Q. Late in the game when you had your second-team in, you kept Bo (Bower) in. Was that just to provide leadership or did you want to get him more work there?
KF: No, we didn’t want to get him more work just trying to make all the pieces fit where at least somebody could kind of have command of things and be confident we were going to get the right calls in. It sure didn’t look like it, but that was the purpose behind it.
Wow. That seems like a lame reason since you would think Hockaday? at MLB would be getting the calls and be the leader on the 2nd team Dee. Was Hockaday not in there?
The defensive scheme with a 42-14 lead is to rush the passer, send a fast blitzer into the QBs face, contain the QB and sack him or make him throw quick dump off passes, then tackle the receiver after the catch to make the clock run.
There was no pressure and no contain so Blough had all day to roam around and throw deep balls, and where were the safeties,