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    New Prez talks with the team

    Kirk is smiling because he still makes more than 6 times what they pay the new president!!
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    J Bruce Harreld, new President at University of Iowa

    I hope this hire is better than when Michigan hired their last AD who failed miserably. He was the CEO of Dominos Pizza. He couldn't transition. Hope Mr. Harreld recognizes the importance of sports, because Sally Mason saw athletics as a afterthought. I hope he has that precious...
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    Brands Bro's Time to Go

    You know why all these other teams nationwide are getting better?? Because Tom can't recruit nationwide!! You can't expect Gable results if you can't get the best in the country!! Hawk wrestling fans should be incensed that We are not dominating at this time of the year! We have to put a...
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    Brandon Scherff at the combine

    Combine is part of the equation, how about the tape, his personality, his football intelligence, his intense work ethic, his game day attitude. So many factors.
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    Mindset of this Team??

    I think the ultimate therapy for fans right now is this. We are not currently in the Todd Lickliter era anymore!!! Also I don't think we understand the depths this program was in when Fran came.
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    Hearing that Higdon read this Forum and

    I don't follow recruiting blow by blow and this is why-- too much heartbreak. Similar scenario with Melvin Gordon, was a solid iowa commitment till a few days before signing day then flipped to Wisky.
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    Can't believe I'm saying this but I hope half of the season ticket holders

    Its a little different situation now with an upcoming new deal coming with the Big Ten Network. Each team is going to get an estimated 50 MILLION dollars from the network! 50 Million, that fat money is going to cover any fans NOT buying season tickets this fall. As far as the budget goes...
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    What a waste of time is correct kirk.

    Overall there is still no sense of urgency. No changes to staff……. Basically all I got is the coaches will personally work harder, study more film. I expect a similar result next year, underwhelming results.
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    Heard Dave Schwartz on KXNO yesterday

    No matter what the status of the program is, I always want to keep a historical perspective. Though I am not pleased at 7-6, its not 0-11, 2-9, 3-8 or 4-7, it can always be worse. We could be an Iowa State fan , win 2 games, and not even have a discussion about the staff and status of the...
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    Heard Dave Schwartz on KXNO yesterday

    I did I saw some powerful Michigan and Ohio State teams. One time Michigan came in and won 59-0, and there was a Iowa recruit in the stands by the name of Isaiah Thomas, and he went to sleep during the game.
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    Heard Dave Schwartz on KXNO yesterday

    I disagree with him that if we don't do something regarding the present coaching situation that we will fall back into the era like back before the Hayden days when we went 17 years of losing seasons. I think for Iowa to go back to those days, they would have to hire a new coach, then it...
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    Tweet about Ferentz Contract

    It comes down to how loud is the buzz and pressure with the biggest contributors, that determines Kirk's destiny.
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    If we miss the dance this year.....

    I know Fran Mac will forget more than I will ever know about college basketball. I am just looking from a fan's observational perspective. I don't understand the style of cursing refs, cursing UNI's bench and players and cursing his own players as being a redemptive strategy in trying to build a...
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    Paul Chryst to Wisconsin

    Chryst will follow the yellow brick road, seems to be a robotic position, with Alvarez fingerprint on everything. Chryst knows what he is getting into. Good news for Iowa fans, I don't think he will take Wisky to new levels.
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    WOW Andersen to Oregon State

    I hope they hire Chryst also. Wow, he rented Bielema's players, saw Gordon leave and coincidentally left the same day as Gordon did. Probably several factors, all I know is this move is not a lateral one. Going the other direction. I am sure Bucky fans are livid. He pulled a Chizik...
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    WOW Andersen to Oregon State

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    Not pretty, but gritty and needed for psyche

    Grit and intensity was prevalent. Huge win to draw from when other tough road games come. Fran just helped cool down Gary's Barta's seat tonight.
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    Bring Home the Bacon this Saturday

    Schematically the Gophers and Iowa are so similar, however Jake is a better passer. No players regarding speed on the edge for the Gophers to be concerned about