BHGP Calls Out Mike Wilbon RE: Iowa - NW Game

Wow, whenever I notice that I have accumulated about 10k posts on here in the past 4 years and feel bad about myself for being such a loser, I can always count on the guys at BHGP to make me feel better. It doesn't get more loser-ish than watching or listening to national sports talk garbage and then writing that diatribe is just the icing on the cake.

I've gotta hand it to Wilbon, though. The guy gets paid decent money to talk about sports. Makes him smarter than pretty much everyone here other than JD and Tork.

Have you noticed that Wilbon appears to know EVERY prominent Black athlete or public fighure that has ever lived? I swear, watch damn near ANY "30 for 30" that features a Black athlete--especially one that has been murdered--and Wilbon knew him.

By my estimation, Wilbon personally witnessed the following:

--Each and every snap Conredge Holloway took at Tennessee
--The death of "Benjy" Wilson
--Each and every training and sparring session for both Holmes AND Ali
--Each and every day in the life of Marcus DuPree
--Len Bias from Day One

I'm sure I'm missing some more.
Have you noticed that Wilbon appears to know EVERY prominent Black athlete or public fighure that has ever lived? I swear, watch damn near ANY "30 for 30" that features a Black athlete--especially one that has been murdered--and Wilbon knew him.

By my estimation, Wilbon personally witnessed the following:

--Each and every snap Conredge Holloway took at Tennessee
--The death of "Benjy" Wilson
--Each and every training and sparring session for both Holmes AND Ali
--Each and every day in the life of Marcus DuPree
--Len Bias from Day One

I'm sure I'm missing some more.

No, I've never noticed that. I only watch live sports on ESPN. The rest of its content is mindless filler directed at sub 85 IQ proles.
Yes, it does. Because they have figured out to meet their financial words without doing one iota of actual work. It's the American dream. You never need to voluntarily retire from a job being a columnist or talking head on ESPN because you aren't doing anything intellectually or physically challenging. You're just spouting off your opinion (or the one ESPN tells you to take so it diverts from common opinion to generate fake, meaningless controversy) and you might get bonus points for getting in the last word or yelling louder or having better body language than your fierce opponent, who takes the other position. I suspect the average IQ of the typical regular viewer of sports opinion programming is somewhere just slightly lower than the average viewer of NASCAR or WWF rasslin'.

Hey pal...its WWE now. get your damn facts straight
No, I've never noticed that. I only watch live sports on ESPN. The rest of its content is mindless filler directed at sub 85 IQ proles.

"30 for 30" is a good series. It's normally produced/directed by folks who have NOTHING to do with the day-to-day goings at ESPN. Why any of them continue to let Wilbon in on the production is the mind-blower.

BTW, my IQ, at last count, was close to 300. I invented the term "prole" with the idea that those self-absorbed, delusional folks who deem themselves "high-brow" could have a way of slamming on the Great Unwashed to build themselves up. It wasn't supposed to be used on these boards, but I let it slip to a fellow "gonstermocker", he couldn't resist. Can't say I blame him.
I'm glad they wrote about it, because it interests me as a Hawkeye fan, but the rest of the country could give a crap, they'd have to think who the 2 teams are that NW lost to, and most wouldn't bother to look it up. It's just a good lesson to not necessarily accept an opinion, that is disguised as facts, as being true that you don't otherwise know anything about.
As did I. Why be butthurt after a win?

Recruits were watching that show. If they hear Wilbon calling Iowa a bottom feeder, we might as well join the MAC because we'll never out-recruit Northwestern ever again. The record MUST BE SET STRAIGHT. IT MUST.
My point is simply that if you are watching PTI at 4 or 5, whenever it comes on, you are probably a loser prole with a terrible job because about 99.9% of people with real jobs are still at work at that time, or at best, commuting home. When I look at the labor force participation rate among 18-54 year old men, I'm not surprised that PTI is a highly watched program.

Okeefe you make fun of ppl for watching PTI at 4-5PM because they clearly don't have a good job.

Why do you already have 6 posts today on a fan forum and it is not even 2PM??
Okeefe you make fun of ppl for watching PTI at 4-5PM because they clearly don't have a good job.

Why do you already have 6 posts today on a fan forum and it is not even 2PM??

See the post about stealing time from your employer. This isn't difficult.
Clearly trying to feed the 'proles' over at the wasteland. Sad grown men.

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Okeefe you make fun of ppl for watching PTI at 4-5PM because they clearly don't have a good job.

Why do you already have 6 posts today on a fan forum and it is not even 2PM??

I average about 7 posts a day, bud. I already admitted I feel liek a loser. Why do you have to keep rubbing it in?

Anyway, grab a copy of the MERS uniform mortgage for Iowa. Read it cover to cover 4 times. Imagine writing dreck even more boring than that all day and tell me you could do it for 8-10 straight hours.
What? KF shows emotion? Say it ain't so. JK. I know he does just not over the top and pwoud.

KF shows in that great gif that he is totally into winning, he wants his players to succeed and him and the coaches and program to succeed. But he is not a rah rah cheerleader type of guy.

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