Looks like Cesar G might be coming in after all

Excellent news! I hope he likes semi-pro cause I'll be dressed as Jackie Moon once again on Saturday :)
Sixer since your craziest enough to dress as Semi-Pro, you should definitly try to get a Cezar related chant going and not the Cezar Salad one that everyone on HR.com is talking about.
Sixer since your craziest enough to dress as Semi-Pro, you should definitly try to get a Cezar related chant going and not the Cezar Salad one that everyone on HR.com is talking about.

As stupid as it sounds, it is his nickname.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvI3YJ8_Pag]YouTube - Cezar Guerrero Drops 46 on Mater Dei - Top Unsigned PG[/ame]
All the students should wear togas to the game. Then at some point they could start chanting "Hail Cezar", or something to that effect.

Are we going to let Okie St. out pump-up a recruit's ego???
I have seen this kid play a couple of times, fun to watch. Loves to play at a high pace
almost too high sometimes a little out of control. Flamboyant is probably the best word I can use to describe him. He is by far the best unsigned recruit in the Los Angeles area and would be one of the better point guards Iowa has signed in quite some time.

Iowa needs to get him committed asap. There are rumors (and they are just that rumors) that UCLA may might be back snooping around as they still have a scholly available.
Personally I don't think the style offense UCLA runs would match up with the type of player this kid is. But who knows the fact that KU is looking at him, probably means that if UCLA may not be far behind.
All the students should wear togas to the game. Then at some point they could start chanting "Hail Cezar", or something to that effect.

Are we going to let Okie St. out pump-up a recruit's ego???
Great idea, tell the fans to root like Iowa is Wrestling Okie St instead of playing BBall against Purdue!:)
I have seen this kid play a couple of times, fun to watch. Loves to play at a high pace
almost too high sometimes a little out of control. Flamboyant is probably the best word I can use to describe him. He is by far the best unsigned recruit in the Los Angeles area and would be one of the better point guards Iowa has signed in quite some time.

Iowa needs to get him committed asap. There are rumors (and they are just that rumors) that UCLA may might be back snooping around as they still have a scholly available.
Personally I don't think the style offense UCLA runs would match up with the type of player this kid is. But who knows the fact that KU is looking at him, probably means that if UCLA may not be far behind.

This is what I'm concerned about happening.
How GOOD of a shot do we have at landing this kid? He seems like the player that would instantly be a star in Frans system.. And he seems like the type of player that would be a fan favorite, and a highlight reel as well.
How GOOD of a shot do we have at landing this kid? He seems like the player that would instantly be a star in Frans system.. And he seems like the type of player that would be a fan favorite, and a highlight reel as well.

Here's why I think he might like Iowa: he would be a big fish in a not so small pond here. Go to UCLA, who cares? Unless UCLA or USC are REALLY, REALLY good in a given season, they are well down the list of sports teams in fan interest, behind all the LA-area NFL, NBA and MLB clubs. OU, Okie State -- toss up, but both are more known as football schools.

He could have an immediate impact here, and gain national attention through the Big 10 network.

All the students should wear togas to the game. Then at some point they could start chanting "Hail Cezar", or something to that effect.

Are we going to let Okie St. out pump-up a recruit's ego???

Or they could have chariot races around the court durng timeouts.
I guess I didn't think that the Big 10 Network was that big of a selling point.. I suppose look what Fran has done to a few of the guys at Sienna, first round picks, and look what he's doing to Iowa? Turning us around, and Cezar could be a huge part of that.. He could provide the spark that Hawkeye fans need to get Carver rockin' again.
If they want to go all out they could have a lion chew someone up at halftime. The hospital is close by for stitches.

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