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  1. IowaSS

    Paki O'Meara Big 10 Special Teams POTW

    Nice job Paki- love to see our special teams getting it done. Game changers.
  2. IowaSS

    Thoughts on Iowa

    Jail break screen- was surprised to see it, there was a jr high kid sitting in front of us and he did not call it before the play!- KOK must be switching it up enough now that we cannot predict our offense LOL. ("draw" on third and long sticks out in my head:)
  3. IowaSS

    I don't understand the complaining...

    An actual link, thanks 101. Now can someone forward this to the 30 different police depts that patrol the area so they can see the same thing that we now all know? (did not see that there was a reference to the decibel level for radios?) I am friends / grew up with many guys and women that...
  4. IowaSS

    I don't understand the complaining...

    Keep thinking that it's all going to be ok in your world. I still have not seen a link, post, etc showing what is ok and what is not, if you actually read my post and were not assuming you were Jesus, the point is the police are not even sure what the rule is. Is that you Sally?? If it is...
  5. IowaSS

    I don't understand the complaining...

    I tried to see both sides of this, but just can't get by the fact that even the officers on duty did not have a clear understanding of what was "right" and wrong. I'm not talking about some drunk student ******* on somebody's kid or blatant disregard to the drinking policy. People were getting...
  6. IowaSS

    117 Open Container Tickets

    Good post H8! Iowa tax dollars at work. Just what you should expect since you already spent $500 on merchandise to support our team, $1000 on tickets / food and then get to the game and are handed another ticket for drinking a beer 2 feet from the "accepted" place. This is exactly what...
  7. IowaSS

    Am I the only one...

    I'm more worried that my wife will want to go to the game with me...
  8. IowaSS

    University Heights police say they will NOT enforce new tailgate restrictions

    I try not to be negative and whine as I hear enough at work, it's a sign of the times now that we live in such a politically correct world (can't do this, can't do that or you are a bad person). I have kids and want them to be safe, etc but really miss the days of being able to take a boda into...
  9. IowaSS

    University Heights police say they will NOT enforce new tailgate restrictions

    Crap, with 20 different police dept's working game day we will never see any consistency. I don't normally have any problems, but just thought it was classic tree hugger liberal a** U of I policy to bust a guy having a beer walking down the sidewalk and two feet away it's ok. Stick him and his...
  10. IowaSS

    University Heights police say they will NOT enforce new tailgate restrictions

    I wasn't on Melrose for 30 seconds and a guy told our group to get rid of the beer as he was just handed a ticket for $127 dollars for open container. I heard this again and an even higher fine near the NW gate as someone was on the street or sidewalk. I asked a Tipton officer on duty and even...
  11. IowaSS

    I give up...

    Vintage- Do you get the B10 network where you live?
  12. IowaSS

    Enemy Recon: My Thoughts on Arizona

    Watching their OL I believe we will have our hands full as they are a veteran group. I cringe at the thought of bend but don't break D with this group due to their quick hitters on offense. Special teams and especially the kicking game will be big here. Ryan will do his job but we need a place...
  13. IowaSS

    What time will the boards melt down tomorrow?

    Whew! I thought you were talking about the jumbo tron at Kinnick! I sometimes have to watch the replay to make sure I was correct in cussing the officials...
  14. IowaSS

    Added ISU Thread

    LOL! Beat me to the punch H8! I was going to ask if that guy got fired from the dome and is now announcing at Trice! We spent an entire night in some bar near Hooters at the Mall of America drunker than hell yelling "It's another Golden Gopher 1st down!" which that year probably only amounted to...
  15. IowaSS

    I want an "It's Great to be a Hawkeye" bumper sticker

    I had one in college that said "You're ugly and your mother sends you to Iowa State"! Should have carefully peeled that one off the Datsun (some of you probably never knew there was a car company named Datsun:).....
  16. IowaSS

    Name it Hayden Fry field!

    How about renaming Iowa City and Coralville to "Fry City" and "Ferentzville"! (Kirksville was already taken) Maybe a statue next to Kinnick would be more appropriate since changing the city names might cost us (the tax payers) too much money and we might not be able to afford a donation to a...
  17. IowaSS

    Castillio over Bernstien???

    Just checking to see if you boys were into the sauce yet on a Friday night! I laugh about spelling errors as I proof all my emails at work a couple times before I send. I really don't know much about Hyde, but the guys I talked to were very high on him and I value their opinions. My real...
  18. IowaSS

    Castillio over Bernstien???

    After a couple phone calls, I stand corrected. Hyde apparently did win the job and JB will get some playing time. Apparently Hyde is regarded highly by our WR core.
  19. IowaSS

    Castillio over Bernstien???

    JB (note no spleling errors:) is still in the doghouse for the opener. Hyde is no slouch though, he will do fine and gain valuable experience- expect JB in week 2. (unless Hyde has 2 picks...)
  20. IowaSS

    Will Iowa score 50 tomorrow?

    Like to see the odd stats- might help me decide a friendly wager, nice work Eddy. I would guess something like 44-6, the starters need work but Kirk will call off the dogs and tell Ken to only use two pages of the playbook. If we break 50 it will be a pick 6 or not from our offense.(hopefully...