Bohannon crow anyone?

Jordan on Fire!

So after the Maryland game:

Jordan is 10th of all 4* PG at 9.7 PPG
Jordan is 2nd of all 4* PG at 4.5 APG
Jordan is 6th of all 4* PG at 50.4% eFG%
Joran is 7th of all 4* PG at 107.1 Offensive rating

That puts Joran in the top half of all 4* PG in 3 of the 4 most important statistics offensively. So I think it is safe to say that offensively that Jordan is better offensively that over 1/2 of all 4* PG this year.

That is crazy good. While most Fr. struggle to adjust to college BB, here you got the #299th ranked recruit in the country out performing 1/2 of the 4*PG offensively. That is unless you don't believe in advanced stats. If you do believe in advanced stats, it is clear that Jordan is producing like an upper 1/2 4* PG.

If you want to look at what these guys did against the best competition, then Jordan is killing it even more. Right now Jordan has a 114.3 Orate in conference play! That is crazy good, especially considering Jok's B1G Orate is 110 right now. That is sooo good, that would rank him 3rd in Offensive rating of all 4*PG. Jordan Bohannon has a higher conference Offensive rating than all other 4*PG not named Payton Pritchard and Markus Howard in conference play.

Anyone who complains about Jordan this year just doesn't understand advanced statistics. Sure he isn't good defensively, but offensively he is clearly an upper half 4* PG this year.
Man, as soon as I post this, I look a little closer at Jordan's stats, and I find even MORE amazing things......

In 16 conference games Jordan ranks:

20th in the B1G in Orate
16th in the B1G in eFG%
16th in the B1G in TS%
8th in the B1G in ARate
14th in the B1G in Stl%
17th in the B1G in 3pt%
Jordan had a great game and nobody can take that from him. He has a great long range shot and great confidence. My concern with him has always been what type of player can he be when teams start taking away the three because they will start locking him down. His lack of size is a concern as well. I could live with the defensive liability if he could develop a drive and create for others type of game which he did show flashes of yesterday. Hats off to Jordan keep getting better man.
Jordan had a great game and nobody can take that from him. He has a great long range shot and great confidence. My concern with him has always been what type of player can he be when teams start taking away the three because they will start locking him down. His lack of size is a concern as well. I could live with the defensive liability if he could develop a drive and create for others type of game which he did show flashes of yesterday. Hats off to Jordan keep getting better man.

It will be hard for any team to take away the kids 3 pointer for sure. Last night he put the sweetest dribble step back move on a Maryland guard and splashed a 3 with a hand in his face. We have a few 3 point threats (Jbo,Ellingson, Moss, and Baer) I can't see any team doubling a 6'0 PG and letting any of the other shooters get free. Jordan will be on scouting reports no doubt, but teams will have to try to guard him 1 on 1. If he can continue to develop the ability to get space with the dribble he will be very hard to stop. I think most teams will consider it a win if he hits less than three 3 pointers on them.
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Jordan had a great game and nobody can take that from him. He has a great long range shot and great confidence. My concern with him has always been what type of player can he be when teams start taking away the three because they will start locking him down. His lack of size is a concern as well. I could live with the defensive liability if he could develop a drive and create for others type of game which he did show flashes of yesterday. Hats off to Jordan keep getting better man.

That's why spacing will be critical for this team as long as JB is the point. It is important for every team it is super important for Iowa. When teams lock him down guys like Baer and Ellingson have to hit shots when JB is forced to give up the ball.
It will be hard for any team to take away the kids 3 pointer for sure. Last night he put the sweetest dribble step back move on a Maryland guard and splashed a 3 with a hand in his face. We have a few 3 point threats (Jbo,Ellingson, Moss, and Baer) I can't see any team doubling a 6'0 PG and letting any of the other shooters get free. Jordan will be on scouting reports no doubt, but teams will have to try to guard him 1 on 1. If he can continue to develop the ability to get space with the dribble he will be very hard to stop. I think most teams will consider it a win if he hits less than three 3 pointers on them.

That crossover step back was a thing of beauty. If that becomes more of his game the less I am worried about dribble drive penetration.
Jordan had a great game and nobody can take that from him. He has a great long range shot and great confidence. My concern with him has always been what type of player can he be when teams start taking away the three because they will start locking him down. His lack of size is a concern as well. I could live with the defensive liability if he could develop a drive and create for others type of game which he did show flashes of yesterday. Hats off to Jordan keep getting better man.

Jordan plays on the perfect team to compliment his skill set. We don't need to drive and dish to get people open when we have guys like Cook and Pemsl posting up. Feed the post and kick it out until you get an open shot.
I'm not sure what the record is for pages on a thread but let's keep this thing going. 56, we need you, brah. You know, Bohannon was just lucky, had one good night but he still sucks at defense, you know the routine. I know your ego is bruised, but tape it up and get in there.
I'm not sure what the record is for pages on a thread but let's keep this thing going. 56, we need you, brah. You know, Bohannon was just lucky, had one good night but he still sucks at defense, you know the routine. I know your ego is bruised, but tape it up and get in there.

Did Rob drop the hammer on him?
Did Rob drop the hammer on him?

I don't think so, it's more that most rational folks wouldn't have much negative to stand on after the player had almost a record setting performance against a quality team...but it's 56, mr. Zero self he'll be back. He might wait to see how Wisc game plays out, but I doubt he'll be able to help himself.
That crossover step back was a thing of beauty. If that becomes more of his game the less I am worried about dribble drive penetration.

Moves like that will open up the penetration lanes. If I were an opposing coach I'd rather he drove the lane then put my guard on a slip n slide out on the perimeter. All and all not too shabby for a "Slow, un-athletic, poor ball handler, that nobody wanted, who can't create his own shot and will never improve" kid. Did I miss a 5656 quote? There are so many to keep track of.
Did Rob drop the hammer on him?

We can't ban 56 until Jordan dunks(probably JR year). Then at that very moment when every Iowa fan is losing their shit. Rob will quietly go in and ban Hawk5656 for the most medically epic case of head stuck deep up the anus. That will be a sweet sweet moment to cherish.