Anthony Hubbard to Transfer!

What a novel idea, jumper. Get the facts before passing judgment.That concept does not fit most posters on this board.
I have zero factual information about this but I'd lay money there are academic problems here. Nothing else makes much sense.
We may never know the real story on this deal.

You are a buffoon. You chastise others for making a judgement before getting the facts. Then go on to opine, "I have zero factual information about this but I'd lay money that......yada, yada, yada."

Did you even think about this before you posted it?
Remember this is the same A. Hubbard who left Odessa Junior College after only 1 year because he said he was homesick and thus transferred to Frederick Community College in Maryland to be closer to home.

He may have gotten caught up in all the hoopla and attention of being recruited by some of the big schools and especially by the efforts of Iowa and Coach Fran. Sometimes when the dust and hoopla all quiet down then the real feelings start to surface.......and maybe those same feelings of wanting to be closer to home once again.

Wish the young man the best but with this decision he shows little regard for all the efforts shown to him by others who were there supporting him and in this particular instance willing to walk the plank on his behalf.

The "young man" is 26 frickin years old! How long before he takes momma's teat out of his mouth and grows up?
That closer to home crap is a lot of BS!
This should be a wake up call to Fred. It is coming. Very predictable. This isn't sour grapes, just reality. It is what it is. Risk/reward. Get ready Clowns, it is headed your way too. Hubbard, you are a moron. But, we all make choices and live with them.
This should be a wake up call to Fred. It is coming. Very predictable. This isn't sour grapes, just reality. It is what it is. Risk/reward. Get ready Clowns, it is headed your way too. Hubbard, you are a moron. But, we all make choices and live with them.

Not saying it's not ever going to happen to ISU, but so far, so good. Royce White has been in Ames for over a year now, and all accounts paint him as a choir boy.

Things like Hubbard come out of the blue, so that could happen, but at least the ISU transfers have lasted longer than a couple of months, which I think bodes well for them and the program.
LOL After surfing the other boards and getting p'd, off and d'd and simply can't understand it...

I'm smiling and happy that it happened now rather than later. Evidently Ant Hub still has some issues and can't get over them quite yet.

Imagine AH announcing on Jan 29 2012 after leading the Hawkeyes in scoring at 18 ppg, 4 assists and 7 rebounds to a 16 and 5 record and he was leaving? or worse yet on the same date he was arrested for.... ????

We all wish we would know what the real reason is: whether or not it's academic fraud or benefits from an agent (things that UNC football fans don't like to hear about), failed drug tests, (still hoping at some point mary jane is legalized and it's OK to get high since it's legal to get drunk), he really does have a family issue ie. sick Grandma who raised him, his girlfriend is pregnant with their second child... he can't get along with his teamates, he flunked out of summer school..

But good god... why AH you didn't go to (transfer to) Maryland or Georgetown or ???? directly without using Iowa and Fran and Gary to due the due diligence, the vetting??

I guess we will never know and good luck Anthony Hubbard, may you have the success and the break that Iowa gave you.

and to think we even get rejected by Jeff Peterson on the second go round.

May Bryce Cartwright be a 36 minute IRON MAN, injury and foul free..
I am going on complete speculation but it might be a combination of things. It could be that he misses his homies back home bumming around. Then, he may have gotten his summer grades that may not have been that good & thought "I don't want to put that much work into it & I'm just going to go back & hang with my bums back home". Let's face it, he may not have been Div I academic material all along as he has always done the junior college thing. This might have been a stretch for he & Fran all along academically speaking. He may not have the drive needed to succeed academically. Who knows? It's all speculation.
I don't care if it was academic problems or whatever else. Fran and his staff made a terrible read on Hubbard and it cost them. To take a player with his background you have to be 100% certain the kid can handle all facets of the college experience. Hubbard obviously cannot handle it, just a poor evaluation by the coaching staff that is going to hurt them all year long and probably into the future too.
I don't care if it was academic problems or whatever else. Fran and his staff made a terrible read on Hubbard and it cost them. To take a player with his background you have to be 100% certain the kid can handle all facets of the college experience. Hubbard obviously cannot handle it, just a poor evaluation by the coaching staff that is going to hurt them all year long and probably into the future too.

Exactly! Their recruiting has been poor so far. Fran had a scholarship remaining. He should have offered it to Glover. Now we have 6 for next season and will be lucky to fill half of them.
This should be a wake up call to Fred. It is coming. Very predictable. This isn't sour grapes, just reality. It is what it is. Risk/reward. Get ready Clowns, it is headed your way too. Hubbard, you are a moron. But, we all make choices and live with them.

