Barta "without question.....

CPHAWK82 - No....the National Championship is the only Championship he and KF should be worrried about. You think OSU gives a rats butt about just beating Wisconsin? Hell no....that trophy is nothing more than something you won whilst trying to get the BIGGEST trophy. The same trophy that any coach making 4 million dollars per year should be expected to always strive for...and at least occasionally sniff. Iowa will NEVER, and I repeat NEVER have that kind of mentality until there is a change at AD....his comments need to be ripped over by every Iowa columnist that can find their sack. This is EMBARRASSING folks!!!!!
If there was ANY hope Kirk would be gone before 2020.....that is gone. Barta really doesn't care. Kirk is here for life. We fans are going to be stuck with boring, predictable, sub-par seasons for 6 more years.

What a mess this program is going to be in by then.
Gary, Kirk and others surrounding the program have very high expectations for Iowa football. My expectations are for us to compete for and win championships. Maybe that's a bowl championship. A Big Ten championship. Maybe, someday, even beyond that. And because they are so high, in 2014 we didn't meet those expectations."

They have high expectations, really.. really? Barta needs to write derps "expectations" down and share it with the fan base. When his own expectations aren't met than there will be consequences. No more of this under achieving hogwash and "that's football" mentality. Why are Barta's expectations full of "maybes"? Is he not sure either? Maybe, someday beyond that? So those aren't goals yet? The guy has been here 16 years and can't win against ISU more often than not. When is someday?
he will be Iowa's coach next season"

Barta said. "That being said, Gary, Kirk and others surrounding the program have very high expectations for Iowa football. My expectations are for us to compete for and win championships. Maybe that's a bowl championship. A Big Ten championship. Maybe, someday, even beyond that. And because they are so high, in FIXED IT in 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014 we didn't meet those expectations."

Barta is seriously lacking a set of balls. When he says, “bowl championshipâ€￾ he’s obviously referring any bowl win as a “championshipâ€￾. So Iowa could go 6-6, travel to Detroit, win against Kent St. or some no name school and barta would consider that ‘meeting expectations’. What a joke.

Look at this weak *** graph in the far right hand column is Iowa's current active winning streak against a BIG opponent. Longest winning streak is 2 Games are you ******* kidding me.

SchoolTotal GamesWLTPct.PFPAFirst YearLast YearStreak
Illinois6930382.4431027135518992014Won 1
Indiana7643284.6051721123919122014Won 2
Maryland1010.000313820142014Lost 1
Michigan5914414.271841146219002013Won 1
Michigan State4523202.53389095119542013Lost 1
Minnesota10844622.4171807243218912014Lost 1
Nebraska4513293.32250075418912014Lost 1
Northwestern7649243.6641923109318972014Won 2
Ohio State6414473.242893167719222013Lost 5
Penn State2512130.48042059419302012Lost 1
Purdue8536463.4411443161519102014Won 2
Wisconsin8842442.4891501156618942014Lost 3
I read all of this and I am madder at Ferentz/Barta than I was before. In what corporation is any of what Barta said acceptable? He accepted that there was a problem, and then laid out NO plan for what they were going to do about it, and spent most of the interview minimizing, or dismissing the problem. GARY THERE IS A PROBLEM FIX IT!!! You said Ferentz was keeping his job......ok, is Davis gone?! Accepting mediocrity, Bowl wins, really, and then rearranging the deck chairs on the Titatanic is not a fix.
what are you expecting from Iowa? National titles? It isn't going to happen. You sound like the crazy Nebraska fans living in the 80's...College football is different now. Players want to play in the SEC and Pac 12 now. The B1G is not the power it used to be. Nebraksa just hired a coach that will keep them at the same level or regress....Who is going to come to Iowa City and win national titles every year?

How about enjoyable @#%#% football??? How about putting a product/team together that tries to win games, instead hopes for the opposing teams to screw up. We shorten the field, the clock with the hopes that all we need is a FG to win. We don't ever try to put a game away (if it happens, it's because even our basic plays go for 60 yard TDs...i.e. Northwestern game)

I expect Iowa to compete for Big10 championships every year. The conference is horrible. I don't expect to play in the championship game every year, but it would be nice to have Iowa in the disucssion each year late into November....even in our rebuilding years. Our experienced teams should no doubt get to the game. If Wisconsin can do it, so can we. Our recruiting has traditionally been better, or facilities have been better, and up until the last five years, our prestige/tradition has been similar. Going to three Rose Bowls will up your prestige.

