Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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We have a niece that is an ER nurse at UIHC. She says it is still slow and "they're just waiting for it to get busy."
That's a real story of what's going on. I highly doubt she would lie about this either since she also tells us we need to take this seriously.

I have a friend that works at UIHC. Their stories conflict, in the fact that "slow" has not been a word used to describe the current state of things at the hospital. That said my friend also said that they aren't anticipating their peak until May which could also explain the "slow" your niece was referring to.
No. You didn't say he was lying. You anonymously told about someone, who may or may not be real, to counter a story I told of a real person with a name, to downplay what some healthcare workers are facing. Just like posting, ad nauseam, Tik Tok videos of nurses as evidence that Covid is a hoax not because you're trying to show they are tone deaf. Don't be disingenuous. Your charge on this thread is crystal clear. Just own it.

There certainly are aspects of what's going on with the pandemic that should be questioned. Downplaying the role of front line workers in health care is weak and lame.

Can we get some tik toks of grocery store workers dancing? How about restaurant workers? Let's make fun of them, too.
I assure you, she is real.

If you choose to believe the lack of evidence showing these overwhelmed hospitals and ignore all the evidence to the contrary, that's your choice. If you truly believe this is as deadly as we're told, I would think you would be infuriated by the Tik Tok nurses making light of the situation. Some of those dances obviously took a lot of time to choreograph.

I absolutely question the legitimacy of this plandemic. The evidence as a whole points towards this being a hell of a lot less lethal than we're being told. There's a ton of evidence pointing towards another agenda being played out, but if anyone comments on it, you post a tin foil hat meme. So, don't try to pretend that you're some open minded party. You've made it clear you don't like Trump, so it is no surprise that you wish hydroxychloroquine wasn't a cure for Covid.

Nobody on here has taken more insults during this than I. That's ok though, because it really doesn't matter. Hopefully, we all discover the truth sooner than later.
People bitch all the time about how much Kirk Ferentz makes in a year - he would have to work for 4800 years to equate the gain in net worth that Jeff Bezoz has had in the last month (24 billion net gain) while many of his own employees are struggling to feed their families. Makes sense!

I make a lot more than the guys who work for me and we all work side by side doing equal shares of labor. Reason being I have all the risk and if they didn't want to do it for that price, I could hire someone else tomorrow who would. The jobs those amazon workers do is mindless work. There are a lot of unintelligent and/or lazy people who need a job like that where they show up, do just enough to earn a paycheck, then go home.

I googled how many employees thet have. It said 750,000. If you give all of them 1 dollar an hour more, it costs you 30 mil per week. Do you think if he paid his employees an extra dollar per hour everyone would think he was a good guy? I doubt it. How much more per hour would you guess he would have to pay his employees in order for people to quit ripping on him for underpaying them, considering how much he makes? If he pays them all 5 more per hour, he's throwing 150 mil per week in the garbage and people would still think he was underpaying. The guy changed how the world is run and employs 3/4 of a million people. I'd say he deserves a shit ton of money.
No comments yet about May Oil futures.

It's a long much of something not needed. June contracts will be more telling.

Some hedge funds banking on an agreements will get blown up. This alone might not cause a bank freeze up like 08 but we have enough other crap. TK needs to stop posting and go for a drive for the economy and our sanity.

This is something between a black swan and a calamity. How many black swans can we take. Could be the sign of a deflationary cycle depression or throwing of all things...gas on the fire if they overdue things..... Back to the 80s on steroids
I assure you, she is real.

If you choose to believe the lack of evidence showing these overwhelmed hospitals and ignore all the evidence to the contrary, that's your choice. If you truly believe this is as deadly as we're told, I would think you would be infuriated by the Tik Tok nurses making light of the situation. Some of those dances obviously took a lot of time to choreograph.

I absolutely question the legitimacy of this plandemic. The evidence as a whole points towards this being a hell of a lot less lethal than we're being told. There's a ton of evidence pointing towards another agenda being played out, but if anyone comments on it, you post a tin foil hat meme. So, don't try to pretend that you're some open minded party. You've made it clear you don't like Trump, so it is no surprise that you wish hydroxychloroquine wasn't a cure for Covid.

