Anthony Hubbard to Transfer!

Hoiberg has already contacted him. Rumored to be visiting this weekend......;):eek:

I knew the ISU coaching job and manager at local McDonald's had similar job descriptions.

Anyway, what a waste of time. Just means that Cartwright is gonna have to carry even more of the load than he already has. Non-conf schedule is still super easy. Go Hawks!
I didn't think Iowa basketball could suffer more bad luck than it already has. I was wrong. Will we ever get a break?
He said he wanted to move colser to home. That excuse works when you are 17 not 26! Does he have kids back home? That is the only way I would understand that excuse. Otherwise it is time to grow up and get out on your own. It must be wierd for some people to live in such a horrible place like Iowa City with friendly people and 90 percent of the women are hot. Time to join Jeff Walker and Joey Range in obscurity.
He said he wanted to move colser to home. That excuse works when you are 17 not 26! Does he have kids back home? That is the only way I would understand that excuse. Otherwise it is time to grow up and get out on your own. It must be wierd for some people to live in such a horrible place like Iowa City with friendly people and 90 percent of the women are hot. Time to join Jeff Walker and Joey Range in obscurity.

Either your standards are really low, or you live in a different Iowa City than I did.
Unreal. Iowa opened their arms to him and this is how he repays him?

I lost a lot of respect for Hubbard today. A lot.
Either your standards are really low, or you live in a different Iowa City than I did.

Agreed. I'm still a student at the U, and sometimes it seems as though you can count the number of hot girls on one hand. They're kind of like the football players in that regard. You don't see them around that much either. Probably because most of the hot girls are WITH the football players.
my money is on some violation of his rules.

otherwise, we wouldnt openly release him. we would at least restrict him to teams that we dont play.
He said he wanted to move colser to home. That excuse works when you are 17 not 26! Does he have kids back home? That is the only way I would understand that excuse. Otherwise it is time to grow up and get out on your own. It must be wierd for some people to live in such a horrible place like Iowa City with friendly people and 90 percent of the women are hot. Time to join Jeff Walker and Joey Range in obscurity.

Hey at least we got a year of Joey Range. Dude could fill it up, probably the best high school scorer I've ever seen. But in the end his love of food and hatred of condoms won out.
is anyone else surprised fran gave him a release? its one thing to give a release to a 19 year old kid in April, its another to give one to a juco a month from the start of fall class.
Something doesn't smell right....Does he think somebody's gonna take him with his baggage and then screwing Iowa after they stuck their neck out for him???? Doesn't make any sense, who's going to take a chance on him after this???

i would hope that no one would take him, after he suckered punched iowa. after all the energy and risk they took on him. Go figure. I hope all D 1 schools say no to this guy, in support of Iowa, and for what they did for him. I am guessing we can't recruit any kids for this year.

I will not accept the excuse that he was home sick. he is too old to be homesick.

I have to believe that someone behind the scenes has been working on him.
Wow. That is some straight up ********. You do this now Hubbard?? You've got to be kidding me. I hope any D1 team he hopes to play for tells him to go **** himself. I wouldn't want someone on my team who did something like this. That is just wrong. I have no respect for the guy.

Edit: I'm pretty sure we stopped recruiting Glover because Hubbard had given us his verbal. Sweet.
Wow. That is some straight up ********. You do this now Hubbard?? You've got to be kidding me. I hope any D1 team he hopes to play for tells him to go **** himself. I wouldn't want someone on my team who did something like this. That is just wrong. I have no respect for the guy.

Edit: I'm pretty sure we stopped recruiting Glover because Hubbard had given us his verbal. Sweet.
That is correct.
What a damn disappointment. Hopefully, he didn't do something stupid while he was in Iowa that will further damage the program.
I am not going to take credit for saying that the PTL situation was a bad one for Hubbard.

But I will take credit for saying that IC was going to be particularly hard place for him because of the fishbowl and also that I expressed significant concerns about his ability to succeed in the classroom.

Once again, everybody bashed me for saying both of these things.

However, I feel more sick to my stomach than feel like gloating.
Ok, I've been disappointed about recruits before. But this one flat pisses me off. I've been defending this gutless wonder ever since he signed.
This one's for you Anthony:

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