Canzeri transfer rumblings????

Weisman had like 180 yards and 2 tds and some of you fools are claiming Canzeri should take some of his carries? Really!? If anything they should keep Bullock on the bench and maybe give Canzeri his carries, but no way you take away Weismans carries unless you're giving them to Daniels. I'm pretty sure Weisman broke tackles on almost every single one of his long runs. Canzeri does not break tackles. He goes down way to easily. Weisman doesn't have the speed to finish long runs, but at least he breaks long runs. Canzeri goes down with little to no contact. If they want to get him more involved then they need to do it in the passing game.

In my opinion, he'd be a much better fit at Albany. Don't blame the kid.

it doesn't matter what 'we' know. do you really think that the staff wants to keep the better player on the bench? yeah, i'm sure they enjoy not winning.

Come on. Does any staff ever want to lose? Can't tell me mistakes aren't made from time to time, though, including by this staff. I like Weisman, but have we ever seen anything from Ferentz that suggests he can or has interest in utilizing multiple backs? Morehouse called this out all summer. Ferentz gave good lip service to "needing more guys to score touchdowns" but when the games start, we see 30 carries from Weisman against a squad like Missouri State.

Does Ferentz want to keep good players on the bench? Of course not. But I guess you can throw me in with the crowd that is skeptical that Ferentz is fully committed to creatively utilizing all the talent at his disposal. We'll see.

There is some truth to this. We did see a number of guys getting touches today but we have to keep trying to find guys to make plays.
Come on already. Any idea how many players ride the bench each game cuz they got beat out? Dozens. Be a team player. Know your role. Be happy you have a scholarship. Jesus christ.
have we ever seen anything from Ferentz that suggests he can or has interest in utilizing multiple backs? Morehouse called this out all summer. Ferentz gave good lip service to "needing more guys to score touchdowns" but when the games start, we see 30 carries from Weisman against a squad like Missouri State.

Well, just today Weisman had 30 carries, Bullock 10, Daniels 6, Canzeri 3. They distributed the ball. Weisman is the best player, why should they take his carries away?

The same fanbase that screams that the coaches purposely don't play the best guy suddenly want the coaches to sit #1 for #4.
Well, just today Weisman had 30 carries, Bullock 10, Daniels 6, Canzeri 3. They distributed the ball. Weisman is the best player, why should they take his carries away?

The same fanbase that screams that the coaches purposely don't play the best guy suddenly want the coaches to sit #1 for #4.

should tell you a lot about message board fanhok, and their delusion.
... If anything they should keep Bullock at WR and maybe give Canzeri his carries, but no way you take away Weismans carries unless you're giving them to Daniels...
First off I am amazed that we are actually going to be able to discuss natural distributions using Iowa's running game! After years of legendary RB attrition this is a great situation to find ourselves in.

There was an interesting thread a while back, maybe here or linked from here, about total team yardage and what is the optimum number of players getting rushing touches vs. maximum individual stats. It looks like this could play out here. Today we had almost a perfect 50 percent distro w/ Weisman getting just shy of 52% of the carries. For any individual player to get a maximum number of yards and increase the team's total yards we need a classic 60 percent distribution (top rusher gets 60% of carries).

The interesting thing, IIRC, was that optimum number of ball carriers was 5. Today we had 6 carriers so we have an odd man out, WR Damon Powell, w/ 1 carry for 2 yds. What's also been missing in this discussion is the amazing fact that our #3 rusher is our QB!

Looking at efficiency (yds/carry) as the main factor, and if we ignore the outlier Powell and give his carry to Weisman, Bullock was the least efficient at 4 yds/carry.

So if a 60% distro is the goal then Weisman should have had about 4 more carries and our #2 rusher should have been Daniels w/ 13 carries.

Rudock would stay at #3 w/ 6 carries, so he looses one to Daniels.

Canzeri would stay at 3 carries and be the #4.

Bullock would give up 8 of his 10, to be redistributed to the top 3, to take the #5 slot. Moving him into the slot makes sense in this scenario.

This would yield about 318 yards on the ground, up from the 296 we saw today.

Of course this is just a numbers exercise and it can't be planned in this detail because Rudock is going to see exploits and be involved in plays that breakdown. That will increase his carries. Canzeri could move into the #3 spot if the play calls favor his speed on the outside and he ups his yds/carry.

Iowa has the reputation of being a run first team and has had an upper tier rusher for most of KF's time at the helm but the stats show this is mostly perception and not reality. Today the stats show something different. Iowa's rushing game was #2 in the B!G today. Only Whisky rushed for more yards as a team. Canzeri will probably never get as many carries as he wants but he certainly can contribute to a more dominate Iowa running game.

I 'm not sure what the optimum distribution is for receivers but he could also contribute out of the slot and, as others have mentioned, on special teams as a return man. There are probably distributions for the return game too.
You can kiss Beathard adios as well. No way that kid does the backup gig for three years. He'll be history if he's not in rotation this year.
Until Canzeri figures out how to get more than 2 or 3 yards a run, he is going to be a backup to a backup. After seeing Leshun Daniels run I think Canzeri's playing time is even more limited. Good luck to him.
this is nothing more than just math....with Daniels clearly in their plans and I think he could get to where he rotates with Weisman, somebody is likely to leave at the end of the year...and Canzeri to a smaller level (only because he won't have to sit out since he burned his shirt) makes most sense...I hope it doesn't happen.

