Bohannon crow anyone?

The real question should be, how do we get JB to the charity stripe?

Start the half with six fouls on the opponent and hope someone gets called for a reach in lol. I can't say for sure on all the non-conference games but he's drawn exactly one shooting foul in the conference games.
If you're small enough were someone you're matched up on can shoot right over you that should hurt your defensive rating. I'm not sure how they are exactly calculated.
Dude, that's happening in this thread. You're trying to match yourself with people who are shooting right over you (which means you are small enough)

And you're rating suuuuuuucks
(Do a little fluctuation in the uuuuuuu part)
Seriously? Here's what you said:

If Baer had the second most FG attempts on the team and was shooting 34% from the floor he'd get crucified on here.

So, someone (JBo) has the second most FG attempts on the team and is shooting 34 % from the floor, and you don't know what this means?

What I said was accurate
Did you enjoy the clown game? I heard they blew a 20 point lead. Must of been from horrid point guard play. How's that for original?

I didn't watch a second of college basketball last night, caught the Nova and Kentucky highlights this morning was all
So, do you agree you are crucifying Bohannon on here?

I give him fair criticism for his performance yes. It probably comes off as me crucifying him because most people on here have talked themselves into thinking he's been good and he hasn't been. I don't crucify CW even though he's been really bad because there isn't people talking about how good he is over and over
I give him fair criticism for his performance yes. It probably comes off as me crucifying him because most people on here have talked themselves into thinking he's been good and he hasn't been. I don't crucify CW even though he's been really bad because there isn't people talking about how good he is over and over

You crucify him, day in and day out since he verbally committed to Iowa. You claimed you would be thrilled if he could come close to Mike's number offensively. Most everyone agreed with this, we all felt if Jordan could do what Mike did offensively over his career, that would be a HUGE bonus for Iowa having a pretty much lowly ranked PG recruit have that level of offensive contributions.

That is why everyone here is pretty "thrilled" about Jordan and his game so far. It is exactly as you said and people agreed during the season, that it would be remarkable that a lowly ranked PG recruit could produce offensive numbers equal to Mike's career number right out of the gate as a Fr.
I answered your question, now will you answer mine? If Baer was shooting as much and as poorly as Jordan he would get crucified on here right?

Robowe, don't answer his question. If you don't answer, he will have a tantrum and say he won't respond to anything you post until you answer his question....
I answered your question, now will you answer mine? If Baer was shooting as much and as poorly as Jordan he would get crucified on here right?
If any 1 player were to get crucified on here, you would be doing it. I don't think anyone would call him out the way you call out JoBo, especially because Baer works so hard and does a lot of things defensively.
The way you go after Jordan makes all of the Woodbury criticism seem like minor complaints. I have never seen a grown man so obsessed with tearing down a college Freshman which means you are either:
1. A cyclone troll
2. A hateful person
3. Have some sort of obsessiveness compulsive disorder

2 of these things you can get help for. If you are number 1, you are just hopeless.

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