Outbreak was #8 in the netflix trending top 10 this morning.I'm going to ease my worries. I'm going to rent "Outbreak" and read The Andromeda Strain and The Stand to pass the time that I would normally be watching March Madness unfold.
Outbreak was #8 in the netflix trending top 10 this morning.I'm going to ease my worries. I'm going to rent "Outbreak" and read The Andromeda Strain and The Stand to pass the time that I would normally be watching March Madness unfold.
This. Not worried for me. I am older but healthy, don't think it will knock on my door and barge in. Won't be shaking hands, will limit contact with strangers that might be carriers, imho this will subside soon.Yes, not for me but I have elderly relatives who would not survive if they got it.
All those precautions are not a bad thing. But it's an air born virus. Short of wearing a respirator, none of those will stop coronavirus.
Don't put fingers in eyes and nose and mouth etc
No doubt......Yup. But I have been through worse times.
To the best of my knowledge there are no nursing homes or assisted living facilities or retirement communities on quarantine. But there is restricted visitor access, even for people who visit as part of their job. I had a nurse at one home meet me at the door and take my temperature. Another place restricted my access to the immediate front lobby.I'm 72 so I fall in the category most in risk, but my health is excellent, no chronic diseases. Personally I am not particularly concerned for myself as I am for others in my age group. I have to be careful for others since I live in a senior community and some of my neighbors and even my wife are at a far greater risk. Where I live is a secured building and the management has asked families and friends not to come for visits, we will come to them. All social activities are being put on hold.
I believe by August there will be a flu vaccine ready and the first to receive it will be those most at risk. I just hate the consequences for those whose livelihood depend on providing hospitality and entertainment services. If your not at great risk from getting the virus be diligent but go on with your life.
The quarantine is the real elephant in the room here. And the biggest reason why some posters on this board are calling overreaction. By that logic we should quarantine all strains of flu.Mom was sick with Lyme disease last year so this thing could be bad for her, I personally wouldn't want to be sick, but not afraid of dying. It's the quarentine that worries me and not being able to work or needing care while my kid is sick too. It is serious.
I work in direct patient care in a hospital setting. I've probably already been exposed but because I'm relatively young and healthy I haven't experienced any symptoms. I am going to get it, if I haven't already. I will probably expose patients, obviously many elderly and in poor health. I can't really do anything about it. That is what I worry about.
I’m not personally afraid of getting it, but I am nervous for my parents as they both have pre existing conditions that would probably lead to death should they get it.
My biggest fear, though, are the idiots who are so blasé about it. It’s that attitude that will cause our medical system to get overwhelmed. Patient 31 in South Korea personally caused over 1,500 to get infected. You think we’re in “panic” now? If our medical system gets overwhelmed....Katie bar the door!
How about other people's fingers?
What about vaginavirus? Gotta be careful with your fingers in that area as well. So, I've heard.Haha, well you can go for it if you want. Cant stop passion.
Evidently no one out there has any friends or family members who could loan or pick up toilet paper, bread, milk, if people DID get shut in for 2-4 weeks.No, not particularly worried. I'm just trying to be smart about washing my hands, etc. The usual common sense stuff that we should all be practicing anyway.
Just for a little perspective, I'm in Florida and there is now a little over 100 cases statewide. Out of over 21+ million people. That's a miniscule percentage. Yes I realize it can and probably will spread somewhat, but still. Everyone is blowing this WAY out of proportion compared to what this actually IS, in my opinion.
Not making light of anyone that DOES have it - but it's not quite Stephen King's The Stand we're talking about.
What scares me far more than any virus that's out there is the people. Panic buying, fighting in grocery stores, acting generally like savages.. Imagine if something REALLY happened, like a nuclear war or something really severe.
Just be smart, take the proper common sense precautions, and you'll be ok.