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  1. 3

    The ends justify the means

    That section 8 housing has really been poppin' off in the last year or so.
  2. 3

    FB post from Willies' guardian

    I believe Willies missed the Maryland game because he was injured. I do recall him missing at least one, if not two, smoke audibles in the Indiana. Tough to get reps when you are injured and you are not helping your cause if you fail to capitalize when your number is called.
  3. 3

    FB post from Willies' guardian

    It appears "Nic," inadvertently or not, is doing his part to ensure that the Willies doesn't receive Iowa's blessing on attaining a hardship waiver. In his presser, Ferentz stated that Willies said his father's health was the reason for his wanting to transfer. Ferentz stated that Willies made...
  4. 3

    Iowa ranked.

    Are you willing to wager any money?
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    Grantland article on Bielema

    It's possible not to want someone as your coach without having reservations about their coaching abilities.
  6. 3

    Iowa FB Season Tix Going Up

    You'd have to bribe anyone to sit in those seats, especially when the weather is bad and the product is not great. I don't think there is a worse viewing angle than from the end zone. Also, when the weather is bad (Nebby game last year, MI game this year), the wind is brutal, and it's hitting...
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    You'll have to excuse some of the folks around these parts, they have a propensity to get offended pretty easily.
  8. 3

    Not sure if anyone noticed this.

    And society. God forbid we hold someone accountable. No child left behind has resulted in US children being left behind.
  9. 3

    Student attendance not a problem just at Iowa...

    If you're at a game with around 70k and you're unable to have social interaction, I'd suggest that your network might not be the problem. Also, if people weren't on their phones they might be a little more involved the game that is happening right in front of them. I believe the announcer is...
  10. 3

    Brian Ferentz 'Stadium Experience is Lacking'

    Just my opinion, but buying a ton of Hawkeye merchandize doesn't make someone a true fan. Also, I don't think a true fan needs a big play in order to create some noise. True fans are the select individuals in each section who **** a number of people off with their incessant yelling and no, I'm...
  11. 3

    Sure am glad my season tix are in the even section

    All that is being asking is that you wear one of two colors, colors that should already be in your closet as an Iowa fan. I don't know anyone who has been to the stadium for a color game and was not impressed by the appearance of the crowd. Obviously, you guys are out there. Is it really about...
  12. 3

    Rb problems are not just bad luck

    I understand Daniels' fumble was partially due to a good play by the defender, but he should probably have two hands on the ball when he is going through traffic. I realize some fumbles are the result of a good play by the defense but it has no bearing on who gets possession of the ball...
  13. 3

    Rb problems are not just bad luck

    OoTH, I believe we answered your question today on why the other backs didn't get carries at the end of the ISU game.
  14. 3

    Why I wonder whether Ferentz still has the fire

    You expect more from someone who hopped on the band wagon in October 2009?
  15. 3

    Rb problems are not just bad luck

    The ultimate responsibility falls on the AD. However, a coach, especially a coach with leverage, can push the agenda among the fan base/donors. I think we can agree that Alford and Ferentz weren't similarly situated. Further, Ferentz himself said he "took his eye off the ball" when it came to...
  16. 3

    Rb problems are not just bad luck

    OutofTouchHawk, just give it up. We get it. You don't like Ferentz. There are some valid points why someone might question his decisions: keeping Kaz as long as he did, not keeping up in the facilities arm race, clock management, etc. However, this is not one of them. If you haven't...
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    Jared Clauss on the Hawkeyes

    Based off your user name, as well as your analysis and logic of this particular situation, I am inclined to believe you may not have played sports. Question for you: Are all tubas created equally?
  18. 3

    Jared Clauss on the Hawkeyes

    I would rebut this, but if you fail to understand Alabama is working with a different type of freshman and sophomores than Iowa, I don't believe I will be able to get my point across. You may not like it, but your feelings on the matter don't change reality. Edited: Changed you're to your...
  19. 3

    Jared Clauss on the Hawkeyes

    When a developmental program, like Iowa, has half of its two deeps composed of underclassmen, they still possess the ability to get a lot better. Maybe "young" isn't the best word to describe the current depth chart but we are a significantly better team when our two deeps are composed almost...