Jon, Canzeri is better than Bullock and if you don't see that then something is wrong. Bullock's carries should be Canzeri's, or at the very least split between Canzeri and Daniels.
2 of which are against DII schools. If you replaced Greene with Weisman today, he runs for prolly 1000 yards.

You are insane. Literally insane. Shouldn't have a driver's license or be allowed to marry or have kids. How did Weisman get all those yards last year? And don't tell me he did it all against D-II competition.
First off I am amazed that we are actually going to be able to discuss natural distributions using Iowa's running game! After years of legendary RB attrition this is a great situation to find ourselves in.

There was an interesting thread a while back, maybe here or linked from here, about total team yardage and what is the optimum number of players getting rushing touches vs. maximum individual stats. It looks like this could play out here. Today we had almost a perfect 50 percent distro w/ Weisman getting just shy of 52% of the carries. For any individual player to get a maximum number of yards and increase the team's total yards we need a classic 60 percent distribution (top rusher gets 60% of carries).

The interesting thing, IIRC, was that optimum number of ball carriers was 5. Today we had 6 carriers so we have an odd man out, WR Damon Powell, w/ 1 carry for 2 yds. What's also been missing in this discussion is the amazing fact that our #3 rusher is our QB!

Looking at efficiency (yds/carry) as the main factor, and if we ignore the outlier Powell and give his carry to Weisman, Bullock was the least efficient at 4 yds/carry.

So if a 60% distro is the goal then Weisman should have had about 4 more carries and our #2 rusher should have been Daniels w/ 13 carries.

Rudock would stay at #3 w/ 6 carries, so he looses one to Daniels.

Canzeri would stay at 3 carries and be the #4.

Bullock would give up 8 of his 10, to be redistributed to the top 3, to take the #5 slot. Moving him into the slot makes sense in this scenario.

This would yield about 318 yards on the ground, up from the 296 we saw today.

Of course this is just a numbers exercise and it can't be planned in this detail because Rudock is going to see exploits and be involved in plays that breakdown. That will increase his carries. Canzeri could move into the #3 spot if the play calls favor his speed on the outside and he ups his yds/carry.

Iowa has the reputation of being a run first team and has had an upper tier rusher for most of KF's time at the helm but the stats show this is mostly perception and not reality. Today the stats show something different. Iowa's rushing game was #2 in the B!G today. Only Whisky rushed for more yards as a team. Canzeri will probably never get as many carries as he wants but he certainly can contribute to a more dominate Iowa running game.

I 'm not sure what the optimum distribution is for receivers but he could also contribute out of the slot and, as others have mentioned, on special teams as a return man. There are probably distributions for the return game too.

Holy smokes Bitmap. Laying it Down!
Who are these "fools"? I am seeing suggestions he gets 6-7 carries per game not taking Weismans carries.

I wasn't referring to you, and I'm not going to single people out. However, there are people in this thread who are trying to claim Iowa would be better off with Weisman as a fullback and a rotation of the other guys at RB (therefore giving Canzeri more carries). I think that's a ridiculous assessment considering the kind of numbers we've seen Weisman put up when he's healthy. Maybe it isn't electrifying to watch, but the dude just gains yards, and when he's close to the endzone he has a nose for it. You can't argue with his production. Canzeri hasn't ever had a game like Weisman production-wise.
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You can kiss Beathard adios as well. No way that kid does the backup gig for three years. He'll be history if he's not in rotation this year.

Sure, I could see that happening IF...IF Rudock continues to climb the ladder this year...but if Kirk is still the HC next year, and I would guess that he will be barring a 2-10 like collapse this year, he'd probably be looking at a 2014 or bust type of scenario and if CJ was better, you go that route. I still believe that's the sort of thing they do, play the guy they feel best about.
I think canzeri can be a freddy russell type runner and he needs about 10+ carries a game, two or three full drives.

He is faster than the others and has good feet and good moves.

That being said Daniels looks like he has really good shifty feet also.
One other thing to keep in mind...

Because of Iowa's freakish string of RB injuries last year Canzeri, Bullock, and Weisman have all had their chance individually to show what they can do as the starter. Ask yourselves who made the most of those opportunities? In my opinion, it is Weisman and it isn't even close.

Leshun Daniels hasn't had much of a chance to prove what he can do yet, but they are slowly getting him into the mix. I think he'll end up being the starter in the long run.
You are insane. Literally insane. Shouldn't have a driver's license or be allowed to marry or have kids. How did Weisman get all those yards last year? And don't tell me he did it all against D-II competition.

my biggest problem was giving the ball to Weisman at the end of the game. that is what you have backups for. perfect time to get Canzeri or Daniels in there. i just don't get it.

also, that's when Mark knocked off that long run, so without that 40 yarder, he'd be sitting at 140 yards on 29 carries against an FCS team, which doesn't really look that impressive.
Sure, I could see that happening IF...IF Rudock continues to climb the ladder this year...but if Kirk is still the HC next year, and I would guess that he will be barring a 2-10 like collapse this year, he'd probably be looking at a 2014 or bust type of scenario and if CJ was better, you go that route. I still believe that's the sort of thing they do, play the guy they feel best about.

If Kirk is still the coach next year?....

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