Bohannon crow anyone?

Yep, Pemsl is pretty bad. Cook is worse. Jok isn't good (which actually pisses me off, cause he has enough ability to be better). Ellingson is weak defensively as well.

We have 1 good defender in Baer and he is good at defensive help, not necessarily at shutting down a guy defending him 1 vs 1. We have a few decent defenders Uhl, Moss, Wagner. The rest are below average at defending. Picking out Jordan and focusing only on his D is just freaking stupid. The whole teams stinks at D.

But it's all he has now because Jordan's offensive stats have gotten too good to even debate anymore.

The thing about Jok is probably his effort he puts on offense wears him out too much to play good defense. It's actually pretty common with good offensive players. We would be better off if he took more offensive possessions off and less defensive possessions off tho. Baer is a freak how he goes 100% all the time until he has nothing left.
I bet Jordan looks fine defensively tonight but bad offensively and neither will be because he's improving defensively or regressing offensively

You pegging Jordan the worst defender on the team is just silly. He isn't the worse defender, we have way too many bad defenders. Jordan isn't any worse than Cook, or Pemsl, or Ellingson. Heck Jok and many others are barely a step up either if they are a step up at all.

Nothing that happens tonight is going to change that, and nothing that happens tonight will change your troll. You will continue to ignorantly hammer away at Jordan like you always do no matter if he plays good or bad offense, good or bad defense.
I'm sure there are lots of PGs that can't pass or dribble drive that have 11 year NBA careers. Moron.
You're going on the ignore list.

I am heartbroken....absolutely heartbroken. What will i ever do being on your ignore list.
Wasn't Jordan bad against bad teams at the beginning of the year? Now he's actually solid against bad teams. Sounds like improvement to me. The way Bohannon keeps improving, pretty soon twins will be saying "yeah but he can't do it against elite teams".
56 won me over. I am now considering Bohannon to be bad until he does it in the final four. Your move JBo.
You pegging Jordan the worst defender on the team is just silly. He isn't the worse defender, we have way too many bad defenders. Jordan isn't any worse than Cook, or Pemsl, or Ellingson. Heck Jok and many others are barely a step up either if they are a step up at all.

Nothing that happens tonight is going to change that, and nothing that happens tonight will change your troll. You will continue to ignorantly hammer away at Jordan like you always do no matter if he plays good or bad offense, good or bad defense.

I see you didn't disagree with that I said
Never said he was elite... I just don't think he's "far" from that status... I just used Yogi's stats that he's comparable and has actually produced similar results in literally half the startss. Not to shabby... His body of work over 4 years will provide the true tale... but some will always be Debby Downers and chose to use opinions over real data... I used data and a comparison to suggest he's performing as well as Yogi (considered by many an elite guard in the B1G) at comparable stages of their careers. BTW he's on track to break Horner's FR assist record... not too shabby in my book.
You are right he is doing well and better than I thought he would do. Let's hope the rest of his game improves.
50/50 tonight. Had a good game overall, but was absolutely terrible from 4 minutes left in regulation and in both overtimes. Too many wild shots and was absolutely obliterated on the defensive end. I don't know whether he was tired by that point or what, but he's lucky he made a couple of shots to keep many people from noticing.
50/50 tonight. Had a good game overall, but was absolutely terrible from 4 minutes left in regulation and in both overtimes. Too many wild shots and was absolutely obliterated on the defensive end. I don't know whether he was tired by that point or what, but he's lucky he made a couple of shots to keep many people from noticing.

The wild shots were end of clock shots mostly. Mason does that to most pg's.

JBo got worked on defense some, but again..Mason does that. JBo had a solid game.
It's always funny to me how 56 "is a big Hawk fan" yet is always absent from the game threads or any thread during the games for that matter. He totally watches the games though!!
It's always funny to me how 56 "is a big Hawk fan" yet is always absent from the game threads or any thread during the games for that matter. He totally watches the games though!!

He won't make any comments on the game either except ripping on Jordan or the team.....oh and he will go on and on being "outraged" by Fran sometimes as well.

Nobody thinks he is a fan at this point anyway......56 knows this as well, and that was the trolling is just over the top and obvious now.

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