Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

I moved to Scottsdale and you are right on the money. Everyone here is very friendly and people in the Sedona, Prescott, and Flagstaff areas are awesome. It's funny though because you rarely meet someone in those places that is actually born and raised there.

The people here who are actually from here tend to be more on the rude side. For some reason they hate anyone who isn't originally from the area. But even those people think Tuscon is a crappy place.

I stayed in Scottsdale and played golf. Enjoyed my time there.
Stay classy Arizona....stay classy. wow.

I've seen things at Kinnick but it usually involves some very intoxicated people.
Is Tucson in Maricopa county, it would be nice to see those people wearing the pink jumpsuits picking up roadside trash.

Pima County. Just returned from there.

Some of the Arizona fans were d-bags to us, but it wasn't horrible.
"Overall, however, there did seem to be a lot of creepy aggressiveness in response any shows of Iowa support. It seemed to me like a lot of AZ folks took personal offense to the amount of Iowa supporters in attendance."

This is the whole "native" vs snowbird or outsiders thing I talked about in another thread. I got a lot of hostility from people when I lived in Phoenix when I said I was from Iowa and a Hawkeyes fan. I went to the 04' ASU game and was constantly berated by opposing fans before during and after the game. They seem to be generally upset about people from the midwest coming into their state. They want us to come and live there spend money but leave behind all ties. They don't want to hear about where you are from or bother to make a distinction between Iowa, Ohio and Idaho. "So you like the Buckeyes right?" was a common thing I heard down there. Become a Arizonan or else. This and few other reasons are why I made the move back to Iowa.

When my wife and I were walking to the stadium, there was a chick saying "go home A$$holes"!!! Mostly, I found the Az fans to be passive-aggressive, versus aggressive.

I was told no less than four time on Friday night to NOT go to fourth street in my Iowa hat "if I knew what was good for me." wtf? I was instantly turned off by that attitude.

They seemed genuinely offended that we were in their stadium. They told Iowa fans to sit down. One went and got a security guard for some reason and pointed out an Iowa fan. The security guard was unimpressed with this jorts wearing whiner, and promptly left.

I didn't see any violence, but there were a lot of "fxxx Iowa" chants after the game, etc.

I was bummed that Iowa played so poorly, but it was even more of a bummer to have such douchy hosts. That stadium sucks, too. The upper deck provides a stunning view of the mountains, but little else.

If Iowa fans treat visitors that way, shame on them, because it's a freakin' game.

On a side note, hiking the Catalinas was very cool.
We treat visitors better than most schools. Is it common for the hosting school to play the visiting school's fight song? We do that. The worst thing you can say about us is we have pink locker rooms.
To the people who went to the game..did you have any trouble with the vendors that were selling stuff, like popcorn or water. We were in the first row behind the Hawkeye bench and a couple of guys beside us (Iowa fans) had a run in with one of them. This was at half time, so this kid selling popcorn started talking a little trash. Well the Iowa fan didn't like it too much and said **** Off! Whoa, that started a whole ***** fest back and forth, this kid was a thug wanna be (vendor), wearing the hat to the side, with shorts that coulda been pants. He said to the Iowa fan, "You wanna go outside, we can handle this." The Hawk fan replied get the F outta here. The kid then said, "I got you, I'll be waiting for you outside, and cut you." Totally thru me off, who the hell says that. As I watched him proceed down the sideline, he was getting into it with other Hawk fans, he eventually started throwing gang signs, until security got him outta there. After the game there were Mexican kids hanging out of cars flashing gang sings and yelling "Arizona".

I was on the receiving end of some taunting but not much else. I kind of got the lay of the land right away and except for cheering when the hawks did well, I shut the hell up. I got the feeling that if I were to get chippy with some of these people, I would've been in a fight. They genuinely seemed offended that an opposing team would have fans in THEIR stadium. Maybe the pac ten is just that pathetic, but these folks make UW and OSU fans seem downright wonderful.

I hated the whole night, and it wasn't just the game. It was 100 just prior to kickoff, and the whole night just was a pain in the arse. The Saguaro Arizona natural museum and hiking the Catalinas really made up for it, though.

