Barta "without question.....

From article:

Gary Barta quote:

"I believe in him because I know he can do it," Barta said. "The money is not what I'm basing my decision on. If he was making half of what he's making, or he was making two times what he's making, I would be going through the exact same process. I'm trying to evaluate where we're at, and then trying to decide if the foundation is strong enough to go forward with the current coach. And I absolutely believe that it is."

Using Gary Barta's logic and his statement, he would pay the head football coach at Iowa $7.5 million per season for a 34-29 overall and 19-21 conference record and this also constitutes a foundation that is strong enough to go forward with the current coach. Wow.

And he's going to prove that fact when he extends Kirk's contract sometime soon.
This one kills me... we could have won guys!!! Yipppee!!! He is right though, we have the talent to win them but don't... which comes back to coaching. The way I read the rest of the article is it is KF job to decide whether he wants to make staff changes. Barta should step in and insist on some (greg davis) but won't???

How would you sell that to people? Between now and September, how do you keep those people who are on the fence?

Barta: We didn’t meet expectations. That said, you mentioned Nebraska being indicative of the season. Well, Nebraska, we had the lead and we lost it, but we had the lead. I go back to Maryland. I look at Iowa State. I look at those games that we could have won, and we didn’t win them. But we could have won them. We had the talent to win them.
I believe that the talent coming back will have the ability to win those games. We have to close. We have to not let leads get away, and I believe we can do that. We have a pair of returning quarterbacks that are very talented. We have running backs that are talented returning. We have other positions all the way through, our linebackers were young this year. That’s not an excuse, but they’ll have more experience. We’ll have a defense that returns a lot of starters.
The reason that I’m going to be optimistic is that Kirk’s leadership has shown he can rebound to bring a team back to win. I know that the fundamentals will be there. I know the environment will be there. The foundation is still strong. We have a lot of returning starters. And the schedule, like this year, the schedule sets up that there are games we can win. We just have to get over the hump, whatever that means. We have to play consistently better.
I look at the Wisconsin game and the Northwestern game, we played terrific football. Even though we didn’t beat Wisconsin we played some very good football. We played at times good football against some other teams. We have to do it more consistently. But I think we can correct the consistency, reduce the turnovers, play better on special teams, et cetera, et cetera.
GB is not a good AD period....It's all about the almighty dollar and he knows it....KF has GB by the balls
*sorry in advance, but I have to yell here....

Shackled to a corpse.

Locking us into that airtight-FULL VALUE, No-Buyout, Program-Destroying contract!

He should out on his @$$ for that alone!
Why not restructure his deal. Lets take whats remaining on his contract and simply make it a one or two year deal and stipulate that Barta has that amount of time left as well. This way the KF haters get their wish, the Barta haters get their wish and the team doesn't have to go through this for however many years. Everyone wins.
How about enjoyable @#%#% football??? How about putting a product/team together that tries to win games, instead hopes for the opposing teams to screw up. We shorten the field, the clock with the hopes that all we need is a FG to win. We don't ever try to put a game away (if it happens, it's because even our basic plays go for 60 yard TDs...i.e. Northwestern game)

I expect Iowa to compete for Big10 championships every year. The conference is horrible. I don't expect to play in the championship game every year, but it would be nice to have Iowa in the disucssion each year late into November....even in our rebuilding years. Our experienced teams should no doubt get to the game. If Wisconsin can do it, so can we. Our recruiting has traditionally been better, or facilities have been better, and up until the last five years, our prestige/tradition has been similar. Going to three Rose Bowls will up your prestige.

But we won't. We will trot out the same product next year. We'll have faster RB's, but only because our FB graduated, otherwise he'd be getting most of the carries again. We have unknown at WR again, and while Matt Vandeburg has played well in spurts, I'm not sure he's someone defenses will gameplan around. Hillyer just runs wind sprints out there.

What will change?

I want enjoyable football too. The losses wouldn't be as hard to swallow if they gave it everything they had. Aggressive football would be a nice change of pace. Score some freaking points instead of throwing 34 consecutive 3 yards check downs. I have been ready for new blood...I would like BB to come in and stomp on the clowns throat every year.
It starts at the top, and you see what we have there. We are getting what we are settling for. Without question!
Barta, just leave already, please! A mid major AD at a major college.

Melrose, perhaps you missed the absolute sarcasm of my post? OUTofTOWNHAWK was not vague at all. Not sure why the thumbs down for my post.

Originally Posted by OUTofTOWNHAWK I want to punch both of them in the mouth.

Help us out, please. If you're going to post, at least make a statement. Vague posts like this one really don't allow us, the readers, to get a feeling for how you really feel or where you stand.
Barta is a part of the problem and needs to go just as much (if not more), then Kirk does.

He's nothing more than an empty suit and changes need to be made starting at the AD position.
"I look at the Wisconsin game and the Northwestern game, we played terrific football. Even though we didn’t beat Wisconsin we played some very good football" - Gary Barta

That is just infuriating to me. Losing at home to Wisconsin is playing terrific football??? That's where Iowa is as a program now. Losing close at home to ******* Wisconsin is terrific football??
If we take Barta at his word, this is actually an encouraging interview because he is setting the expectations higher than what KF has delivered and that is the first step to addressing the malaise in Iowa's football program. If KF cannot meet the expectations, then the contract that seemingly precludes any corrective action on Barta's part now is subject to review and/or re-negotiation. So this is a good sign that Barta is not resigned to tolerating mediocre results over the next 6 years.

Now, to address KF's willingness to make the necessary changes, I am not so confident about the intended results. I do think he will try to make some changes but my view is that KF does not adapt to change well. Thus, even if he makes the appropriate changes, I do not expect any such changes to be executed successfully, certainly not in the first year. So I would conclude that if Iowa repeats its 2014 performance in 2015, KF will be staring at a re-negotiation of his contract after the 2015 season. Bottom line, I don't believe Barta is willing to go down with Captain Kirk if the ship continues to sink - I think Barta would like to keep his job more than he wants to grant KF a free pass.
Why not restructure his deal. Lets take whats remaining on his contract and simply make it a one or two year deal and stipulate that Barta has that amount of time left as well. This way the KF haters get their wish, the Barta haters get their wish and the team doesn't have to go through this for however many years. Everyone wins.

Because why the hell would Ferentz accept that? Besides, if you even pretend it did happen, every single school that recruits against Iowa would use that as ammunition. If the head coach gets their deal shortened to 2 years, what recruit would come to Iowa to play for Ferentz for 4 or 5 years?

GB: I expect us to compete for championships… (haha, but I never said what kind of championships. Consider yourselves lawyer'd Beeeootches!)

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