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  1. I

    Top 5 dual threat schools

    When I saw pitt I was pretty amazed as well, and originally thought wisconsin was pretty high too, then I started trying to make my own rankings, its not easy michigan state is about as good as pitt imo same can be said for west virginia after that it gets really thin
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    Top 5 dual threat schools

    CBS Sports is running down the top 5 basketball/football schools in the country so far they have revealed 5)pitt 4)wisconsin 3) ohio state obviously Texas and FLorida will be the top 2. Nice to see 2 big 10 teams, but just another reminder of the highs of sept-jan and the lows of late jan-march...
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    Big 10 alums in NFL hall of fame

    Not sure if this has been brought up before but there are 11 colleges that have produced 5 or more NFL Hall of Famers, 5 of them are big 10 schools. Here are the eleven Southern California (11) Notre Dame (10) Michigan (8) Alabama (7) Ohio State (7) Syracuse (7) Illinois (6) Minnesota (6) Oregon...
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    Best Teams of the Big Ten 00's

    Its really hard to say without giving criteria. If you start with 2000 I think you could make a case for Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Penn State to be 2nd all a long ways back of Ohio State IMO
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    Over rated?

    Does everybody here jump to conclusions about players after just a few games played? In one corner you have the annointment of James vanderbeek er vanderburg and in the other you have this stuff. Does any body think AJ Derby is overrated based on his career with the hawks? I mean when is this...
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    Sportingnews top units in CFB

    Well personally i like the versatility the cowboys trio offers and they have proven if one or even two go down they dont miss much, which happens a lot to rbs... can you say the same about minny? Plus lets not forget Adrian Peterson fumbled his life away in his biggest game to date. However my...
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    Sportingnews top units in CFB

    Well I dont know that I pulled them out of my ***, I just figured it made more sense to talk about 4 and 5 star guys when discussing the players we have never seen play and their potential. Cameron Newton at Florida, Aaron Corp and Mitch Mustain at USC to name some. I have stated before if...
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    ACC/ESPN TV Deal

    What would happen to ESPN if Tebow, Tiger, Lebron, and Favre all ceased to exist the two biggest problems i have with Espn are Jim Rome and Colin Coward.. er cowherd.
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    Sportingnews top units in CFB

    I swear I have nothing against Vandenburg and I dont want to start this argument again, but this is crazy talk and makes me laugh scream and cry at the same time. He might end up being great and he showed some flashes against tOSU that he has a special ability to make plays with his arm but its...
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    Step back for a second and think about how funny it is that iowa state fans have anything bad to say about a bcs bowl winning team, almost as funny is a nebraska fan having negative things to say about a win over a ranked team let alone road wins over ranked teams
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    Well we don't win vs minnesota without the defense and its doubtful we go to ot without the d and special teams against osu(djks return) and frankly we probably get blown out by northwestern without good d and 'jitterbug' at qb . Minus complete offensive juggernauts most 10-2 teams have a good...
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    Based on some of the posts I have read running into a brickwall seems to be a hobby of yours, I understand you have said 25 times that rick should be the starter which no one was debating (atleast I hope not) but I am confused how you can rank rick as second most indespinsible and also act as if...
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    Ok eddy p, I think clayborn is the only player you can make an argument for, two questions neither of which I have the answer. Would stanzi be 2nd on your list? And what is the hawks record in games clayborn has started?
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    First I didn't say "the problem I have with eddy p is" I said other fans Second are you understanding the topic at hand? Its not totally writing off jv its stating that the biggest loss on the team would be ricky stanzi in terms of wins and losses..... if you want to point out another single...
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    I noticed you didnt answer my question if Ricky had played and taken OSU to overtime and lost would we all still be talking about it like he invented the wheel? As for the UNI game its tough to pick Iowa players that stood out. Maybe Moeaki? Part of the offenses problem was no running...
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    I agree with both of these statements and I think Vandenburg is going to be fine eventually. I just have a hard time celebrating a guy whose signature game to this point is a Loss especially when he looked awful in the nw game and pedestrian at best in the Minnesota game. In my opinion...
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    I dont understand why it matters that he took them to OT? Did we get extra special bonus points for that? Just like Nebby did in the big 12 championship game? Had he not thrown 2picks (3) would we have won? Did Ricky lose any of the games he played in entirety last year? Are we all going to...
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    I missed the part where I said that jitters didnt have anything to do with it. I also missed the part where 'jitters' was a viable reason for playing poorly in Big 10 football
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    I guess I was under the impression that winning was the most important thing? If I am mistaken please enlighten me
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    Top 10 most indispensible players?

    good thing I didnt list completion percentage td to int ratio and qb rating then. you really shouldnt respond to posts without reading the whole thing unless you want to look ignorant