Bohannon crow anyone?

It is easy, because as they take more shots, they are likely taking more difficult shots. They are now talking shots they were passing up before. If you were taking 8 shots a game and you suddenly start taking 11 or 12, that means odds are you are now taking shots now that you passed up before because you didn't think you were open.

Bingo. Simple really. That's why 56's argument's of saying things like Winston is a better shooter than Bohannon have no merit, he's just cherry picking stats.

Also funny when just yesterday he argued that Bohannon should shoot less. In a perfect world I'd agree. If Bohannon had more of a Ellingson role on this team, where he just came in and shot open 3s, his shooting %s would almost certainly improve. Hopefully the troll learned something from this.
Bingo. Simple really. That's why 56's argument's of saying things like Winston is a better shooter than Bohannon have no merit, he's just cherry picking stats.

Also funny when just yesterday he argued that Bohannon should shoot less. In a perfect world I'd agree. If Bohannon had more of a Ellingson role on this team, where he just came in and shot open 3s, his shooting %s would almost certainly improve. Hopefully the troll learned something from this.

Bohannon should be in an Ellingson role I agree. Since it's not he needs to not shoot very much because he's been inefficient doing it
34% from 3 isn't good

Seeing as Jok only shoots a .381 and Buddy Heild only shot a .390 yet they are both unanimously considered 3pt Assassins, I'm calling BS on your claim that 34% from 3pt isn't good. Stephen Curry shot a .412 from three his last year of college at Davidson. Anything above 40% is elite. 34% is fringe above average to good. Doing it as a Freshman is a great sign.
Seeing as Jok only shoots a .381 and Buddy Heild only shot a .390 yet they are both unanimously considered 3pt Assassins, I'm calling BS on your claim that 34% from 3pt isn't good. Stephen Curry shot a .412 from three his last year of college at Davidson. Anything above 40% is elite. 34% is fringe above average to good. Doing it as a Freshman is a great sign.

There's a huge difference from 34% and 41%. 34% is below average
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Seeing as Jok only shoots a .381 and Buddy Heild only shot a .390 yet they are both unanimously considered 3pt Assassins, I'm calling BS on your claim that 34% from 3pt isn't good. Stephen Curry shot a .412 from three his last year of college at Davidson. Anything above 40% is elite. 34% is fringe above average to good. Doing it as a Freshman is a great sign.

Hield shot 45.7% from 3 last year
Seeing as Jok only shoots a .381 and Buddy Heild only shot a .390 yet they are both unanimously considered 3pt Assassins, I'm calling BS on your claim that 34% from 3pt isn't good. Stephen Curry shot a .412 from three his last year of college at Davidson. Anything above 40% is elite. 34% is fringe above average to good. Doing it as a Freshman is a great sign.

Jok shot .348 and .343 his Fr and So years. 56 acts like Jordan should be putting up all American numbers or 5* PG numbers.
He asks me a million questions but won't answer one I am him. He's not worth my time

I'll answer your question if you just actually would tell the truth on here and stop trolling Jordan. Just stick to your word and what you said before the season:

I never said he would for sure be worse than Mike offensively. I said I would be thrilled if he could come close to matching Mike's numbers because of how he was recruited, his athletic ability and his size. I don't know how his career will end up, I'm just giving my opinion on how I think it will play out and my expectations are low.
There's just no getting through to you. Like Daniel Tosh says "Welcome to the block party". I didn't think it would come to this...but IGNORED! Have a nice life dude.

Coming from the guy that would rather have a legacy or kid from Iowa that nobody wanted over a top 35 kid my feelings aren't hurt.
Teams? What % of D1 players shoot over 34%?

I have no idea. You'd have to have a minimum attempt number to accurately calculate it. Obviously if over half the teams in the country shoot over 34% that means if we shot 34% as a team we would be below average

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