Another Rumor

You do realize that academics do a lot to support the athletics program as well, right? It is NOT a one-way street.
You do realize that academics do a lot to support the athletics program as well, right? It is NOT a one-way street.

Tell me more please. I'm not sure I agree with you, but I don't know your thought process here either.
Tell me more please. I'm not sure I agree with you, but I don't know your thought process here either.

Nobody does...its a part of CAAR's charm.

He will now tell you how much better CAL is than Iowa in everything and then claim to be a fan of both because he graduated from both schools.

I wonder if he flames the CAL boards with as much Iowa propaganda as he does here with CAL garbage.
Tell me more please. I'm not sure I agree with you, but I don't know your thought process here either.

Well -- do athletics exist to support the academic experience or is it the other way around?

The University of Iowa is way more than just the football team. If you have lost sight of that little fact -- not much more to discuss. Unless of course you want the tail to wag the dog.
Well -- do athletics exist to support the academic experience or is it the other way around?

The University of Iowa is way more than just the football team. If you have lost sight of that little fact -- not much more to discuss. Unless of course you want the tail to wag the dog.

athletics have grown do to the exposure and money they bring in to a school. What is the main reason UI isn't the size of ISU or UNI? More exposure,more students,more grants, more money. Do you honestly think UI would be anything like it is without athletics?
Tell me more please. I'm not sure I agree with you, but I don't know your thought process here either.

Okay, um how about admitting students who could not get into the university based on their academic record? How about making special arrangements in academic programs to adjust for players' workout schedules? How about helping with on-sight recruiting? How about adjusting exam and assignment schedules to accommodate athletic schedules? How about being members of faculty booster associations? How about buying season tickets? How about putting on booster events during games (sure you have walked past those at the Law School at least). How about making special degree plans to allow transfers and players changing majors to stay eligible?

I did most of these at Iowa and do all of these at my current institution.
Okay, um how about admitting students who could not get into the university based on their academic record? How about making special arrangements in academic programs to adjust for players' workout schedules? How about helping with on-sight recruiting? How about adjusting exam and assignment schedules to accommodate athletic schedules? How about being members of faculty booster associations? How about buying season tickets? How about putting on booster events during games (sure you have walked past those at the Law School at least). How about making special degree plans to allow transfers and players changing majors to stay eligible?

I did most of these at Iowa and do all of these at my current institution.

I'm not arguing this. I'm not sure the academic standards for student athletes, and students are different at Iowa.

I'm also sure we make these same accommodations for other groups, as well as athletes.
i believe all mens hoops, womens hoops, and wrestling scholarships are endowed. a large portion of football as well, but not entirely, at least the last i knew. our fundraising has been excellent of late so I know we are getting closer. plus, many people endow scholarships when they pass away so the number keeps going up.
i believe all mens hoops, womens hoops, and wrestling scholarships are endowed. a large portion of football as well, but not entirely, at least the last i knew. our fundraising has been excellent of late so I know we are getting closer. plus, many people endow scholarships when they pass away so the number keeps going up.

75 100% endowed athletic scholarships at Iowa. scholarships are given out. Not sure how many athletic scholarships are given out.

Still, if whether endowed, or not, these funds go to the University. And the AD also pays back security, parking, the U of I H&C, etc, and on paper loses money.
I'm not arguing this. I'm not sure the academic standards for student athletes, and students are different at Iowa.

I'm also sure we make these same accommodations for other groups, as well as athletes.

They are. Iowa has the top 50% rule, so so kids from shaky rural schools come completely unprepared, but they were in the top 50 in their bad school. That being said, there are athletes admitted that don't meet that standard.

Now, I taught some great students who were also football players at Iowa. And it isn't like a southern school where reading and writing are optional ;), but I did teach some athletes who wouldn't have been accepted as a general student.

