Barta "without question.....

With all the clamor on this thread to fire KF and GB, and all of the criticism of Barta and his failure to hold K's feet to the many times have you heard AD's come out in support of a head coach, followed by that same coach being sent down the road? I read it this way: if KF does not produce in 2015, meaning that he would need to win at least 8 or 9 regular season games, he will quietly retire with Barta's blessing. If you do not think GB has, or will have a very serious conversation about expectations for substantial improvement in 2015, I really think you are being naive. Just my opinion...but it is based on reading between the lines as well as on a lot of years of experience viewing D 1 sports.
I won't analyze the content of Barta's message as it's just predictible blah blah. What I found disturbing was the first sentence where he refers to himself as Gary rather than I and adds others in there too. That's strange and suggests he's somewhat removed from the issues he's been tasked to deal with or he's bipolar. Others?? Are they the unidentified masters of the little Gary puppet?

Barta said. "That being said, Gary, Kirk and others surrounding the program have very high expectations for Iowa football."
There should never be 'maybes' in your expectations. Bring in Gable immediately. His first order of business would be to remove KF from the offensive meeting room and personnel decisions.
Again. What did you all expect? Did you think Barta was going to get rid of him. It's going to end up with a 1 year extension before all is said and done, just wait.

This is total BS! If we are ONLY giving him an extension and not throwing in a raise, how will we keep him when the NFL comes calling!!
what are you expecting from Iowa? National titles? It isn't going to happen. You sound like the crazy Nebraska fans living in the 80's...College football is different now. Players want to play in the SEC and Pac 12 now. The B1G is not the power it used to be. Nebraksa just hired a coach that will keep them at the same level or regress....Who is going to come to Iowa City and win national titles every year?
I think most of us would settle for ONE and after 16 seasons with Careful's plain that ain't going to happen!
Gary Barta is a yes man and an empty suit. He's pose-smile-and say all the right things guy. Until Sally Mason realizes this, he'll remain as comfortable as Kirk Ferentz.
This one kills me... we could have won guys!!! Yipppee!!! He is right though, we have the talent to win them but don't... which comes back to coaching. The way I read the rest of the article is it is KF job to decide whether he wants to make staff changes. Barta should step in and insist on some (greg davis) but won't???

How would you sell that to people? Between now and September, how do you keep those people who are on the fence?

Barta: We didn’t meet expectations. That said, you mentioned Nebraska being indicative of the season. Well, Nebraska, we had the lead and we lost it, but we had the lead. I go back to Maryland. I look at Iowa State. I look at those games that we could have won, and we didn’t win them. But we could have won them. We had the talent to win them.
I believe that the talent coming back will have the ability to win those games. We have to close. We have to not let leads get away, and I believe we can do that. We have a pair of returning quarterbacks that are very talented. We have running backs that are talented returning. We have other positions all the way through, our linebackers were young this year. That’s not an excuse, but they’ll have more experience. We’ll have a defense that returns a lot of starters.
The reason that I’m going to be optimistic is that Kirk’s leadership has shown he can rebound to bring a team back to win. I know that the fundamentals will be there. I know the environment will be there. The foundation is still strong. We have a lot of returning starters. And the schedule, like this year, the schedule sets up that there are games we can win. We just have to get over the hump, whatever that means. We have to play consistently better.
I look at the Wisconsin game and the Northwestern game, we played terrific football. Even though we didn’t beat Wisconsin we played some very good football. We played at times good football against some other teams. We have to do it more consistently. But I think we can correct the consistency, reduce the turnovers, play better on special teams, et cetera, et cetera.

I got so mad reading that, it was all I could do to not give you a thumbs down for it.
If we take Barta at his word, this is actually an encouraging interview because he is setting the expectations higher than what KF has delivered and that is the first step to addressing the malaise in Iowa's football program. If KF cannot meet the expectations, then the contract that seemingly precludes any corrective action on Barta's part now is subject to review and/or re-negotiation. So this is a good sign that Barta is not resigned to tolerating mediocre results over the next 6 years.

Now, to address KF's willingness to make the necessary changes, I am not so confident about the intended results. I do think he will try to make some changes but my view is that KF does not adapt to change well. Thus, even if he makes the appropriate changes, I do not expect any such changes to be executed successfully, certainly not in the first year. So I would conclude that if Iowa repeats its 2014 performance in 2015, KF will be staring at a re-negotiation of his contract after the 2015 season. Bottom line, I don't believe Barta is willing to go down with Captain Kirk if the ship continues to sink - I think Barta would like to keep his job more than he wants to grant KF a free pass.
Barta is a liar. He tells a bald face lie right in that interview. So we can't take him at his word.
This thread represents a new low on Hawkeyenation. A bunch of hyperbole and name calling...geez, what a bore. Go over to iowa.247sports to read some actual discussion on the topic. You all screamed for a response from Barta and you got it. But, since you didn't get KF fired and GB's resignation you continue to whine.
This thread represents a new low on Hawkeyenation. A bunch of hyperbole and name calling...geez, what a bore. Go over to iowa.247sports to read some actual discussion on the topic. You all screamed for a response from Barta and you got it. But, since you didn't get KF fired and GB's resignation you continue to whine.

I think you are missing the point of all the angst. The point is that Barta just reinforced why he shouldn't be the AD and reminded us of how plain ignorant to allow the type of buyout kfootball has.

If you can enlighten us with some actual discussion points, from iowa.247sports, please do.
This thread represents a new low on Hawkeyenation. A bunch of hyperbole and name calling...geez, what a bore. Go over to iowa.247sports to read some actual discussion on the topic. You all screamed for a response from Barta and you got it. But, since you didn't get KF fired and GB's resignation you continue to whine.
.....then why did you come back?
"I think if we’d won those three games, Nebraska, Maryland, Iowa State, are you and I even having this conversation? I don’t think so."

I think this is the quote that bothers me the most. If we had lost to Ball State and Pitt I bet it would still be the same conversation rather then a different one.
KF and Barta are going to luck in to a game against Tennessee and avoid a 50 point pasting out West to a PAC 12 Team.....then all will be forgiven by the idiots with blind faith and new found want for "Their boys" in 2015.
Dear Gary,

The BIG $ boosters here at Iowa expect certain things. First, we want a clean program...beyond that WIN SOME GD games! For God's sakes beat ISU once in awhile...they are one of the worst D1 programs in the country and if Kirk can't get them up to beat these bozos then we'll be down there to kick Kirk's BUTT into shape. Win games or be gone...we have no more patience for your spineless jelly-like leadership of the athletic dept.

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