Uhl is rumored to be a Temple lean. I think it is back to the drawing board for Fran at this point. We have struck out on at least 12 of 13 offered recruits. Something is just not connecting for Iowa. Fran may have been a bit too old-school in his assistant hirings. Dillard and Francis are not from the Midwest and Speraw was in Florida for a long time. Other programs target assistant hirings to bring in specific recruits from specific hotbeds, like KU hiring Jerrance Howard out of Chicago, and boom...they are in the hunt for Okafor and Alexander and Brunson. Georgetown hired Taveras Hardy out of NW to get into Chicago...and boom...top 50 forward Paul White to Georgetown. You could argue that Speraw did his thing helping to get the NW Iowa kids in...fine. Francis does not lure east coast kids, and Dillard? Texas and west coast? I know he spotted Whitey, but high profile kids? Was hoping a Nike guy like Sherm could use some clout to lure in kids like Cal did with Ulis, whose dad is a Nike sales rep.