Nobody on here has taken more insults during this than I. That's ok though, because it really doesn't matter. Hopefully, we all discover the truth sooner than later.
Since you are posting thoughts now, can I ask you your opinion on how much, if any, social distancing slows down the spread? Do you think we would have a small percentage more deaths by doing nothing? Twice as many? No more at all? Hopefully you give me your opinion on this. Then I will give you mine.
I make a lot more than the guys who work for me and we all work side by side doing equal shares of labor. Reason being I have all the risk and if they didn't want to do it for that price, I could hire someone else tomorrow who would. The jobs those amazon workers do is mindless work. There are a lot of unintelligent and/or lazy people who need a job like that where they show up, do just enough to earn a paycheck, then go home.

I googled how many employees thet have. It said 750,000. If you give all of them 1 dollar an hour more, it costs you 30 mil per week. Do you think if he paid his employees an extra dollar per hour everyone would think he was a good guy? I doubt it. How much more per hour would you guess he would have to pay his employees in order for people to quit ripping on him for underpaying them, considering how much he makes? If he pays them all 5 more per hour, he's throwing 150 mil per week in the garbage and people would still think he was underpaying. The guy changed how the world is run and employs 3/4 of a million people. I'd say he deserves a shit ton of money.
Of course the person assuming a risk should make a lot more than those who don't, I agree with that. What I don't agree with is shit like this:

Nothing like hoarding insane amounts of scare resources he could never possibly use while many people that create that wealth for him are left struggling day to day. He doesn't have to increase pay for everyone. I'd suggest some simple safety nets. My bank is paying a 75% wage (can be supplemented with PTO) for those with kids who can't find a caregiver, those with the virus, or those caring for family members that have it. You saying he couldn't afford to do that, how would he survive if he only had $100 billion? At least they changed the policy after getting a ton of back lash. The richest companies should be the best to work for - they shouldn't be the richest because they exploit their workers.
I assure you, she is real.

If you choose to believe the lack of evidence showing these overwhelmed hospitals and ignore all the evidence to the contrary, that's your choice. If you truly believe this is as deadly as we're told, I would think you would be infuriated by the Tik Tok nurses making light of the situation. Some of those dances obviously took a lot of time to choreograph.

I absolutely question the legitimacy of this plandemic. The evidence as a whole points towards this being a hell of a lot less lethal than we're being told. There's a ton of evidence pointing towards another agenda being played out, but if anyone comments on it, you post a tin foil hat meme. So, don't try to pretend that you're some open minded party. You've made it clear you don't like Trump, so it is no surprise that you wish hydroxychloroquine wasn't a cure for Covid.

Nobody on here has taken more insults during this than I. That's ok though, because it really doesn't matter. Hopefully, we all discover the truth sooner than later.

Let's talk about what we actually know.

About 40,000 people have died already in the US. According to, Iowa will peak in 18 days, which is 2.5 weeks away. It's maybe a little premature to talk about whether hospitals are okay or not. It totally depends on your location. My hospital (employer) is fine, but we aren't in NY, Iowa,
or Florida. I'm in Colorado.

I personally would love for hydroxychloroquine to be a cure for Covid, but I'm also not in the position to mislead a whole country about it like POTUS is...

Speaking of which, 45 has either outright lied or mislead the public in many ways:
1. On Feb 29 he said "we would have zero cases in two weeks." We now have nearly 40k deaths. That's about as wrong as you can get. Do you agree?
2. An untested drug "a game changer." That's hopeful maybe, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but certainly misleading. Do you agree?
3. "We will be open by Easter." Again, misleading, false...just plain wrong. Do you agree?

You reference an agenda being played out, and I agree. I know that many people are suffering through joblessness, and organizations are suffering. It's terrible and there will be huge consequences.

I just long for a discussion with people that was even a tiny bit reasonable. Closing the country will cause a lot of economic harm. Social distancing has also likely helped a great deal to decrease deaths.

They can both be true, can't they? We're seeing that social distancing may have flattened the curve, and decreased deaths, yet many are making the argument that the outbreak wasn't so bad.

