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  1. F

    Grade the staff

    Everyone except Ferentz gets a B. They are doing exactly what they are told to do by the HC. The HC on the other hand deserves no better than a D-. However, if I dwell upon the two losses to Minnesota the last few years, I could easily give KF an F.
  2. F

    Adam Gettis: done for year

    Persa is a living nightmare for Iowa. He is use to beating us and no matter how the game unfolds he will always feel he can bring his team a victory over us. As stated, he will have all day to throw. No, Norm won't blitz more than a few times, and that won't happen until we are down by 14-17...
  3. F

    Not Concerned at All

    Why do we have meltdowns? Because its fun. It fulfills our lives. Just as living vicariously through a bunch of 18 - 22 year old football players does. In that vain, and only beacause of that, I will continue. CC, what drug are you on? Please pass the syringe my way. Get real dude...
  4. F

    Players saved staff from serious scrutiny

    I made a post along this line a few days before the Pitt game and was pilloried by the people on this site. The OP is absolutely correct. The OP and my earlier post are (were) vindicated by what was done on Saturday and by simply observing, objectively, what this team is capable of and not...
  5. F

    Key for any success yet this season

    Just my opininon (obviously). I am over the ISU debacle (sort of). Time to move on. So, what, if anything, do we have on this team that is most likely to be unstoppable in the game of college football? The answer as I see it is in our WR's and TE's. Pass the ball 75%+. Basically FORGET the...
  6. F

    Time for a new defensive coordinator?

    You folks are looking at the wrong side of the ball. After Saturday's debacle, there is little more evidence that needs to be presented that we have absolutely the WORST offensive coordinator in major college football.
  7. F


    He'll be a stud in a year or two. This year is going to be a learning experience. But I like his speed and nose for the ball.
  8. F

    Back-Up Running Back

    I believe Bullock is the real deal. I've thought that since seeing his HS tapes. He can go inside or outside. Given the fact he started the first play of the year on offense, even our coaches have to be feeling this kid has something. Next year I could see our backs being McCall, Bullock...
  9. F

    Iowa-Pitt Prediction Thread

    When you lose ugly to the worst team in the B12, it rattles your faith. Pitt 27 Iowa 14
  10. F

    Rugby Style Punt Formation?

    I don't see an additional 15 yards per kickoff coming from the young man shy of steroids. I realize that Doyle and company can do some pretty impressive things with hulking big linemen, but I have yet to see anything remotely resembling that kind of transformation from any of our kickers in the...
  11. F

    Some good practice tidbits on twitter

    BTNDaveRevsine Dave Revsine by HawkeyeReport Back on the bus after Iowa practice. They are young, but very talented. Ferentz really spoke highly of young RB's. Howard liked McCall I like this one!! I sure hope McCall comes up big for us this year. To have a second big powerfull running...
  12. F

    Rugby Style Punt Formation?

    I see kicking as our biggest Achilles heel this year. I believe we will be solid on offense (barring injury) and reasonably solid on defense (thanks to Norm's return). The O and D together should keep us close in most all of our games. However kicking abilities play such major role, often...
  13. F

    Drinks should be allowed in kinnick

    You hit the nail on the head here. I took my 11 year old daughter to the Mich St game last year. Overall it was a great experience except for a drunken MSU fan yelling obscenities, etc.. Even his buddies were embarassed of him. Anyway, I don't want that atmosphere for my kids, nor quite...
  14. F

    New late 2011 commit!

    Sorry, you can't turn a 5.33 into a 4.6. Ain't no way. 5.33 is way too slow for Big Ten football.
  15. F

    New late 2011 commit!

    ........... Quicksand At first glance this appears to me to be a poor choice of high school athlete to expend a football athletic scholarship on. He may be a great kid and all, I am not saying that he isn't. And maybe there is more going on here than meets the eye - perhaps we are after...
  16. F

    Very good Vandenberg article

    Graduating in 3 1/2 years is impressive. That will be a nice achievement for him. Hopefully his football achievements can match his academic ones and benefit the Hawks each Saturday. It appears he has all the physical tools he needs as well as a head that is screwed on straight regarding...
  17. F

    Ejuan Price

    Homer, perhaps you are correct, that "that ship has sailed", but I think it would be foolish for Iowa not to look into this. He was someone we were after earlier, the coaching staff must have had some good feelings towards him. We aren't that deep at any position, and given our unfortunate...
  18. F

    Death Penalty Substitute

    We all know O$U is not going to get what they deserve. However, contemplate the following. In lieu of an SMU style death penalty, the NCAA imposes a new form of punishment, a 6 year (minimum) moritorium of participation in any BCS bowl game to any totally dirtbag program, such as Ohio State...
  19. F

    Tressel hires former NCAA Committee on Infractions chair as his lawyer

    The longer this is drawn out, the worse it will be for O$U. With more time available for scrutiny there will be more eyes looking into every aspect of their athletic program. Which can only have an even worse outcome for these cheaters than if sweatervest left today.
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    ND Absolves Itself

    ND finds nobody at fault in the death of the student on the lift filming football practice. Incredible. So many things are wrong with this conclusion on so many levels that it is hard to fathom it. I wish there was a death penalty for a university. This institution is the poster child for...