Bruce Harreld Speaks

No mention of any sexual assault there, maybe that came out later though as it's been almost a week. Wonder why the band member tried to go through the ISU locker room or was it accidental?
No mention of any sexual assault there, maybe that came out later though as it's been almost a week. Wonder why the band member tried to go through the ISU locker room or was it accidental?

#3 maybe this?? - per the press conference ISU recommended the band to leave thru the east gate where the bus was parked and there was less people - the band left thru West gate on the side opposite their buses and into a crowd of people .
The point is — it’s a rivalry game.

If not ISU, then it will be a Vanderbilt or USF.
No thanks.
Yeah, I hear you, but the game benefits ISU more than Iowa, at least as I see it. Maybe the series isn't canceled in its entirety, but there is a modification of how often they play. I'd like to see Iowa play Missouri, Notre Dame, one of the Texas schools, places where I has a recruiting footprint once in awhile, and they're not going to play two P5 non-conference games in a year. Of course, this is all hypothetical, because they're not going to get rid of this game.
Yeah, I hear you, but the game benefits ISU more than Iowa, at least as I see it. Maybe the series isn't canceled in its entirety, but there is a modification of how often they play. I'd like to see Iowa play Missouri, Notre Dame, one of the Texas schools, places where I has a recruiting footprint once in awhile, and they're not going to play two P5 non-conference games in a year. Of course, this is all hypothetical, because they're not going to get rid of this game.

The game would be replaced with an FCS, Sunbelt, Mac or other G6 team - the P5 teams are scheduled out 10 years is some cases.
Then pertinent question regarding this rivalry game going forward is this:

Is the marching band necessary to play a road football game.

If you insist then they should play in an empty stadium because they don't need fans to play the game either. If anybody is wearing Hawkeye colors you are subject to abuse. Just need to cancel the clown game and all will be ok.
If you insist then they should play in an empty stadium because they don't need fans to play the game either. If anybody is wearing Hawkeye colors you are subject to abuse. Just need to cancel the clown game and all will be ok.
I haven’t heard of any Hawk fans getting physically abused other than Hawk band members getting funneled by Cyclone students.

There are several ways to mitigate that before the rivalry series is cancelled.

History of fans going overboard and fighting didn’t start a couple of Saturdays ago.

I realize Hawk fans that are afraid to play the Cyclones would rather play Alabama and get props for getting beat — but that’s not going to happen.
#3 maybe this?? - per the press conference ISU recommended the band to leave thru the east gate where the bus was parked and there was less people - the band left thru West gate on the side opposite their buses and into a crowd of people .
Why would they do that?
Have you always supported sexually harassing a rival's coeds and pushing an opponent down to break their ribs for no apparent reason, or are you just doing that today to support your beloved college in Ames and its juvenile AD?
You being an asshole doesn’t answer my question why they walked out one side of the stadium when the bus was on the other side.

In have not read anywhere why they did. That’s why I asked a question. I’ll ask another.
Why are you an asshole?
You being an asshole doesn’t answer my question why they walked out one side of the stadium when the bus was on the other side.

In have not read anywhere why they did. That’s why I asked a question. I’ll ask another.
Why are you an asshole?
Answer my question first.