If we social distance and end up with 70-100k dead, isn't that better than 300k dead?
Since you are posting thoughts now, can I ask you your opinion on how much, if any, social distancing slows down the spread? Do you think we would have a small percentage more deaths by doing nothing? Twice as many? No more at all? Hopefully you give me your opinion on this. Then I will give you mine.
I've already addressed this in regards to Sweden. They are a perfect example of how all the doomsday predictions were absurd. The thing is that people really aren't social distancing that much here. Some stores are laying down tape and other things, but people are pretty much ignoring them when in the store. There are also the medical experts out there claiming that people have to be in close contact for an extended period of time for it to actually be spread. It's tough to know what to believe, but history shows that people really shouldn't delve into fear porn. It's my firm belief that probably close to 100 times more people will eventually die due to financial hardships from this event. People are very nearsighted in this regard.
Let's talk about what we actually know.

About 40,000 people have died already in the US. According to, Iowa will peak in 18 days, which is 2.5 weeks away. It's maybe a little premature to talk about whether hospitals are okay or not. It totally depends on your location. My hospital (employer) is fine, but we aren't in NY, Iowa,
or Florida. I'm in Colorado.

I personally would love for hydroxychloroquine to be a cure for Covid, but I'm also not in the position to mislead a whole country about it like POTUS is...

Speaking of which, 45 has either outright lied or mislead the public in many ways:
1. On Feb 29 he said "we would have zero cases in two weeks." We now have nearly 40k deaths. That's about as wrong as you can get. Do you agree?
2. An untested drug "a game changer." That's hopeful maybe, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but certainly misleading. Do you agree?
3. "We will be open by Easter." Again, misleading, false...just plain wrong. Do you agree?

You reference an agenda being played out, and I agree. I know that many people are suffering through joblessness, and organizations are suffering. It's terrible and there will be huge consequences.

I just long for a discussion with people that was even a tiny bit reasonable. Closing the country will cause a lot of economic harm. Social distancing has also likely helped a great deal to decrease deaths.

They can both be true, can't they? We're seeing that social distancing may have flattened the curve, and decreased deaths, yet many are making the argument that the outbreak wasn't so bad.

If we social distance and end up with 70-100k dead, isn't that better than 300k dead?
That's the problem. The data don't show the 300k dead. These predictions are based on models that have consistently been shown to be faulty. At some point, you might want to question the so called experts.
I assure you, she is real.

If you choose to believe the lack of evidence showing these overwhelmed hospitals and ignore all the evidence to the contrary, that's your choice. If you truly believe this is as deadly as we're told, I would think you would be infuriated by the Tik Tok nurses making light of the situation. Some of those dances obviously took a lot of time to choreograph.

I absolutely question the legitimacy of this plandemic. The evidence as a whole points towards this being a hell of a lot less lethal than we're being told. There's a ton of evidence pointing towards another agenda being played out, but if anyone comments on it, you post a tin foil hat meme. So, don't try to pretend that you're some open minded party. You've made it clear you don't like Trump, so it is no surprise that you wish hydroxychloroquine wasn't a cure for Covid.

Nobody on here has taken more insults during this than I. That's ok though, because it really doesn't matter. Hopefully, we all discover the truth sooner than later.

I’ve watched you call other posters names on here what seems like daily. I’ve seen others try to civilly discuss things with you and you act like a child. You’re certainly not the only culprit but you trying to play the victim on here is laughable.

And don’t worry about me. I’m taking care of me and my family the way I choose. I think trying to not club people over the head with your points and ideas on this topic, maybe we could have more productive dialogue. 1960 and others believe what you believe, to a large extent, but are open to having a mature discussion. You, not so much.

You’ve made sure since this thread started that it would be largely adversarial and seem to take pleasure in it. You’ve played a large role in setting the tone here and I would guess you have more posts in this thread than anyone else. You’re not changing anyone’s mind, as I wrote early on here. And you’ve been so over the top that you’ve become the boy that cried wolf. People are blocking you or, in the least, just tuning you out.
Let's talk about what we actually know.

About 40,000 people have died already in the US. According to, Iowa will peak in 18 days, which is 2.5 weeks away. It's maybe a little premature to talk about whether hospitals are okay or not. It totally depends on your location. My hospital (employer) is fine, but we aren't in NY, Iowa,
or Florida. I'm in Colorado.

