That's not too bad if most of them are 3s.
Yes it is
That's not too bad if most of them are 3s.
Mike was better as a freshman than Bohannon has been so far
I agree, bit it's close. The problem is, Mike was better as a freshman than he was as a senior. Or at least just as good.
I disagree, and maybe when Bohannon puts up a full year of numbers and beats the all time Fr assist record you will come around.
Yes it is
It's only close if you don't consider defense as part of the game
He's getting murdered inside when he goes. He doesn't need to shoot less 3s.
Even PC who is a huge homer just admitted it but now you won't? Geez your hatred towards me must blind you from reality
I never said he needs to shoot less 3s but he needs to shoot less overall which includes inside the arc. I'd rather have Cook, Jok, Pemsl and Baer to shoot more
If I only considered offense, it wouldn't be close. I'm not even sure if JB plays bad defense anymore. But since that's your narrative, I'll go with it.
He's averaging only half a point less than Bohannon on 3 less shots per game
Mike as a freshman had a better offensive rating than Bohannon does now
You don't want to sight shooting percentage there probably huh? Funny how there is always a stat to use.
That doesn't mean he was better at offense. Too many variables go into that stat.
Even PC who is a huge homer just admitted it but now you won't? Geez your hatred towards me must blind you from reality
I don't have to have the same opinion as PC. I think Mike was pretty good in his Fr. year. I think he didn't distribute the ball very well, and that is the #1 job of a PG. I think Jordan gets his teammates into the flow of the game much better than Mike did. He also creates much better spacing for his teammates, and this is why he is nearly doubling Mike's APG as a Fr. Neither could get to the rim, both turned the ball over too much. Jordan is playing better D, and it wasn't like Mike was some shutdown defender as a Fr. (they would specifically bring in Clemmons when they wanted defense).
You just keep banging out the same tired Strawman.....comparing Jordan as a Fr. to Mike as a Sr. Not sure why you think that is valid, but whatever man.
Jordan is playing better D than Mike did as a freshman. Haha. Troll someone else
I meant Jordan is playing better D.
No, I'm having fun trolling the troll, so I'll keep this up. Thing is I don't have to make up an opinion to troll you. I just take away your stupid strawmen, point out your inconsistencies, and make you look pretty stupid. But yeah, facts do troll trolls.
Like what?