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    Two teams from the south playing for the national championship... again... Great.
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    So if KF were to announce his retirement today...

    Anyone interested in Bob Stoops if he showed interest? I mean, he’s no Brian Ferentz, but I might give him a shot.
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    Looks like Cesar G might be coming in after all

    This is what I'm concerned about happening.
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    Looks like Cesar G might be coming in after all

    All the students should wear togas to the game. Then at some point they could start chanting "Hail Cezar", or something to that effect. Are we going to let Okie St. out pump-up a recruit's ego???
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    Close games...

    And will someone find the ability to hit an open three?[/QUOTE] I'm really hoping that's going to be Ogelsby next year, because I don't think it's ever going to be Gatens again.
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    Replace Back in Black with....

    I just listened to Black and Yellow and think it's a very strong song, but wouldn't replace Back in Black with it. I could see it being used during the game (maybe like Wisconsin uses Jump Around) or in football promotional material though.
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    The Des Moines Register's editors seem to think

    Excellent point. I hadn't thought of it that way.
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    The Des Moines Register's editors seem to think

    Pointing out that something is ridiculous doesn't mean it hurt my feelings. I'm pretty sure I can be irritated without being emotionally damaged.
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    The Des Moines Register's editors seem to think

    that an Iowa State loss is more newsworthy than an Iowa win if the front page of the Sunday sports section is any indicator. A full color photo of Fred Hoiberg looking despondent helps sell papers I guess. I know this is old news, but felt like venting a bit.
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    Kirk Ferentz says the hell with it, embraces evil

    Sorry, no. I'm not familiar with that one. Why do you ask?
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    Kirk Ferentz says the hell with it, embraces evil

    A joint CBS Sports/ESPN investigation has uncovered evidence that Iowa football coach Kirk Ferentz has decided to give into his true evil nature after recent opinion pieces brought this information to light. This information was received via Twitter from an unnamed source who's best friend's...
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    Recent rumblings

    Not trying to be a troll, just misinformed on my end. Apologies to all I've offended.
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    so apparently you can't delete a thread?

    I was just trying out copying and pasting pictures, and now I have this post that is useless. Anyone know how to delete?
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    Eric Johnson tweets new commit

    Does anyone know if Jordan Canzeri made to Iowa City this weekend?
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    Recent rumblings

    I won't be shocked at all to see Cooper end up at Michigan, which is a shame because we're looking a bit thin at D-Line over the next year or two. From the tweets people have posted on message boards (I don't actually read them firsthand) he seems to be most interested in the biggest school...
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    Recent rumblings

    It's a shame that Remound Wright decided not to come, but I also can't blame him for sticking with Stanford. Great school with a beautiful campus. On the plus side, if Jordan Canzeri enjoys his visit and decides to come to Iowa I think it would be great. He looks pretty good on film, and...
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    Can RB Depth force Changes

    Thanks Hawkfromnorwalk, I hadn't read (not heard) about any of that.
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    Can RB Depth force Changes

    DP5555 I apologize if I've offended you with my post. I should have chosen my words more carefully. You're correct in that I haven't heard anything directly from the Rudock family about their son's intentions in regards to his verbal commitment to Iowa. All I was doing was passing on things...
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    Can RB Depth force Changes

    Let's not color Jake Rudock Black and Gold just yet. It sounds like Al Golden is making a hard push to get young Mr. Rudock to change his mind about Iowa and come play for him at Miami. I've also read that Jake's father is applying pressure to switch his commitment as well. I hope he ends up...
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    Back me up: is Fitzgerald overrated?

    That doesn't mean he's a great coach. It does however mean that he absolutely has our number.