I have never been so unimpressed with a group of fans. I was actually surprised.

Yep, that's a pretty sweet gig going on down there.
Those are some very ugly and disgusting human beings. I'm glad we don't have "fans" like that in Iowa City!!
I was unimpressed with the Arizona fans. I would liken it to an NFL game. I had a group of 4 come up to me before the game and one of them screamed in my face that I was from Iowa so I was inbred.

We had planned to go out after the game, but after surveying the scene beforehand decided that was definitely not going to be in the cards. I expect some ribbing when going to an away game, but there was an element there that was downright hostile. I, honestly, couldn't get out of there quick enough. It definitely ranks amongst my lowest of experiences at a college venue.....and I was at 44-7.
I was unimpressed with the Arizona fans. I would liken it to an NFL game. I had a group of 4 come up to me before the game and one of them screamed in my face that I was from Iowa so I was inbred.

We had planned to go out after the game, but after surveying the scene beforehand decided that was definitely not going to be in the cards. I expect some ribbing when going to an away game, but there was an element there that was downright hostile. I, honestly, couldn't get out of there quick enough. It definitely ranks amongst my lowest of experiences at a college venue.....and I was at 44-7.

I felt the exact same way. When I had people tell me to go home a hole as soon as I got out of my car, I knew the whole experience would be a blast. The level of just blatant hostility was surprising to me. My friends (Arizona grads and hosts) suggested that I not go out in "that hat." I just pretty much kept my cool the whole night. I cheered, and then got the hell out of there. Not good. I've been to many, many Iowa road games. This one was the worst.
Went to Tuscon Tuesday through Sunday. Met a lot of nice people, rented couple of Harleys and guys at HD were great to BS with. People around Embassy Suites were great. After the Hut party Friday, had a lot of fun in Hippie Village, but did take some ribbing which I expected. Come Saturday, the idiots started coming out. Soon as we parked, FU Hawks, and it kept coming every so often. Had a knucklehead UA fan behind us, but he didn't compare to the trash on the video. After the game, lots of taunts and rude comments. Not just students either, but older fans as well. Wanted to tell them to act like they had won a game before, but decided to just be quiet. As we walked back to car, many random screams from cars directed at Hawk fans. Overall, seemed like a larger than expected amounts of UA fans didn't know a lot about football. Who knows, if I lived in that desolate looking hell hole, I might be a little testy too!
It was no better no worse than any game on the road. You get hassled by some drunk a***holes but in general you run into decent people. It was a big win for them and they were a little full of themselves.

The lesson is do not be the a**hole when opposing fan take the time and trouble to travel to Kinnick. Be respectful and treat them like you would a guest at your home
It was no better no worse than any game on the road. You get hassled by some drunk a***holes but in general you run into decent people. It was a big win for them and they were a little full of themselves.

The lesson is do not be the a**hole when opposing fan take the time and trouble to travel to Kinnick. Be respectful and treat them like you would a guest at your home

I completely disagree. I have been to a few different road venues, including Iowa St many times, and I have never seen or heard these kinds of horror stories. Nothing this extreme, and this much. I have spoken to at least 5 different people that went to the game, and most of them have similar stories. What a joke.
Happened to Oregon last year when we beat them in Zona.

'Zona Fans Throw Bottles, U of O Cheerleader Hit in Head | KEZI

Fans were throwing things at our players and cheerleaders after the game. Knocked one of our cheerleaders unconscious.

I did find this kind of funny of the Arizona coaches. lol

I was at ASU and it was bad... but not this bad. I passed on a ticket to go to this game with a large group of "transplant" Iowa grads- glad I did. Not sure how I would have reacted. One thing is for sure... I hate this loss even more now.

On to Ball State.
I was also at the game in section 209 and was treated in the same manner by rude arizona fans. Its one thing to cheer for your team but its obvious that they dont know how to do it in a fun and tastefull manner. I live in arizona and to say the least if Iowa ever plays the U of A again i will not be in attendance as it was not a fun atmoshphere to be a part of.

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