Brommer has to go!!!

You're right. Lets just bring in anyone we can find with Brommer's size and stick him in there.

As far as Gatens goes, he may have been cold as of late, and I agree when he is not making the threes he is a liability, but he actually has a good upside.

I'd actually argue the opposite. Gatens has almost NO upside. What you see is what you get. He's not bad by any stretch. But he's not going to get much better. Brommer on the other hand DOES have the tools to improve a lot before next season. Whether he fulfills that potential is yet to be determined. But he definitely has more upside than Gatens.
I'd actually argue the opposite. Gatens has almost NO upside. What you see is what you get. He's not bad by any stretch. But he's not going to get much better. Brommer on the other hand DOES have the tools to improve a lot before next season. Whether he fulfills that potential is yet to be determined. But he definitely has more upside than Gatens.

Room for improvement, yes. Upside? Not so sure. That would mean he would outperform Gatens next year. That would be a radical stretch. He would have to have the single biggest turnaround in recent B10 history for a senior.
Ok, i had to get a few shots down, and take a few breathers. I realize that Brommer is playing hard. I should not say that He has to go, but that we NEED someone to come in and step up right away and start next year and also another person to be that 3rd big for us so we can use him as sparingly as possible.
Room for improvement, yes. Upside? Not so sure. That would mean he would outperform Gatens next year. That would be a radical stretch. He would have to have the single biggest turnaround in recent B10 history for a senior.

You're right, my bad. I just don't think Brommer is a throwaway piece at this point. He can be a significant contributor next year.
Room for improvement, yes. Upside? Not so sure. That would mean he would outperform Gatens next year. That would be a radical stretch. He would have to have the single biggest turnaround in recent B10 history for a senior.

IF Brommer improves in this coming off-season as much as he did last off-season, he will be huge asset. Who knows if he will or not, but I will not be shocked either way. He sucked today, but he's been a competent Big Ten bench player this year. Maybe he'll be a solid starter next year. Not that far-fetched... look at the guys Northwestern trots out there.
Brommer has been solid, that is that a bad thing...NO!
Lets be realistic about our bench, including Marble, either they spent time under the previous regime and did not learn a thing or they are freshman...either way, you never know what you are going to get night in and night out. That said, Brommer is clearly the most improved player on the team, does that mean he will be all-conference um, no, but if he can just be a little better than solid next season then this staff has done their job, again. No more roster turnover, I want to see players graduate from Iowa, the last decade for graduation rates can't be good and we have to give that consideration, I have a hard time believing Iowa will be putting together top 10 recruiting classes year in and year out, so kids graduating from Iowa equals program stability.
Your Mom "has to go!!!" down on me. Give it a rest. A lot of these big guys we get take years to develop. I remember Tate pretty much sucked until his senior year when he finally started to contribute. Hopefully they can send Brommer off to a big man's camp this summer and he can be more productive next year. After all, this is just Fran's first year in "rebuilding" this program. I'm just happy to be able to watch these games and be hopeful for the future.
Lay off the big men. If we could throw the ball in the ocean from downtown we win that game going away today, as well as a few others. Brommer isn't the most talented player out there, but he works his *** off and has improved dramatically from last season. Some people on here seem to think McCaffery can just snap his fingers and turn a below average team into a team of All Stars overnight.
I just don't think brommer has the physical asset to be a big ten starter. He is one of the most uncoordinated people I have seen in a long time...and you can't teach that. There are times when I see him make a nice hook shot or a nice play and I'll think maybe he has some potential but then he will make some of the stupidest plays possible. I agree that a lot of it could be mental. It seems like he has absolutely no idea what to do with the ball when he gets it. But even if you fix that I still only see brommer being a bench player for us. I think dumping him off of our team is a little too far, but I feel like having him starting for us next year is going to be the most frustrating thing I can possibly imagine.
In about 4 minutes he had 4 fouls, 3 Turnovers, and 4 fouls. two of those fouls were and 1's where it was obvious there was nothing he could do to stop the player from scoring.

At least get the numbers right. Brommer played 15 minutes with 5 rebounds, 1 steal, 2 turnovers & 4 fouls.

May's numbers were as bad or worse than Brommer's. May played 18 minutes with 2 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 turnover & 5 fouls. Plus, he was one for three from the line.

Does May need to go?
we NEED someone to come in and step up right away and start next year and also another person to be that 3rd big for us so we can use him as sparingly as possible.

This is roughly where I stand. I feel Iowa needs an upgrade at the five to be able to compete next year. For Brommer to be that guy he would have to develop to be better than Cole this year. That is a lot to ask. But if you could somehow find an upgrade at that position, then develop Brommer, while also bringing along maybe a more raw, but physically talented recruit, that would probably be the most ideal scenario.
I think Brommer has a chance to be exponentially better next year, having made exponential gains this year. He can absolutely benefit this team. I think Archie can, too.
I think Brommer has a chance to be exponentially better next year, having made exponential gains this year. He can absolutely benefit this team. I think Archie can, too.

Brommer is going to be a contributor next year, probably slightly better than he is this year. There is NO WAY Archie will benefit Iowa next year. If Iowa actually is going to rely on him playing any minutes in the Big 10 season they will be no better next year than this year. At some point you have to realize you have to make a legit jump in talent. At this moment Basabe and Brommer will be starting with White as the back up I guess. I don't know how much a post player White is but he is 6'8 I think? Archie would be the deep back up meaning he should really only play if there is foul trouble. That is not contributing. See I think for Iowa to get legitimately better they need to find a JUCO ready 6'8 guy to play post along with Basabe and then Brommer/White off the bench and Archie doesn't play.