Not sure of any other student group that gets preferential admissions treatment, unless perhaps for diversity issues, but I am not sure where UI stands on that now.
Thanks for the link 0044. Thats a very good read and sheds some light on why some are saying Brian may end up on his dad's staff. I did not realise Brian was on the Patriots staff. Although I personnally am not a fan of Belicek, one has to admit he(Belicek) is one hell of a coach and someone a young impressionable coach could learn alot from! We shall see what next week brings!

rwtsracefan(Dan Wemett)
I wouldn't mind him spending a little more time with the Patriots.
athletics have grown do to the exposure and money they bring in to a school. What is the main reason UI isn't the size of ISU or UNI? More exposure,more students,more grants, more money. Do you honestly think UI would be anything like it is without athletics?
It's older too; more time to grow as the main state university.
They are. Iowa has the top 50% rule, so so kids from shaky rural schools come completely unprepared, but they were in the top 50 in their bad school. That being said, there are athletes admitted that don't meet that standard.

Now, I taught some great students who were also football players at Iowa. And it isn't like a southern school where reading and writing are optional ;), but I did teach some athletes who wouldn't have been accepted as a general student.

Not sure of any other student group that gets preferential admissions treatment, unless perhaps for diversity issues, but I am not sure where UI stands on that now.
Shaky rural schools? I haven't heard of too many rural schools that are shakier than inner city schools.
athletics have grown do to the exposure and money they bring in to a school. What is the main reason UI isn't the size of ISU or UNI? More exposure,more students,more grants, more money. Do you honestly think UI would be anything like it is without athletics?

I'm not sure what you mean.... Iowa and ISU have been about the same size in enrollment for 30-40 years. Athletics have played no role in increasing Iowa's enrollment compared to ISU's. :confused:
Shaky rural schools? I haven't heard of too many rural schools that are shakier than inner city schools.

In Iowa we are not talking about Chicago inner-city schools. Kids from seriously bad inner-city schools don't get into Iowa, unless they are athletes.

And yes, there are some really, really shaky rural schools in Iowa. Believe me, there were kids I taught coming out of some of these schools that were not nearly proficient. Their ACT scores were abysmal. But, they were top half in their school with a graduating class of 20 or so, so Iowa had to admit them. That is one reason why some kids took one semester of Rhetoric and some took two.
I appreciate CAAR's posts on this topic.

I think some people have a skewed view of athletics vs. academics. As others have noted, Iowa and ISU are just about the same size in terms of enrollment.

And yes, lo and behold, universities do have different standards for "regular" students versus athletes when it comes to admissions standards.

Here in Madison (behind the cheddar curtain), you have students from Madison schools who have 4.0 GPAs. These students also are active in organizations and volunteer. At times, these students are denied admission to the UW.

That isn't true for football players here. Not at all. I would suggest that this situation probably exists at all major Div. I schools.

Lastly, CAAR had a good point about rural schools being "shaky" in some instances. People from rural areas sometimes feel that rural always means something great. At times, it means poverty and marginal education. Sorry for the digression. Back to football complaints.
I'm going to proceed carefully here. Views, I believe, are generally derived from one's experiences.

Academics and education, are sometimes different. The administration's view, and sometimes the tenured professor's views, and skewed as well.

I listened, before a football game to a "shake down" with respects to Hancher Auditorium a couple of years ago. "Horrible" mold growing throughout the building, notwithstanding the fact it is a steel/concrete and glass construction, and I had a flooded wood frame building, where mold is much more prevalent than in concrete, and a simple spraying of sporacide solves the problem.

I also had to listen to a statement made, that although possibly, and maybe even probably true, rubbed almost all of the donors the wrong way. To wit, the only good thing that came out of the flood, is that Hancher had to travel. These travels exposed Iowans, WHO WOULD NEVER BE EXPOSED TO CULTURE OTHERWISE, to culture.

We all have opinions. Hancher is a great treasure. I walked out feeling the administration was clearly out of touch, as was almost every professor in attendance.

I guess when most of the time is spent talking about the Provost taking a job at an east coast institution and their fundraising efforts, I don't much see where they care greatly about the education of either the student athletes, or the disadvantaged rural areas.

With respects to enrollment. It has increased, and I've heard two Presidents at the U of I give at least partial credit to successful athletic programs.

If you google Iowa's enrollment, and it hasn't increased, this would mean either the internet is not accurate, or I get lied to, by the president of the U of I, on a regular basis (which is to say, once a year, in my case).

In the state of Iowa, it is fairly easy to find out the assets of the Board of Regents, and their unwillingness to share this information with our elected officials.

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