Yeah, definitely. Fred's guys have been around for over a year without incident. Hubbard made it almost a month.

It's nothing but sour grapes.
I don't care if it was academic problems or whatever else. Fran and his staff made a terrible read on Hubbard and it cost them. To take a player with his background you have to be 100% certain the kid can handle all facets of the college experience. Hubbard obviously cannot handle it, just a poor evaluation by the coaching staff that is going to hurt them all year long and probably into the future too.
I can't fault Fran or his staff on this. They did their homework, and they talked to his coaches. Iowa wasn't the only school going after Hubbard. The kid seemed like he turned things around. Fran took a chance and I can't fault him on that. Iowa basketball fell to depths some of us have never seen in recent years and Fran is re-building. I think they did everything right and Hubbard burned them.

If you want to be upset with someone I'd be upset with Hubbard. He bit the hand that fed him it seems.
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I can't fault Fran or his staff on this. They did their homework, they talked to his coaches. Iowa wasn't the only school going after Hubbard. The kid seemed like he turned things around. Fran took a chance and I can't fault him on that. Iowa basketball fell to depths some of us have never seen in recent years and Fran is re-building. I think they did everything right and Hubbard burned them.

If you want to be upset with someone I'd be upset with Hubbard. He bit the hand that feed him it seems.

Well said. Some previous poster said he now questions Fran's judgement. WTF?
There is nothing FM could've done to see this coming. Look no further than Hubbard himself to lay blame. :mad: Loser with a quitters mentality.
Well said. Some previous poster said he now questions Fran's judgement. WTF?
There is nothing FM could've done to see this coming. Look no further than Hubbard himself to lay blame. :mad: Loser with a quitters mentality.

...other than the felony conviction
I can't fault Fran or his staff on this. They did their homework, and they talked to his coaches. Iowa wasn't the only school going after Hubbard. The kid seemed like he turned things around. Fran took a chance and I can't fault him on that. Iowa basketball fell to depths some of us have never seen in recent years and Fran is re-building. I think they did everything right and Hubbard burned them.

If you want to be upset with someone I'd be upset with Hubbard. He bit the hand that fed him it seems.

No they didn't. Not nearly enough. Hubbard is not some stud recruit. We were trying to beat Penn St and Nebraska for him, this was a decent juco guy, nothing more. Plus he had a felony conviction, if you're going to go to all that work to get him into school and stick your neck out for him, you need to know that he will be a good fit at the school, in the community, that he can handle the academic workload, that he won't get homesick. Obviously they did not evaluate him properly and now we are stuck with a team that's looking at another last place finish in the B10.
Mr. Hubbard has disappointed many who were looking forward to watching him contribute as a Hawkeye, but he is very nice guy and there are a lot of Hawkeye fans sending him very kind wishes on his facebook page.

Granted we are disappointed and a lot of the coaching staff's time and energy has been "wasted" but I would imagine this is about wanting to be near to his girlfriend. Though disappointed, I can understand him placing a relationship before basketball.
I don't care if it was academic problems or whatever else. Fran and his staff made a terrible read on Hubbard and it cost them. To take a player with his background you have to be 100% certain the kid can handle all facets of the college experience. Hubbard obviously cannot handle it, just a poor evaluation by the coaching staff that is going to hurt them all year long and probably into the future too.

THis is just a dumb comment, nothing more and nothing less.
No they didn't. Not nearly enough. Hubbard is not some stud recruit. We were trying to beat Penn St and Nebraska for him, this was a decent juco guy, nothing more. Plus he had a felony conviction, if you're going to go to all that work to get him into school and stick your neck out for him, you need to know that he will be a good fit at the school, in the community, that he can handle the academic workload, that he won't get homesick. Obviously they did not evaluate him properly and now we are stuck with a team that's looking at another last place finish in the B10.

You really think that Iowa is going to finish last? They have a lot coming back and I think the talent coming back needs to be given some credit.

An improved Brommer, Gatens, Basabe, Marble, Cartwright. That's not a bad team.
You really think that Iowa is going to finish last? They have a lot coming back and I think the talent coming back needs to be given some credit.

An improved Brommer, Gatens, Basabe, Marble, Cartwright. That's not a bad team.

I don't really know if that's a positive considering our B10 record the last few years. We have guys that have proven they can't win in the B10. Great!