Bowlsby Vs. The ACC

Florida State and Clemson won't leave the ACC for the Big 12. Academics are too important to the school presidents. They won't leave Duke, Wake Forest, and Maryland for Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State. From an athletic standpoint, everyone may love it, but academically it's a bad move.

Yeah, well the B10 added Nubraska.
True but they had AAU status when they joined the Big 10, so they are certainly no Texas Tech.
True but they had AAU status when they joined the Big 10, so they are certainly no Texas Tech.

Yeah, but they still recognized them as being a tiny school that was a joke academically. And they passed over a school that would have been a much better fit academically and proximity-wise, Missouri. If that doesn't say it is all about money, i don't know what does.
Florida State and Clemson won't leave the ACC for the Big 12. Academics are too important to the school presidents. They won't leave Duke, Wake Forest, and Maryland for Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State. From an athletic standpoint, everyone may love it, but academically it's a bad move.

FSU has the same ranking as OU and Kansas. Clemson has the same ranking as Minny. Not exactly elite.

Love how you compared the best of the ACC with the worst of the Big 12.
You're right, I guess I made the assumption that the top of the ACC is better than the top of the Big 12. But I did make an unfair comparison. I know ( or at least think i hears) that in terms of academics, the Big 12 ranks last among BCS conferences. If I get time I'll have to research that so I can actually use facts to back up my opinion.
I teach in the South. It is bad down here. Worse than you can even imagine. But, think of it this way, would a B12 with Clemson, FSU, Texas, OU, Kansas, ISU, and perhaps 4 more top 100 programs from the ACC be that much worse off from an ACC that had lost Maryland, UNC, and UVA to the B1G?

Wouldn't Duke and Wake be better suited in a basketball first conference made up of teams like Cuse, BC and Pitt in all sports and GTown, etc in Hoops?

Believe me, Clemson and FSU realize they are in a basketball conference and that it doesn't serve them as well as they would like.

But the battle is still being fought and the ACC will not go down without a fight.
I teach in the South. It is bad down here. Worse than you can even imagine. But, think of it this way, would a B12 with Clemson, FSU, Texas, OU, Kansas, ISU, and perhaps 4 more top 100 programs from the ACC be that much worse off from an ACC that had lost Maryland, UNC, and UVA to the B1G?

Wouldn't Duke and Wake be better suited in a basketball first conference made up of teams like Cuse, BC and Pitt in all sports and GTown, etc in Hoops?

Believe me, Clemson and FSU realize they are in a basketball conference and that it doesn't serve them as well as they would like.

But the battle is still being fought and the ACC will not go down without a fight.

It's funny how things turn. Last year it looked like the Big 12 was dead in the water and the ACC was adding teams. One big tv deal later, and the shoe could be on the other foot. I did a little more reading this morning, and there are people out there that are convinced that FSU and Clemson will go to the Big 12. So I could be wrong. I shouldn't underestimate the power of money in athletics. I guess we will see what happens next month when BB officially takes over the Big 12. It gives us something to follow, debate, and speculate until the football season gets here.
I don't think people understand the implications of the extension of the Big 12 TV contract to 2025. Anybody who thinks that a school is leaving at this point is off their rocker, because none of them could afford the exit fees other than Texas and they have the best of both worlds right now, they are essentially in a conference with all the benefits of being an independent.
I read through the responses and they were just as interesting to read and countered the author's points.

I agree. Once you get past the academics, the other arguments the original author makes are a stretch at best.
From an athletic standpoint, if I'm the Big 12, I would want to be in Florida, and if I'm Florida State, I would love to be in Texas. It all makes perfect sense from a football standpoint, I just don't know if the University Presidents will go for it. There are many people out there that think this will happen.
I don't think people understand the implications of the extension of the Big 12 TV contract to 2025. Anybody who thinks that a school is leaving at this point is off their rocker, because none of them could afford the exit fees other than Texas and they have the best of both worlds right now, they are essentially in a conference with all the benefits of being an independent.

Bryce, if either Kansas or Iowa State had the opportunity to join the Big Ten Conference do you think they would and why? If yes, do you think they would find the means to exit?

There are some opportunities that life presents that you would be a fool to pass up. Somehow I think either university mentioned would find the cash to get out of the Big 12. I believe Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas could and would find the cash to exit for the right opportunity.
With Bowlsby, Scott, and Delaney in cahoots, I would expect that any movement from one of these three conferences to another would be a mutual agreement thing. I just don't see anymore "raiding" between these conferences.

As far as Dwayne's the ACC isn't splitting up, I don't think it is as much of the ACC splitting up it would be getting the larger football schools siphoned off to other conferences to solidify football SOS in the other conferences.

The champions from the top 4 SOS conferences will make it to the four team playoff. So, you need to make sure you are one of those conferences. How do you do this most effectively?

Work together to reduce the ability of a fifth conference to challenge for SOS.

It looked like that 5th conference was going to be the B12, but the ACC is actually more vulnerable with respect to SOS.
Bryce, if either Kansas or Iowa State had the opportunity to join the Big Ten Conference do you think they would and why? If yes, do you think they would find the means to exit?

There are some opportunities that life presents that you would be a fool to pass up. Somehow I think either university mentioned would find the cash to get out of the Big 12. I believe Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas could and would find the cash to exit for the right opportunity.

As an ISU fan, I'd say we'd definitely consider a Big Ten invite (which we all know won't happen), but that would be the only conference we'd consider. It's a better fit for us geographically, and without question a stronger long term conference. The Big Ten is not going away, ever.

I don't think Texas will entertain another conference offer unless one of the other major Big XII teams does first. They had their chance to go to the Pac-12. They turned it down, and nothing relevant has changed since. Oklahoma has basically tied their ship to Texas. The only one of those three that I could see leaving is Kansas, but I think that is unlikely too.

Really, I think the schools that were a threat to leave are already gone. The only ones that would be willing to leave now are ones that, lets face it, no other conference would be likely to invite (ISU, KSU, KU, Baylor).
As an ISU fan, I'd say we'd definitely consider a Big Ten invite (which we all know won't happen), but that would be the only conference we'd consider. It's a better fit for us geographically, and without question a stronger long term conference. The Big Ten is not going away, ever.

I don't think Texas will entertain another conference offer unless one of the other major Big XII teams does first. They had their chance to go to the Pac-12. They turned it down, and nothing relevant has changed since. Oklahoma has basically tied their ship to Texas. The only one of those three that I could see leaving is Kansas, but I think that is unlikely too.

Really, I think the schools that were a threat to leave are already gone. The only ones that would be willing to leave now are ones that, lets face it, no other conference would be likely to invite (ISU, KSU, KU, Baylor).

If the B12 wins the battle against the ACC and the conferences go to 16 teams, then the B12 West would have 9 teams based on current geography. Accordingly it would help them if the could find a spot for one of those teams. But the terms would have to be insanely good for the receiving conference, because it would be an expensive gesture.