref was in the correct position to call the play.... Doublespeak? Ah, yes...

Why didn't the ref call in his buddies to help make the call? Some ref had to be trailing the play.

Haha...what did you want the ref to do? Blow his whistle and stop play and explain to both teams and the other refs that he was out of position. He would then ask the other 2 refs if they saw a foul on that last play and explain to them that he could use some help if they could offer any.
Haha...what did you want the ref to do? Blow his whistle and stop play and explain to both teams and the other refs that he was out of position. He would then ask the other 2 refs if they saw a foul on that last play and explain to them that he could use some help if they could offer any.

So, 3 point shots and the last shot of quarters are the only plays a ref can review. Are other plays also worthy of review? Game deciding plays, maybe? I sense a rule change, here.
So, 3 point shots and the last shot of quarters are the only plays a ref can review. Are other plays also worthy of review? Game deciding plays, maybe? I sense a rule change, here.

They can review out of bounds calls in the last 2 minutes of regulation and OT.

Why on earth would you think they can review a foul or non-foul call?

Thats like reviewing a penalty in teh NFL.

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