Auburn Football Tragedy

Bad behavior is not a race or gender or ethnicity. It's just bad behavior. And giving someone or some group a free pass because of their race, is no better than being harder on a group because of their race. One could argue it's actually more harmful as it serves as enablement. I had the gall to suggest that the epidemic of deaths among young black men is such an example, so of course I'm a KKK member. (Never mind the fact that I've had plenty of other parents I know tell me just that)

Equality is more than just equal rights and priveleges. It means you're also equally responsible for your actions and available for criticism like anyone else. That part is often left out.

But it's easier to play the race card, either as a means to silence fair criticism or as protection for those too cowardly to say what needs to be said.
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If you had stopped after your second sentence, you'd be right on.

Do you believe that black men are genetically predisposed to shooting one another? I sure hope not.

So what causes it? Certainly not poverty - plenty of poor white people. Certainly not music - for years by far the largest consumers of what could be called gansta rap have been white teens and my guess is go to any shopping mall in middle America and you'll see evidence of just that.

Perhaps a stunning lack of resources in public schools? Perhaps a stunning number of single parents households? Perhaps a huge incarceration percentage amongst the male population? Look, there is real culpability in all of the above but working on what should be an accepted fact that that the black population isn't predisposed to shooting each other, there are very real environmental factors at play, and blaming the music (as many have done here) is the easy way out and frankly moronic.
Interesting statistics

(2011 - race & prison - imprisonment for marijuana offenses) "Compared to Non-blacks, California’s African-American population are 4 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana, 12 times more likely to be imprisoned for a marijuana felony arrest, and 3 times more likely to be imprisoned per marijuana possession arrest. Overall, as Figure 3 illustrates, these disparities accumulate to 10 times’ greater odds of an African-American being imprisoned for marijuana than other racial/ethnic groups."

Source: Males, Mike, "Misdemeanor marijuana arrests are skyrocketing and other California marijuana enforcement disparities," Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (San Francisco, CA: November 2011), p. 6.

"The racial disparities in the rates of drug arrests culminate in dramatic racial disproportions among incarcerated drug offenders. At least two-thirds of drug arrests result in a criminal conviction.18 Many convicted drug offenders are sentenced to incarceration: an estimated 67 percent of convicted felony drug defendants are sentenced to jail or prison.19 The likelihood of incarceration increases if the defendant has a prior conviction.20 Since blacks are more likely to be arrested than whites on drug charges, they are more likely to acquire the convictions that ultimately lead to higher rates of incarceration. Although the data in this backgrounder indicate that blacks represent about one-third of drug arrests, they constitute 46 percent of persons convicted of drug felonies in state courts.21 Among black defendants convicted of drug offenses, 71 percent received sentences to incarceration in contrast to 63 percent of convicted white drug offenders.22 Human Rights Watch’s analysis of prison admission data for 2003 revealed that relative to population, blacks are 10.1 times more likely than whites to be sent to prison for drug offenses.23"

Race and Prison | Drug War Facts