But we won't. We will trot out the same product next year. We'll have faster RB's, but only because our FB graduated, otherwise he'd be getting most of the carries again. We have unknown at WR again, and while Matt Vandeburg has played well in spurts, I'm not sure he's someone defenses will gameplan around. Hillyer just runs wind sprints out there.

What will change?
CPHAWK82 - No....the National Championship is the only Championship he and KF should be worrried about. You think OSU gives a rats butt about just beating Wisconsin? Hell no....that trophy is nothing more than something you won whilst trying to get the BIGGEST trophy. The same trophy that any coach making 4 million dollars per year should be expected to always strive for...and at least occasionally sniff. Iowa will NEVER, and I repeat NEVER have that kind of mentality until there is a change at AD....his comments need to be ripped over by every Iowa columnist that can find their sack. This is EMBARRASSING folks!!!!!

I was thinking from a conference perspective, but yeah hard to argue with your post.
There's not much Barta can do at this point. He made his bed when he locked in Ferentz to that ridiculous contract. Firing Ferentz right now and losing all that buyout money would almost for sure cost Barta his job as well. The only thing Barta can do right now is pray to Tom Cruise that Ferentz has a good year next year otherwise all hell will break loose.
Jeez. KF runs the show. What I got out of it: Its KFs show, he can do whatever he wants. I wont do anything, its all up to him.
That is weak. You are his boss, act like it.

I believe iowa can and should compete for national championships. We have some great attributes that should sell kids. Great fans, Great facilities, great stadium, weak media that will idolize you. Shoot, the downtown life is excellent as well. The only negative is it gets cold.

When football goes to an 8 team playoff, there is no reason Iowa cant play for a national title. We just cant lose to Iowa State. Killed us in 2002. And will continue to kill us.

Im for the firing of Barta. He is terrible.
Wow. "Hey, we led against ISU!!! We could have beaten them!"

Seriously...Barta. That was bad.

He's really selling the next year crowd isn't he? We were leading in those games! Remember! We had a chance to win them! Come back next year and find out. Oh wait we have been losing close games for the last how many years.... I'm surprised he didn't slip a "that's football" comment.
He's really selling the next year crowd isn't he? We were leading in those games! Remember! We had a chance to win them! Come back next year and find out. Oh wait we have been losing close games for the last how many years.... I'm surprised he didn't slip a "that's football" comment.

He basically made the "FIRE EVERYTHING" crowd's argument for them: the expectations the AD has for Iowa the football program is comparable to the expectations in Ames, Iowa.

That's bad...
welp. That pretty much seals the deal for me.
F you Iowa. I'm heading Ames way myself as they've always been my "little piece on the side". Can't wait to watch my clones stomp on this dumptster fire of an athletic progam on 12/12 in bball and again on the football field in 2015 (cause that is a definate now).
Hope all the worst for ya suckeyes (except the players)
Jeez. KF runs the show. What I got out of it: Its KFs show, he can do whatever he wants. I wont do anything, its all up to him.
That is weak. You are his boss, act like it.

I believe iowa can and should compete for national championships. We have some great attributes that should sell kids. Great fans, Great facilities, great stadium, weak media that will idolize you. Shoot, the downtown life is excellent as well. The only negative is it gets cold.

When football goes to an 8 team playoff, there is no reason Iowa cant play for a national title. We just cant lose to Iowa State. Killed us in 2002. And will continue to kill us.

Im for the firing of Barta. He is terrible.

Barta sounds so powerless. He doesn’t know what Kirk is going to do with his assistants? Are you... kidding me? He doesn’t micromanage. Well that’s nice. Sounds like a great leader of the program.
From article:

Gary Barta quote:

"I believe in him because I know he can do it," Barta said. "The money is not what I'm basing my decision on. If he was making half of what he's making, or he was making two times what he's making, I would be going through the exact same process. I'm trying to evaluate where we're at, and then trying to decide if the foundation is strong enough to go forward with the current coach. And I absolutely believe that it is."

Using Gary Barta's logic and his statement, he would pay the head football coach at Iowa $7.5 million per season for a 34-29 overall and 19-21 conference record and this also constitutes a foundation that is strong enough to go forward with the current coach. Wow.

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