Adam Woodbury is a HAWKEYE

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Proud of yourself? Does it make you feel good that you were one of the first to trash on Woodbury?

Woodbury may or may not ever become what some of us hoped he could be but he will always have a place in my memory and heart because he was the first to choose Iowa over Roy Williams and North Carolina. Whether some of you want to acknowledge it or not he contributes to Iowa's success.
Proud of yourself? Does it make you feel good that you were one of the first to trash on Woodbury?

Woodbury may or may not ever become what some of us hoped he could be but he will always have a place in my memory and heart because he was the first to choose Iowa over Roy Williams and North Carolina. Whether some of you want to acknowledge it or not he contributes to Iowa's success.

^^Totally agree. There is something to be said for Adam bumping and grinding, getting tough rebounds, altering shots, making good passes and screens.

I would like to see the coaches work with getting a few set plays for Adam to get off his best shots in his comfort zone.
^^^^ When the kid is in, other teams have to plan for it, prepare and play differently. He adds a lot to the team just like JO does, which people were so quick to take him out. If not anything Woody can get 5 fouls which good or bad usually mean an unmade basket or two for the other team.
Proud of yourself? Does it make you feel good that you were one of the first to trash on Woodbury?

Woodbury may or may not ever become what some of us hoped he could be but he will always have a place in my memory and heart because he was the first to choose Iowa over Roy Williams and North Carolina. Whether some of you want to acknowledge it or not he contributes to Iowa's success.

Could not have said this better myself! I became so sick and tired of Roy comin up to the great state of Iowa and taking away our best players for either the Tarheals of North Carolina or in his earlier years the Jayhawks of KU. I was beginning to think Ole Roy boy was going to buy a summer home in Iowa so he could have a recruiting base here! I think with the recent and future upswing in the Fran McCaffery lead Iowa basketball program Ole Roy can just save his frequent flyer miles and go recruit elsewhere!! See ya later Mr. Williams!! GO HAWKS!!

rwtsracefan(Dan Wemett)
Everybody has defined rolls within their individual skill set and the what the team needs. He is playing his role for this team. We dont need him to be a focal offensive player. Just needs to play D and rebound
And besides, Adam is usually the first guy w/ a "high-five" for any of his other teammates....I love his grit and determination.....he will get his "just dues", but in the meantime, he plays hard and doesn't back down from anyone...damn glad he's a Hawk and not a "Heel"
Adam is a finesse big man, why can't people get that through their skulls already?

Do I wish he was clicking like an all-Big Tenner right now? Sure! Do I think I have any right to expect that at this point of his career? Hell no!

He is a capable contributor at the post right now, not a game changer - deal with it and trust Fran! (if you don't believe most indicators point to Fran knowing what he's doing at this point, I'm not sure what else it is going to take)
The problem with Woody is that while he may meet the expectations of Fran at this point in his career. He has failed to meet the expectations (albeit unrealistic) of the fans and the hype/celebrity status he obtained the moment he rejected Roy and decided to become a Hawk.

I think the problem, as usual, is the fact that this board created a persona for him that he simply will never live up to. I don't think it's his fault, but for all the hype surrounding him from day 1, I understand why people who follow the message boards have yet to be impressed.
The problem with Woody is that while he may meet the expectations of Fran at this point in his career. He has failed to meet the expectations (albeit unrealistic) of the fans and the hype/celebrity status he obtained the moment he rejected Roy and decided to become a Hawk.

I think the problem, as usual, is the fact that this board created a persona for him that he simply will never live up to. I don't think it's his fault, but for all the hype surrounding him from day 1, I understand why people who follow the message boards have yet to be impressed.

I'm not sure who this "problem" that you're talking about is for exactly. Certainly isn't Woodbury's problem. I hope he doesn't give a rats *** about pleasing people on a message board. He battles when he's on the court. He gives everything he has. That's all I expect out of players that are on the court, and he goes above and beyond in that category. Whether or not he becomes a dominant B10 player matters not to me, and I would guess he has the support of the large majority of Hawkeye fans as well.

Which, in my opinion, means the only "problem" you speak of lies with those who go out of their way to make ridiculous comments about a young man who's doing everything he can to be the best player possible.
The problem with Woody is that while he may meet the expectations of Fran at this point in his career. He has failed to meet the expectations (albeit unrealistic) of the fans and the hype/celebrity status he obtained the moment he rejected Roy and decided to become a Hawk.

I think the problem, as usual, is the fact that this board created a persona for him that he simply will never live up to. I don't think it's his fault, but for all the hype surrounding him from day 1, I understand why people who follow the message boards have yet to be impressed.

What persona did we create for him? Most on here knew that 7 footers take a while to develop, which is the case with Woodbury. The big excitement surrounding Woodbury was him selecting Iowa over North Carolina and how high rated he was coming in. It is not like he is the 2nd coming of Brommer and is sitting at the end of the bench, he is playing significant minutes on a darn good Iowa team as a sophomore.

Don't worry about pulling this post up next year...when you look like an even bigger fool because of how well Woodbury is playing in his junior year. Getting a player North Carolina wanted is always important...sets a tone.

Side Note - Stop and consider this for a moment. What if Gesell came to Iowa because Woodbury committed? They had played AAU ball together and knew each other. Woodbury was quoted as saying he was working on him...hard to push a kid to attend Iowa if you're going to North Carolina. Do you like Gesell's game or was he a throw away player as well in your opinion? There is often a ripple effect with recruiting.
I like Woodbury for a couple of reasons:

1. I don't think it's a coincidence that the year he arrived on campus, our defense went from one of the worst in the country to one of the best. We finally had a big body inside that could alter shots and get boards.

2. Without him on board, we don't get Gessel. And he's been a huge get for us, obviously. I liken it to getting Blake Larsen. Without getting Blake, we don't get Matt Roth.

3. Big men almost always take longer to develop. Obviously you can have athletic freaks of nature who can be 7' and handle the ball like a guard and pop 3's like it's 2nd nature. But for non-athletically gifted big men, it takes awhile to get the skill development down to be an effective big man night in and night out. Les Jepsen couldn't do squat and then his senior year, the light came on and he became a 14/10 guy for us. Same with Lohaus. I fully expect Woodbury to make a big jump next year and an even bigger one his senior year. Just give it time guys.
What persona did we create for him? Most on here knew that 7 footers take a while to develop, which is the case with Woodbury.

Most posters on here did not take this stance. There were a few, who are the smart ones, who know that 7 footers take a while to develop. To say that most posters on this board understand that is foolish.
Side Note - Stop and consider this for a moment. What if Gesell came to Iowa because Woodbury committed? They had played AAU ball together and knew each other. Woodbury was quoted as saying he was working on him...hard to push a kid to attend Iowa if you're going to North Carolina. Do you like Gesell's game or was he a throw away player as well in your opinion? There is often a ripple effect with recruiting.

2. Without him on board, we don't get Gessel. And he's been a huge get for us, obviously.

Gesell verballed to Iowa before Woodbury announced. IIRC, Gesell was actually at Adam's presser when he verballed.
Most posters on here did not take this stance. There were a few, who are the smart ones, who know that 7 footers take a while to develop. To say that most posters on this board understand that is foolish.

I have read through this entire thread and see nothing that suggests anything more than being excited to get Woodbury. I remember a prediction thread over Woodbury's production as a freshman where most were a little outlandish. But I still do not know what "persona" "we" created for Woodbury.

In my experience on these message boards there are always a few that have an extreme opinion one way or the other (granted usually the most vocal) but most take the middle ground.
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