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  1. T

    IowaLaw's Preseason Observations

    with respect to schedule ... don't we universally agree that it could look tougher? Its not the 8-4 predictions that disappoint me(because they are reasonable predictions based on past) but almost all the predictions include losing to a team that they shouldn't. Isn't it strange that happens...
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    2016 Iowa football: Positives & Concerns

    Loved the season. it was a totally manageable schedule and they did just that. Loved that the Hawks finally beat teams they should. I'm not quoting stats but it sure seemed like other than jNW, the O struggled against the few decent defenses they did get. I seen stats about the d fading late...
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    Fair Expectations of Davis Going Forward?

    I just don't see a net positive here. No impact in recruiting. No great teaching/developing of players on roster(agreed?). I understand there was an uptick in some stats last year. I also know that is the trend across all FBS. But, no great improvement in OFF performance. I guess all...
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    Fair Expectations of Davis Going Forward?

    So is Davis a difference maker in recruiting? Has he gotten "used" to UI? Has the staff gotten "comfortable" with each other yet?
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    Fair Expectations of Davis Going Forward?

    Remember those that were unwilling to pass judgement on KF hire of GD in real time? Can we now discuss the track record that the offense has produced? I just don't understand the value of an OC that has developed the recent poor track record and has had such little positive impact on...
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    Ferentz interview

    Honest question- have the past seasons all started with this interview? I'm pretty disappointed in many football issues so I certainly can be biased. But this feels like a Jan press conference and depth chart release.
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    Schwartz article on Season ticket drop

    Thank you for writing the article and hi-lighting this trend. Such a drop in tickets once had a significant meaning, now it gets lip service.
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    Ticket Pricing

    Already made our decision not to renew. 15 years ago our order started with 6 tics in the $200/seat section. Dwindled to 2 in the $50/seat the last couple of years to 0 for 2015. I'm just too much of a consumer to pay these prices when there are readily available alternatives to getting game...
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    Barta should be shown the door

    Its not original but I do think that is the next step. I get that really only football( and mens BB) matters, so on those two fronts- It was his contract offering to Kirk. He took forever to replace Stevie wonder, only to get Lick and let that linger forever ... hopefully on right track with...
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    When Iowa led 24 - 7, did you think

    One more score would do it.
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    C'mon Man ... It was Purdue

    That's what I'm saying. I'm a fan of CFB matrix. don't know everything about it but it is interesting. And these 5 five games should not even been close.
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    C'mon Man ... It was Purdue

    Does anyone have a feel for just how bad Purdue is? I'm not going to research the details but ... has there been a more manageable starting 5 games in recent times? and the Hawks look pathetic on offense. I can understand growing pains at LB but really how can it be tolerated on offense? What...
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    Statistical Recap 1/3 Into The Season Shows Underachieving All Around

    I did not expect this slow start against the cupcakes. But that is the definition of insanity right? Same thing over and over but expect different result... Anyway, one stat I want to hi-light and bring alot of attention to kick-off coverage(or lack of one required) Koehn has been...
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    B1G has an Iowa Problem

    DITTO The proper realization and execution of this will be what keeps us from becoming Minny. Its not easy. Head is sand just ensures the 98-01 hole again.
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    Schwartz nails it- Looking in the mirror

    Schwartz et al were simply describing the ongoing situation and recognizing where the motivation for change would originate. Then acknowledging, it ain't gonna happen. I simply don't agree with that analysis or conclusion. Barta has no bullets, we are top 10 in cash ... change won't come from...
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    Schwartz nails it- Looking in the mirror

    Yep. STILL nailed it also. There are many facts out there about the on field performance/stats and otherwise that are damning. And if you believe, like I do that really only the W matters, ie if Lick won 25 games/yr 54-50, he would still be UI coach, which also must be the way Kirk sees it ...
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    Schwartz nails it- Looking in the mirror

    Just like the Cubs.
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    Miller: Have We Been Too Hard on Greg Davis?

    The answer is NO. Fact- Kirk and GD know more about coaching football than everyone on this message board combined. Fact- Kirk conducts himself with about as much class as anyone could expect Fact- fans watch games, compile statistics and draw conclusions Fact- over a decent sample size of...
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    HI Predictions

    of course ... So I am differing with Howe on conclusion- 4 losses would not remotely equate to a darn good season. I know nobody has played yet and Indiana or whoever could end up being a great story but with this seemingly manageable schedule 4 losses would be exceedingly disappointing.
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    HI Predictions

    I know it is just Howe's predictions - but that is disappointing. Not sure if it was disheartened more by predicted losses to Pitt, Maryland, Minny, Neb or if the conclusion of -a 4 loss season is pretty darn good around here. I'm not disagreeing with Howe. Haven't give game by game much...