Another Rumor


If you drill down into this. The athletic department losing money, the shell game, you'll start to really understand how it works.

I have been extremely critical. I have gotten ripped for it. I get overly passionate, but you have identified the reason for my being upset at some longevity issues, which have both served us well, and otherwise.

Although I'm excited about the future, I'm disgusted by the treatment of Norm (and some others thins, best not to mention right now). He needed to be gone two years ago. Nothing personal. No argument with his performance by me (please read this again, before you rip me). They could have retired him. Made him an honorary coach, gave him a decent paying job.

But no, we can't afford it (ah, not true). And now where are we at? In semi-crisis.

Keep posting, it is appreciated. Although I don't know how to square 'athletic dept losing money' with 'we can't afford it (not true)'...
Keep posting, it is appreciated. Although I don't know how to square 'athletic dept losing money' with 'we can't afford it (not true)'...

Well, they lose money. That is true. After they pay back to the U, every athletic scholarship, some parking and security charges etc. So they really don't lose money. In one hand, out to the other, to over simplify.

They make less because of Title IX, that is actually true.

Also, the correlation between a winning football, basketball (and although, not to as large of a degree, in the case of Iowa, wrestling) and increased enrollment is pretty tough for anyone to argue. Although they do, and they will.

They had the money to do right by Norm, and at the same time, serve the dual purpose of perpetuation.

It is now a friggin mess down there. Don't be fooled. I'm no fan of Mr. O'Keefe's style, but we are now in a pickle.

Opinion only, but once again I lay this squarely at the feet of the administration. Lack of a perpetuation plan, for a multi-million dollar business? Are you serious? Yes, I usually am always serious.

I need to learn how to relax. Maybe I should start drinking again.
Keep posting, it is appreciated. Although I don't know how to square 'athletic dept losing money' with 'we can't afford it (not true)'...
I thought we were one of the athletic departments in the country that was self-sustaining.
We are at the proverbial fork in the road (and would've been anyway). Can KF make the correct hires to make another run or 2 at the B1G title before he's through or will we wilt to the bottom of the conference?

Personally with no ill will to Norm or KOK, it's time for new/fresh ideas in the Iowa football camp. Make it happen Hawks.
I thought all the football scholarships are endowed from donations and don't come out of revenue at Iowa.Am I misinformed?
I thought all the football scholarships are endowed from donations and don't come out of revenue at Iowa.Am I misinformed?

Not to my knowledge. When an athletic scholarships is givien out, the athletic department must pay back the University for it. I'm not aware of any endowed athletic scholarships, although there might be. Just because I'm not aware, doesn't make your statement possible.
I hate to post this, and then leave for a fish fry, but I guess it's not quite over down there in Iowa City.

There are some hurt feelings in the athletic department and football program right now (anger might be more accurate), and I'm getting more info right now.

It seems the differences are going to be settled quietly.

KoK was a combination of pay, time to move on, and from what I'm hearing, the last straw of the p/c admin. down there.

It's a bit worrisome.

And now a note for all of those HN Legends, that will insult me for spreading rumors, and defaming people. It ceases being a rumor when it is true, and I haven't insulted anyone (unlike some on here). I care about Iowa football, and the student athletes.

If Jon wants to kick me off, it is his business decision, and if he feels I'm defaming, and spreading rumors, he shall run his business as he sees fit. I respect that.
that is the reason philbin gave for leaving iowa to green bay. it would get old, one would think.
It would take a certain kind of person to recruit, to go into family's homes and promise to take care of their child. I for one couldn't do it, so I can understand the stress that probably comes with recruiting.
This has a little similar ring to back in the 60's when the U of I pres, I believe it was Hunter, did not support athletics. We all know how well the football program did during that time with no administration support. I hope that isn't the case now, but it does seem to be a concern based on what is being said here.
I think Hunter Rawlings was here during Coach Fry's tenure. You're off by 20 years. Yes, Rawlings was a disaster as a President of the U of I. He wanted to make freshmen ineligible. Being the pretentious patrician he was, he went on to some Ivy League School. Brown, I think.

There are endowed athletic scholarships also it seems. So this is also true. But the endowed scholarships don't come close to the total # of athletic scholarships given out.

It still remains true that the other non-endowed athletic scholarships given out, require the athletic department to reimburse to U for the expense.

Bigger picture, many expenses are reimbursed back to the U, from the athletic department.

My only point, and it's a big one, is this contention that the athletic department costs the U money, and they don't have enough money to create a job for Norm, retire him, and have a smooth perpetuation/transition, is a figment of the U's administration's imagination.
Thanks for the link 0044. Thats a very good read and sheds some light on why some are saying Brian may end up on his dad's staff. I did not realise Brian was on the Patriots staff. Although I personnally am not a fan of Belicek, one has to admit he(Belicek) is one hell of a coach and someone a young impressionable coach could learn alot from! We shall see what next week brings!

rwtsracefan(Dan Wemett)
When it comes to athletics...

There are endowed athletic scholarships also it seems. So this is also true. But the endowed scholarships don't come close to the total # of athletic scholarships given out.

It still remains true that the other non-endowed athletic scholarships given out, require the athletic department to reimburse to U for the expense.

Bigger picture, many expenses are reimbursed back to the U, from the athletic department.

My only point, and it's a big one, is this contention that the athletic department costs the U money, and they don't have enough money to create a job for Norm, retire him, and have a smooth perpetuation/transition, is a figment of the U's administration's imagination.

the administration (and this is not unique to Iowa) wants it both ways. They love the revenues brought in by football and basketball (much in TV money) that allows the university to show how committed to diversity it is by offering a large number of non-revenue sports. They also love the free advertising for the university during TV broadcasts, and the chance to go on all-expenses paid bowl trips. There are those in academia who would love nothing more than for funds collected via athletics and the UI Foundation to be diverted to their purview (i.e. non-athletics stuff). Never mind that that revenue is only coming in because people love supporting football. People don't donate money in the same volume to support the math department as they do the football team. I suppose it's a statement on the misplaced priorities, but it's the way of the world and not unique to Iowa.

The administration also loves the paid-in-full revenue from the scholarships provided to athletes, especially since much of the football roster is charged much higher out-of-state tuition rates.

If this was indeed a case of the administration not okaying a transition out for Norm, where he could continue to be paid in some sort of "consultant" or "assistant to the AD" role, then shame on the administration. And if this is indeed the climate now at the UI, I wouldn't be surprised to see KF move on if it continues.

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