Bohannon crow anyone?

Man to man in larger doses would be difficult for us with JB at the point and not many back up options...would be counterproductive since we are weak at that position and he would tire more than in a zone.

Not a logical option...
Can I get mine medium well?

I'd still prefer Bohannon as a shooting guard but he has been better than I thought.

To the Gesell vs Bohannon debate, IMO if Gesell had Bohannon's shooting ability he'd be playing in the NBA.
I always admit when I'm wrong. You were much higher on CW before the year then you should have been but you don't see me attacking you all the time about it

You were wrong on the talent thing then you doubled down after the Purdue game. Since 1 game means so much Iowa beating Michigan proves that wrong, right?
Our team defense really hasn't gotten any better. We're 132nd in AdjD right now and that's pretty much where we've been. We've been much more efficient offensively in our wins and are playing better spurts of defense but then we go to a zone and get lit up. We really need to just give up on the zone and practice man to man more

Our defense is night and day better. Other teams don't get easy baskets every time down the floor anymore. If adjd doesn't show the improvement, it's an even more bogus stat than I thought. Anyone who watches the games sees it.
Man to man in larger doses would be difficult for us with JB at the point and not many back up options...would be counterproductive since we are weak at that position and he would tire more than in a zone.

Not a logical option...

Well our zone doesn't work
Our team defense really hasn't gotten any better. We're 132nd in AdjD right now and that's pretty much where we've been. We've been much more efficient offensively in our wins and are playing better spurts of defense but then we go to a zone and get lit up. We really need to just give up on the zone and practice man to man more

You kind of need to let the season play out. You make some valid a point, but the season will determine the outcome.

I would prefer man to man for sure, but doubt it would help this year, but would make them better defenders for the future. JB is not the ideal point guard and I would hope he is not the future being the primary point, but instead as the 2 as a starter or off the bench. The issue is with Fran's recruiting. JF will never play a lot like Mike. Mike was never JB. They are different players. If Mike had some of JB's strengths, the conference championship was within reach. Very few teams would win the conference with JB or Mike as the main point, unless there are significant improvements at other positions.

I think everyone gets your point. The biggest focus should be on why Fran this far in can't recruit an upper level conference point guard. Clemmons wasn't it. Mike wasn't it, JB isn't it. Serviceable...heck yes. JB is the one of the 3 that could actually be a good #2 under the right circumstances.
Our defense is night and day better. Other teams don't get easy baskets every time down the floor anymore. If adjd doesn't show the improvement, it's an even more bogus stat than I thought. Anyone who watches the games sees it.

We're giving up open three's instead of layups. You think AdjD is a bogus stat?
Can I get mine medium well?

I'd still prefer Bohannon as a shooting guard but he has been better than I thought.

To the Gesell vs Bohannon debate, IMO if Gesell had Bohannon's shooting ability he'd be playing in the NBA.
Bohannon has has made more big shots already than Gesell made in 4 years. Not sure why Bohannon is being singled out for his defensive shortcomings when most of his team has sucked in that area too. He handles the ball well and is cool as a cucumber. Only a fool would question his value to Iowa thus far.

Bohannon will be a helluva player for Iowa. I am sure as hell glad he is at Iowa and not UNI.
JB will become even more dangerous when the young players develop into more consistent threats...which they will...Cook, Pemsl, Moss...

Baer...always the stirring straw...
Bohannon has has made more big shots already than Gesell made in 4 years. Not sure why Bohannon is being singled out for his defensive shortcomings when most of his team has sucked in that area too. He handles the ball well and is cool as a cucumber. Only a fool would question his value to Iowa thus far.

Bohannon will be a helluva player for Iowa. I am sure as hell glad he is at Iowa and not UNI.

I'm not questioning Bohannon's value but when comparing the 2 players the only thing Bohannon has over Gesell is his shooting ability. I am also glad Bohannon is a Hawk, in the long run I think he is a better shooting guard.
Woody, Gesell and Clemmons were better all around players. Last year our AdjD was 30th in the country, this year we're 132nd. Cook is already really good and is going to be a stud but I honestly think I would trade Woody for him for this season

Why don't you expect Cook to play as good as D as Woody, but you expect Bohannon to play as good of D as Mike/Clemmons?
Our team defense really hasn't gotten any better. We're 132nd in AdjD right now and that's pretty much where we've been. We've been much more efficient offensively in our wins and are playing better spurts of defense but then we go to a zone and get lit up. We really need to just give up on the zone and practice man to man more

We are bad at D because Cook sucks at D, Pemsl isn't very good at D, and Jok doesn't put in the effort on the defensive end of the court.

You don't watch much Iowa BB if you think Iowa is gonna give up it's zone D. Fran has played lots of zone over the years here.
You kind of need to let the season play out. You make some valid a point, but the season will determine the outcome.

I would prefer man to man for sure, but doubt it would help this year, but would make them better defenders for the future. JB is not the ideal point guard and I would hope he is not the future being the primary point, but instead as the 2 as a starter or off the bench. The issue is with Fran's recruiting. JF will never play a lot like Mike. Mike was never JB. They are different players. If Mike had some of JB's strengths, the conference championship was within reach. Very few teams would win the conference with JB or Mike as the main point, unless there are significant improvements at other positions.

I think everyone gets your point. The biggest focus should be on why Fran this far in can't recruit an upper level conference point guard. Clemmons wasn't it. Mike wasn't it, JB isn't it. Serviceable...heck yes. JB is the one of the 3 that could actually be a good #2 under the right circumstances.

JB is a point guard and will be a point guard going forward. It makes zero sense to play him as a 2 guard given his size.

If hitting big shots that have helped us win 2 big games in his very first season and having some games with stat lines like 17 pts, 6 assists & zero turns is not having an 'upper level' point guard then I am all for not having one.
Can we all agree that Uhl serves no purpose on the court?
Man it's sure getting that way... I guess it helps clear up who gets more mins amongst the front court guys but it's too bad. He has flashes here and there. But he's going to find PT fewer and far between if the freshman stay healthy and out of foul trouble.

I never said much better offensively. He's still only shooting 35% from the floor. He's shooting more than I thought he would
It makes zero sense to play him as a 2 guard given his size.


Seriously? A 6'1 shooting guard less sense than a slow pt guard? He can't be much shorter than Todd Birkenpas was. Tom Norman wasn't very tall. Dick Peth may have been taller. If you didn't notice, Michigan actually plays a system that uses 2 point guards in reality.

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