I personally would love for hydroxychloroquine to be a cure for Covid, but I'm also not in the position to mislead a whole country about it like POTUS is...

Speaking of which, 45 has either outright lied or mislead the public in many ways:
1. On Feb 29 he said "we would have zero cases in two weeks." We now have nearly 40k deaths. That's about as wrong as you can get. Do you agree?
2. An untested drug "a game changer." That's hopeful maybe, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but certainly misleading. Do you agree?
3. "We will be open by Easter." Again, misleading, false...just plain wrong. Do you agree?

You reference an agenda being played out, and I agree. I know that many people are suffering through joblessness, and organizations are suffering. It's terrible and there will be huge consequences.

I just long for a discussion with people that was even a tiny bit reasonable. Closing the country will cause a lot of economic harm. Social distancing has also likely helped a great deal to decrease deaths.

They can both be true, can't they? We're seeing that social distancing may have flattened the curve, and decreased deaths, yet many are making the argument that the outbreak wasn't so bad.

If we social distance and end up with 70-100k dead, isn't that better than 300k dead?

I agree with most of what you said. But Trump only said he hoped the country would open up by Easter. It's the media that intentionally reported what Trump said incorrectly to make him look bad. Sort of like he supposedly said "Nazis are good people". No he didn't say that.

That's why I don't trust Trump or the media. They're both corrupt.
Sorry. Brian Finley, a real person, is lying. His pregnant wife isn't working overtime at UIHC and he's not home alone with a three and half year old all the time. An anonymous message board poster said so. Carry on.

An individual who works at UIHC stated to my wife there are currently 35 inpatients for COVID. Take it for what it's worth.
I’ve watched you call other posters names on here what seems like daily. I’ve seen others try to civilly discuss things with you and you act like a child. You’re certainly not the only culprit but you trying to play the victim on here is laughable.

And don’t worry about me. I’m taking care of me and my family the way I choose. I think trying to not club people over the head with your points and ideas on this topic, maybe we could have more productive dialogue. 1960 and others believe what you believe, to a large extent, but are open to having a mature discussion. You, not so much.

You’ve made sure since this thread started that it would be largely adversarial and seem to take pleasure in it. You’ve played a large role in setting the tone here and I would guess you have more posts in this thread than anyone else. You’re not changing anyone’s mind, as I wrote early on here. And you’ve been so over the top that you’ve become the boy that cried wolf. People are blocking you or, in the least, just tuning you out.
Then there's me :)

I'd ignore him but it's funny reading thoughts of people who are wacko, ever read a good scientology blog? The same way people get satisfaction from watching people on youtube do stupid shit and hurt themselves is the kind of satisfaction I get from watching TK on this thread.
I’ve watched you call other posters names on here what seems like daily. I’ve seen others try to civilly discuss things with you and you act like a child. You’re certainly not the only culprit but you trying to play the victim on here is laughable.

And don’t worry about me. I’m taking care of me and my family the way I choose. I think trying to not club people over the head with your points and ideas on this topic, maybe we could have more productive dialogue. 1960 and others believe what you believe, to a large extent, but are open to having a mature discussion. You, not so much.

You’ve made sure since this thread started that it would be largely adversarial and seem to take pleasure in it. You’ve played a large role in setting the tone here and I would guess you have more posts in this thread than anyone else. You’re not changing anyone’s mind, as I wrote early on here. And you’ve been so over the top that you’ve become the boy that cried wolf. People are blocking you or, in the least, just tuning you out.
Omg! People I haven't said anything to have been insulting me. They post that they've "been ignoring my posts because of how stupid I am." You even gave me a tin foil hat gif, and I never called you names. If you don't see the numerous posters insulting my intelligence over and over, you apparently aren't paying attention. I guess we all choose to see what we want to see. I see posters insulting me because I'm on the receiving end. You apparently don't see it because you agree with what they're saying. If someone wants to insult me, I'll return the favor. That's what I've been doing. Different rules for different folks, I guess. I get it, I'm the outsider in this thread. We'll see who history sides with.

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