AJ Derby leaves Iowa

What is going on in Iowa City? Why are we losing our players. It was a shock that we lost our best runner. Now another has gone. Where is the loyalty? Is there something about the way things are being run there that is causing this. Makes one wonder.[/QUOTE]

Well read the other 1,000 threads on this topic and you can get a feel. This one is a kid who didn't like where his PT was going. Not that big of a deal. Get over it.
Your an idiot. Why would you want to regress when you can progress?

Good thing we didn't use him in a wildcat package like everyone in the world suggested.... It's not like it works and the NFL doesn't use it, nor did okalohomas wildcat package look good. Kid should've committed to flordia which is sad.

He wasn't the answer at QB, but our coaches failure to see his talents as a goaline package/wildcat QB zone read is sad. He could've run a 8 play playbook til his senior year as a part time QB and been happy. It's sad that 80% of other coaches would've loved to have this package and used it, 8 year olds are crying for this package to be used. Wish him well and nothing but the best.

an idiot? excuse me FUISU for having an opinion...of which, my analysis is
DEAD ON.................he should have embraced the switch to LB....and could have been the next Greenway....and yes, BTW, I would have loved to see him as the next "belldozer", but that thought didn't even enter KF's mind I'm sure...
Frankly, this isn't that big of a loss from a talent perspective. It's kind of intriguing watching half of HN on suicide watch over this, but this won't even be remembered by the end of next year.

The significance of the loss is largely in what I perceive was a good kid with a hard work ethic. That's a loss, but strictly in terms of talent...we're not out much.
Obviously the coaching staff is high on Jake Ruddock is looking at him ot be the future QB at Iowa. If Derby really wanted to play QB, which I think he did, he is going to try to play QB somewhere. Kirk put him in to get him some reps and were transitioning him to a new position to use his athletecism that would be productive for the team. AJ didnt want that, wants to be the field general, and is now transferring. $hit happens in these situations. It sucks since he was dubbed as the next big thing and expectiations were high, but now he's gone.

Ruddock is the next QB in and we have an open scholarship.
It's hard to be supportive right now. Is KF totally to blame? Partly? regardless...I find the football program very tiresome tight now. We need new energy and new optimism. I will feel sorry for Parker if he is chosen as the DC, as he just will not do it and by no fault of his own the fans may turn against him.

I'm pretty sure you meant to type "right" instead of "tight" but I actually think "very tiresome tight" is an apt description for the state of the program right now and Kurt's unwillingness to adapt to change. I might just have to use that in my sig, if you don't mind.
I honestly never thought that Derby could ever play Div1 QB..The most surprising thing about him leaving is his Dad playing here and his brother here. You would think Derby was smart enough to trust the coaches to find him a position he could excell in and have a chance at the pros in. I guess he really isn't that smart.

Put yourself in AJ's shoes: pretty successful as a QB in high school, where you got attention from some major D1 schools, and you decide to go to the school where your Dad made a name and where your brother was doing reasonably well. You think you have a chance to play QB (who knows what the coaches said in recruiting him?) but you get here and realize the way it's playing out you're likely not going to get to play your chosen position. Beyond the coaches suggesting other positions, I'm not sure it's their responsibility to find a suitable one for him.
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Texas recruits the best QB's in the nation, several at a time. Jevon Snead left UT to play at Ole Miss. Garrett Gilbreath is leaving to play at SMU. It happens all the time. But no one is saying that Texas football is a sinking program. No one is saying fire Mack Brown. If I were AJ, and I wanted to play QB, I would also transfer.
I will give everybody the "I agree" in the wildcat look. That said is that what AJ wanted to be a gimmick QB that plays 10-12 snaps a game? We don't know. I also think the coaches were trying to get him to a position he could help them win and give him his best shot at playing in the NFL. Last time I checked that was 99% of football player's dream.
No, Iowa's roster is most definitely NOT full of "gifted athletes".

You can't tell me there wasn't some way Derby couldn't be put on the field. Maybe as a wildcat...or somewhere in the backfield. Give him the ball on third and short with an option to run/pass (instead of the slow off tackle run that rarely worked). Something...ANYTHING to take advantage of the skills he has.

