AJ Derby leaves Iowa

Seemed like he moved to LB because he didn't think he was going to beat out Rudock. Does this now mean he didn't think he'd win a starting LB position either? My guess is that he decided he really did want to play quarterback because he seemed like he would definitely been in the mix at linebacker.
Does a player have to sit a year if they walk on? I would imagine that his family has the means to pay tuition wherever he goes for a year.
Seemed like he moved to LB because he didn't think he was going to beat out Rudock. Does this now mean he didn't think he'd win a starting LB position either? My guess is that he decided he really did want to play quarterback because he seemed like he would definitely been in the mix at linebacker.

I wonder if KF said something along the lines of "just give linebacker a shot for the rest of the season and see what you think of it. Then we'll discuss your future with the program after the bowl game."

If that's the case, then maybe he tried switching positions and found that he'd rather play quarterback and KF told him his best opportunity for that would be elsewhere.
Seemed like he moved to LB because he didn't think he was going to beat out Rudock. Does this now mean he didn't think he'd win a starting LB position either? My guess is that he decided he really did want to play quarterback because he seemed like he would definitely been in the mix at linebacker.
I wonder if KF said something along the lines of "just give linebacker a shot for the rest of the season and see what you think of it. Then we'll discuss your future with the program after the bowl game." If that's the case, then maybe he tried switching positions and found that he'd rather play quarterback and KF told him his best opportunity for that would be elsewhere.

That would be odd as KF was quoted as saying AJ approached him on the subject.

This quote was shortly after the announced move.
It's really a shame when a kid that was born and bred to be a Hawks leaves the program, don't care want anyone has to say on the matter......it's a big deal.
It's really a shame when a kid that was born and bred to be a Hawks leaves the program, don't care want anyone has to say on the matter......it's a big deal.

Apparently not. After all, it happens all the time, not just to Iowa, but everybody else that has an easier time replacing talent. :rolleyes:
I always got the sense Derby was recruited as an athletic football player, not necessarily as a QB, but that the coaches were prepared to give a prodigy a chance to prove himself at that position, hoping (and perhaps expecting) he would play another position if that didn't work out. There are better QBs ahead of him and I haven't seen him contribute much beyond special teams. No big loss, it seems to me.

That said, I wish AJ well at the next stop along the road.
Not that this is a huge deal as far as needs - but this trend is not positive no matter how much anyone wants to stick their head in the sand and pretend everything is peachy.
imagine the meltdown if he does end up being the next Tebow and we let him go. it will be the worst meltdown in the history of meltdowns
There are better QBs ahead of him and I haven't seen him contribute much beyond special teams. No big loss, it seems to me.

Correction. There are better QBs to run Iowa's system. And Iowa's system will not budge. I could have told this youngster this before he invested two years of his life in IC, but it's unfortunate our staff couldn't.
I understand these guys have to do what's best for them, but I'm going to snap if I read one more "once a Hawk, always a Hawk" quote from a guy on his way out the door. No need to fluff it up. You wanted to leave? Fine.
wanted to play QB...and it ain't gonna happen...so he cries...and takes his ball and goes home...typical of his generation...it's all about "me" ..and a "team 1st" mentality simply does not exist...and the sad part is, this comes from a kid of a former Hawkeye, and his daddy let him do it..........sad...sad...sad....

p.s. apparently he doesn't understand the whole concept of "once a hawk, always a hawk"...

This times 100000000
Correction. There are better QBs to run Iowa's system. And Iowa's system will not budge. I could have told this youngster this before he invested two years of his life in IC, but it's unfortunate our staff couldn't.

I heard that Kirk asked him to play RB at witch point AJ felt it was then his obligation to leave the program....... who woulda thunk it??
Correction. There are better QBs to run Iowa's system. And Iowa's system will not budge. I could have told this youngster this before he invested two years of his life in IC, but it's unfortunate our staff couldn't.

Glad to see you're back in the football forum where you belong. Your work is so much better here.

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