Auburn Football Tragedy

So the NRA is the problem here?... give me an effing break. I'm sure the guns these thugs used were legally owned and permitted, right?

The only thing stricter gun laws would do in ensure that these guys have guns and law abiding citizens don't.
I'm waiting for some kind of statement from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or any other "black leader" that has the balls to call out the glorification of ghetto/thug/rap culture as the root problem.

Don't hold your breath. We don't dare speak that truth...lest we be branded racists.

3 young men dead is tragic. The ongoing enablement of the subculture related to their deaths, a conspiracy of silence if you will, is unforgivable.
So anytime a black male is shot, the cause is "ghetto/thug/rap music"?

Conversely, i suppose every time a white person is shot it's because we watch too many westerns?

Your arrogance and simple-mindedness are noteworthy, even on the internet.
So anytime a black male is shot, the cause is "ghetto/thug/rap music"?

Conversely, i suppose every time a white person is shot it's because we watch too many westerns?

Your arrogance and simple-mindedness are noteworthy, even on the internet.

Do you grasp the hypocritical irony in your comments? You narrowly over-simplified my comments in exactly the way you claim I was doing.

ANY time? no. But unless you've been on another planet for the last 10-20 years, you can't deny the pattern of violence among young black men and it's striking similarity to the aforementioned pop-culture phenom. And it's only getting worse.

I'll repeat the most important point of my previous post. When are older black men, role models, athletes, actors, leaders going to speak out against this kind of crap... and make an effort to change the attitudes within their own community. Cosby tried and he was crucified for it...and so it continues.

You let me know when white kids start hanging around in cowboy outfits and having draw-downs in the town square...then your pizz poor analogy might have some validity.
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I simplified nothing in your argument. It was simple to begin with. You know next to nothing about what happened, and pretend you have the "root cause" already. It's an incredibly sweeping generalization of yours.

And the analogy was apt. Children growing up playing cowboys and indians is pretty much exactly the same phenomenon you're referring to.

It's also clear you aren't well-versed in crime statistics over the last few decades. I'll give you a hint; they don't support your theory. Violent crime rates have fallen considerably since the beginning of "gangsta rap". That's a pretty big hurdle for you to overcome to make your point seem valid, don't you think?
I agree. People get banned for repeating someone's name or speculating about fairly substantiated rumors, but somehow this thread isn't a problem?
If you take the racist element out of drummer's argument, he actually raises some important issues. These issues however, do not belong in a thread about this tragedy.
Banning and deletion seems a bit much......but this thread has spun out of control. African-American subculture, gun rights, Obama's birth certificate all need to be in the controversial/political forum fill free to start a thread there with this stuff.
Especially for hawkdrummer1 and atlhawkeye...

I have been on this planet for 66 years. I have kids who have been on this planet for a total of 127 years. I have grandchildren who have totaled 85 years. I have numerous friends, acquaintenances, people with whom I have business relationships, who have been on this planet for years too numerous to count. No one I know has EVER been threatened with a firearm. I guess I will go with the percentages. People who support idiocy like "stand your ground" will get no sympathy from me. I have heard the old, boring, useless argument about "guns don't kill people..." etc. BS. Guns DO kill people...mostly in the US. I am not in favor of banning firearms; but, the lack of realistic controls and gun laws in this country is astounding. Even more astounding is the attitude of those who say, "Well, I felt threatened,so I shot him."
Well, I take that back: People who argue that the constitution guarantees the "right to bear arms" is equally:mad: astounding.

BTW: I have not killed anyone because my shotguns stay locked up, well away from my grandchildren and because during my long lifetime in a variety of places in this country I have never been threatened to the point that I would "stand my ground."

Now, answer my question: Why does the US have the highest number of gun related deaths of any civilized country on the planet?
Especially for hawkdrummer1 and atlhawkeye...

I have been on this planet for 66 years. I have kids who have been on this planet for a total of 127 years. I have grandchildren who have totaled 85 years. I have numerous friends, acquaintenances, people with whom I have business relationships, who have been on this planet for years too numerous to count. No one I know has EVER been threatened with a firearm. I guess I will go with the percentages. People who support idiocy like "stand your ground" will get no sympathy from me. I have heard the old, boring, useless argument about "guns don't kill people..." etc. BS. Guns DO kill people...mostly in the US. I am not in favor of banning firearms; but, the lack of realistic controls and gun laws in this country is astounding. Even more astounding is the attitude of those who say, "Well, I felt threatened,so I shot him."
Well, I take that back: People who argue that the constitution guarantees the "right to bear arms" is equally:mad: astounding.

BTW: I have not killed anyone because my shotguns stay locked up, well away from my grandchildren and because during my long lifetime in a variety of places in this country I have never been threatened to the point that I would "stand my ground."

Now, answer my question: Why does the US have the highest number of gun related deaths of any civilized country on the planet?

The answer to that question is a complicated one that I could and many others surely have written theses on.
Do you grasp the hypocritical irony in your comments? You narrowly over-simplified my comments in exactly the way you claim I was doing.

ANY time? no. But unless you've been on another planet for the last 10-20 years, you can't deny the pattern of violence among young black men and it's striking similarity to the aforementioned pop-culture phenom. And it's only getting worse.

I'll repeat the most important point of my previous post. When are older black men, role models, athletes, actors, leaders going to speak out against this kind of crap... and make an effort to change the attitudes within their own community. Cosby tried and he was crucified for it...and so it continues.

You let me know when white kids start hanging around in cowboy outfits and having draw-downs in the town square...then your pizz poor analogy might have some validity.

I would argue that the "Pop-culture" you are referencing has changed dramatically. Honestly, now it is all about guys getting with a lot of women and trying to sound like they're on top of the world. Often referencing smoking weed. Even females are open about looking for men who can please them.

Basically is about promiscuity and smoking weed. The popular stuff anyway. The underground gangsta rap may still exist, but is not really a part of popular culture.. I do think in some part that glorification of this lifestyle has caused a lot of people to try an be about that life.

Donald Glover, writer for 30 rock, black guy from Community, is also a rapper, and he talks alot about what you're saying and trying to reach the black youth. You should listen to his music, he came to Iowa city this past April and he was great in concert.
Doclee, everybody is right that this stuff doesn't belong in this thread. It's about the true tragedy at Auburn and the young men that needlessly lost their lives. However, I will say that I am happy you have been fortunate in your 66 years... my experience hasn't been the same.