At the very least, having Derby in the backfield somewhere would give the opposing defense pause to think, instead of knowing exactly what Iowa is going to do.

But no.....I guess you can't do things like that at Iowa because it is "too risky".

Funny how other schools manage to get their better athletes on the field (other than special teams). But I guess "that's just football".

So now you are wanting him as a QB rather than a defender? OK. Well - and this may boggle your mind - what if his talents weren't good enough to use in those situations? What if - and this will be big - the coaches didn't want a redshirt freshman handling the snaps on 3rd downs?
Might be good fit at UNI. They run a system where the QB is allowed to run. Good luck to him. I don't know how this is KF fault, he was given a shot at QB wasn't good enough. They asked him to change positions, probably found out he wasn't good/tough enough to be a LB, so now he is out. I remember reading a story abour Derek Pagel way back, saying he was ready to take his walking paper and go play with his Bro a Wartburg, but the coaches talked him into staying because they knew he was good enough to help out. So this should say something to those players who ask for a release and are granted one no questions asked.
an idiot? excuse me FUISU for having an opinion...of which, my analysis is
DEAD ON.................he should have embraced the switch to LB....and could have been the next Greenway....and yes, BTW, I would have loved to see him as the next "belldozer", but that thought didn't even enter KF's mind I'm sure...

Your an idiot cause you have an opinion which you think is fact, yet you admit is an opinion while also being a fact. Your an idiot cause in your original post you judge a whole generation of kids that you don't relate to and lumping them all together while including AJ. Your an idiot for saying AJ's dad is a sorry individual for supporting his son through probably a tough decision. Your an idiot for not appreciating that he tried and gave two years of his life towards the team.

You should quit talking. People that judge youth generations and group them and label them are obviously too old for the Internet and Facebook, so play bingo at the nursing home with that crap talk. Calling the kid selfish and not a team player is proof also your an idiot. Is Reiff not a team player since he's going to the NFL? Plz don't answer that.

Last time I checked this is America, not communist china. He has the right to pursuit happiness. He saw the depth at OLB & TE and pry said nah I wanna play QB and I'm not happy here. For you to also call out his father was a real PUKE move on you part. The Derby family has dedicated over 12 years of their lives to the Iowa football program between AJ's Dad, AJ, & Zach.... So I think they've earned there spot as always a hawk fan. You really are the sorry individual, sure this is America and you have the freedom to be an idiot and express your idiot ideas but I also have the right to explain to you why you are an idiot.
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wanted to play QB...and it ain't gonna happen...so he cries...and takes his ball and goes home...typical of his generation...it's all about "me" ..and a "team 1st" mentality simply does not exist...and the sad part is, this comes from a kid of a former Hawkeye, and his daddy let him do it..........sad...sad...sad....

p.s. apparently he doesn't understand the whole concept of "once a hawk, always a hawk"...

Dumbest post of the year
So now you are wanting him as a QB rather than a defender? OK. Well - and this may boggle your mind - what if his talents weren't good enough to use in those situations? What if - and this will be big - the coaches didn't want a redshirt freshman handling the snaps on 3rd downs?

I guess we'll never know, will we? Seems to me it would make sense to give him a shot when the Hawks are up big against one of the non-conference patsies. But no....can't risk it.

Yep, let's continue to play it safe and hope the other team screws up.
Do you always make a habit of calling people who don't agree with your two cents worth, Idiots? I think he's selfish and needs to grow up. Is it because he got suspended for a couple games so he's going to show the Hawkeyes that he's going to play football somewhere else where he can break rules and do as he pleases? You never know, you just might call the wrong person an idiot someday and "ouch". One more thing. Derby wasn't that good of a player to begin with.
Do you always make a habit of calling people who don't agree with your two cents worth, Idiots? I think he's selfish and needs to grow up. Is it because he got suspended for a couple games so he's going to show the Hawkeyes that he's going to play football somewhere else where he can break rules and do as he pleases? You never know, you just might call the wrong person an idiot someday and "ouch". One more thing. Derby wasn't that good of a player to begin with.

We will just go with that is a very dumb thing to say....