I agree with CARR, for Iowa to be better next year Brommer has to be CONSISTENTLY better than Cole has been. Iowa needs to get better not remain status quoe, so if Brommer can't be better than Cole Iowa will struggle again.
Does anyone know how much/ if at all, Ryan Bowen is able to help coach the big men in practice? I am sure he could be a huge help for a guy like Brommer and maybe he has been. Brommer has shown flashes of what he is capable of and is the most improved player from last year.
He had a bad game today. He's played well most of the season. Hell, just 3 days ago people were saying McCabe needed to go, and since then he put the team on his back in the comeback against Northwestern and sparked the run to get us back into the game today.

No way should Brommer be going anywhere right now. Who you gonna put in, first of all? Archie? Wait, that's another player that needs to go. McCabe? Oh yeah, he's also one that needs to get lost. Now what?

Apparently losing suits you or something. I have a novel idea, let's keep everyone on a team that will finish last in the big ten and is demonstrably less athletic than the other 10 teams in the conference and hope for 500% improvement in everybody next year. We have 3 roster spots occupied by guys that have no business playing in the big ten and without naming names, I think most will figure it out.

Time to turn the page on this fantasy that we can win with inferior talent . If you haven't figured out that we are going to a gun fight with a butter knife against everyone but Indiana in the conference, then I am not sure what you have been watching. McCaffrey is working wonders with a team that is void of shooters, has one ballhandler, no true post presence and is largely comprised of guys that would be role players at best at other big ten programs. We need more talent asap and if that means jettisoning a guy or (which I don't think McCaffrey will do) then so be it. He will get it done at Iowa because he won't waste scholarships on projects.
I think Brommer has a chance to be exponentially better next year, having made exponential gains this year. He can absolutely benefit this team. I think Archie can, too.

Artchie should go to Alford's summer camp. If Steve would work with him on his free throws he might be able to hit the rim or at least the backboard next season. As far as Brommer goes it just shows that Tuby was smarter than Lick.
Brommer has improved a lot this year. In the offseason he needs to lock himself in the gym and work on everything. Moving his feet,shooting fts,shooting a 12-15 ft jumper,his post up game and play a lot of ball vs high speed competitors.
I think he could share the center spot with a juco or prep school recruit and be ok.

I think Brommer,Melsahn,Marble and McCabe could all improve in the offseason quite a bit. Archie? Maybe. May? Maybe. Gatens and Cartwright are about what they are...but,as seniors,you usually get a senior bump(see Cole) and play better than the first 3 years,so I agree with the plan of keeping all the seniors(Archie,Brommer,Gatens) on the roster to finally get that senior bump from more than one guy. It has been a big problem with the program,and it is time to start to rectify it...unless we have 3 more very good recruits ready to come in next year...I will settle for 2 more,and a big frosh class of 4 next year,leaving room for 3 more guys the following year. Sounds like we are in on that Meyer kid,a 6'10'' forward for the 2012 class...add in 7'1.5'' Woodbury and you have your bigs in place...and on our way!!
Apparently losing suits you or something. I have a novel idea, let's keep everyone on a team that will finish last in the big ten and is demonstrably less athletic than the other 10 teams in the conference and hope for 500% improvement in everybody next year. We have 3 roster spots occupied by guys that have no business playing in the big ten and without naming names, I think most will figure it out.

Time to turn the page on this fantasy that we can win with inferior talent . If you haven't figured out that we are going to a gun fight with a butter knife against everyone but Indiana in the conference, then I am not sure what you have been watching. McCaffrey is working wonders with a team that is void of shooters, has one ballhandler, no true post presence and is largely comprised of guys that would be role players at best at other big ten programs. We need more talent asap and if that means jettisoning a guy or (which I don't think McCaffrey will do) then so be it. He will get it done at Iowa because he won't waste scholarships on projects.

Well if we do this, then I don't EVER want to hear another word about the SEC and their oversigning in football. Since that's exactly what you are suggesting. Brommer committed to the University of Iowa, and we should honor that committment. Or is that committment really only one-way? If you think he sucks and always will, blame Lickliter. It's not Brommer's fault, he got an offer and he took it.
Apparently losing suits you or something. I have a novel idea, let's keep everyone on a team that will finish last in the big ten and is demonstrably less athletic than the other 10 teams in the conference and hope for 500% improvement in everybody next year. We have 3 roster spots occupied by guys that have no business playing in the big ten and without naming names, I think most will figure it out.

Time to turn the page on this fantasy that we can win with inferior talent . If you haven't figured out that we are going to a gun fight with a butter knife against everyone but Indiana in the conference, then I am not sure what you have been watching. McCaffrey is working wonders with a team that is void of shooters, has one ballhandler, no true post presence and is largely comprised of guys that would be role players at best at other big ten programs. We need more talent asap and if that means jettisoning a guy or (which I don't think McCaffrey will do) then so be it. He will get it done at Iowa because he won't waste scholarships on projects.

So wait, you're telling me that we need more talent to win more games? Wow, I've never thought of that before. An absolutely stunning insight. I'll have to spend some time absorbing that one.


As it stands, we will bring in four players next year. You're suggesting that we boot Brommer and bring in five-- I guess because we have so many guys banging down the door to play for us that we don't have room for? I highly, highly doubt it that there are multiple big men (6'9"+) who could come in and do what Brommer will do next year-- and that would actually sign with us. Maybe, maybe we can get two of those guys-- if so, we should do it. But there's no need to rescind a scholarship from a guy who's done nothing but work his butt off for a crap team-- especially a guy whose scholarship opens up in 2012 (one of the best years for in-state talent in over a decade) anyway. I can't think of a quicker way to destroy team morale and eviscerate Fran's reputation among prospective recruits than to do what you're suggesting.

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