Bubble Watch: Championship Week

Announcers think they are in either way. Bubble teams should have to consider their first round conference tournament a play in game.

I don't think the committee can take Cuse over Iowa if we are sitting at 19-14. Even at 18-14 Iowa has a better resume' IMO but of course Cuse would get in on name recognition.

Either way one down. Let's hope a couple other bubble teams lose and Iowa can find a way to win Thursday.

I don't think the committee can take Cuse over Iowa if we are sitting at 19-14. Even at 18-14 Iowa has a better resume' IMO but of course Cuse would get in on name recognition.

Either way one down. Let's hope a couple other bubble teams lose and Iowa can find a way to win Thursday.

Their 3 wins...duke, FSU and Virginia were ALL at home. Hell Syracuse even lost @Wisconsin...Iowa won there. People have some weird hard-on for Syracuse and its sickening. Bracket Matrix right now has them, subject to change after the loss today. They do not deserve to get in.
Their 3 wins...duke, FSU and Virginia were ALL at home. Hell Syracuse even lost @Wisconsin...Iowa won there. People have some weird hard-on for Syracuse and its sickening. Bracket Matrix right now has them, subject to change after the loss today. They do not deserve to get in.

They lost to St Johns by 30 @ home. That should be automatic disqualification.
Their 3 wins...duke, FSU and Virginia were ALL at home. Hell Syracuse even lost @Wisconsin...Iowa won there. People have some weird hard-on for Syracuse and its sickening. Bracket Matrix right now has them, subject to change after the loss today. They do not deserve to get in.
I agree. How many times will their high RPI NCAA berth followed by a Final Four appearance last year get mentioned between now and Sunday...by the talking heads?
I'm definetly interested in the Michigan/ILL game.

2 Big Ten Bubble teams and I dont think they'll take both with the national perception of the conference being down.
I'm definetly interested in the Michigan/ILL game.

2 Big Ten Bubble teams and I dont think they'll take both with the national perception of the conference being down.

Michigan's plane had issues getting off the ground and actually slid off the runway. Nobody was hurt but I'm not sure how this will impact their travel to DC.

Also, f*** John Groce
I'm definetly interested in the Michigan/ILL game.

2 Big Ten Bubble teams and I dont think they'll take both with the national perception of the conference being down.

I don't think Michigan is on the bubble, they are in regardless so hope for them to knock off Illinois.