Caption this photo of new QB Jacob Rudock

Zook "You know I recruited Chris Leak, that is my great victory over Iowa"

Rudock "Didnt Iowa beat you and Chris Leak in the Outback Bowl?"

2nd attempt

Zook "Son you remind me of a great runningback that I once coached against, his name was Nate Kaeding"

Rudock "Isnt he a kicker?"
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Look around Jeremy, see these empty seats? Without you, it'll be more of the same on gameday. You don't want that, do you Jimmy?
Mom- eeee where is Chris Hansen when you need him?

Jake to Zook - Come in!! Let me just go change into something a little more comfortable...there are cookies on the counter!! (enter Mr. Hansen)

Look son, here's all you need to know about Illinois football: I can bench press 280- 5 times, I can power squat 500 -3 times, I can clean and jerk 325, I can leg press 600lbs. I can text like a banshee. That's all you need to know son. So I'll have you sign here.
"Son, Don't look at my wins & losses. Look at who I have recruited over the years. I recruited Juice Williams, Jason Ford, Areola Benn & have nothin' to show for it. You could be the start of something special. High profile bowl games are really overrated."

"Dude, your mom is really really hot. If it doesn't work out with your ole' man, just put in a good word for the Zookster, will ya?"

"On your way out, stop in Overton Park, go to the tallest pine tree to the R of the little lake in the NE part. Look behind the tree at the base & there is a little envelope with a little something in it. Just for the record, I don't know what. You know what I mean?"

"Did I mention your mom is really hot"
"I'm telling you, she's got 150,000 easy miles on her, your not gonna find a more cherry 85 Honda Civic in the Tri-State area. I'll start the paperwork."

"Hey, thanks for letting rest on your shoulder. As you can tell my left heel has been really bugging me chasing after you. Why don't you just say yes to Illinois, so I can go lie down."
Hold on hold on wait for it... thhhhp ah I feel so much better, "zook says smiling." You smell that son, mom goes yes Mr. Zook it smells like you qweefd

Sorry Im not a writer either can I spell a fart sound.
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