Heard Dave Schwartz on KXNO yesterday


I disagree with him that if we don't do something regarding the present coaching situation that we will fall back into the era like back before the Hayden days when we went 17 years of losing seasons. I think for Iowa to go back to those days, they would have to hire a new coach, then it would be a disaster after 3 years, then you can talk that way. I went to the hawk games in the Pre Hayden era and it was horrible, where every game was non competitive with no talent anywhere. I don't see it ever getting that bad even if Kirk fulfills his contract.
I did I saw some powerful Michigan and Ohio State teams. One time Michigan came in and won 59-0, and there was a Iowa recruit in the stands by the name of Isaiah Thomas, and he went to sleep during the game.
If Michigan can drop as bad as they have the last decade, then don't kid yourself, Iowa could fall very fast and not dig out for awhile.
No matter what the status of the program is, I always want to keep a historical perspective. Though I am not pleased at 7-6, its not 0-11, 2-9, 3-8 or 4-7, it can always be worse. We could be an Iowa State fan , win 2 games, and not even have a discussion about the staff and status of the program.
You don't need to be an expert to see that Kirk does not develop talent like he used to. Our mediocre recruits turn into mediocre players. They few bright spots we get (Willies, CJ, etc.) don't see the field because Kirk will always take the lesser player who does it his way. I fully expect us to bottom out in 2016 if Kirk is still around to the tune of a 2-10 season.
I disagree with him that if we don't do something regarding the present coaching situation that we will fall back into the era like back before the Hayden days when we went 17 years of losing seasons. I think for Iowa to go back to those days, they would have to hire a new coach, then it would be a disaster after 3 years, then you can talk that way. I went to the hawk games in the Pre Hayden era and it was horrible, where every game was non competitive with no talent anywhere. I don't see it ever getting that bad even if Kirk fulfills his contract.
That guy's day in the sun needs to end. For all its virtues, the Internet has given a loud voice to anyone...come up w/a zinger of a headline and it gets one lots of views... Some translate that to thinking they have some semblance if knowledge or credibility
I'd never heard of Schwartz prior to that article he'd recently written either. But I enjoyed and agreed most of it. I'm curious if he's just a writer or what his backround is.

There's no telling how far back Iowa is capable of falling with a coaching change. To weigh the past is only somewhat relevant. It's a different time now with the landscape. Coaches now won't get more then 3 yrs to turn it around even at Iowa. Cause I don't think Barta will be there for long either. Sure he's raised money like no other but he's been half the problem with the program being where it is too. And the next AD will not be that soft. Whoever it is won't get 4 years of say less then 8 wins a yr to keep the gig. And sure there's the chance that cycle goes on a couple times and one has to assume Michigan PSU will be pretty darn good again soon. There can't be 6 really good teams in the conference all at once either it's just a numbers game. A couple years ago I would have been in the camp of keeping Ferentz for this very fear. But now I think we are only digging the hole deeper and delaying the start of the rebuilding.
If we change coaches we need to get it right the first time. If we start the 3 years and out thing we could very well end up in a 20 year streak of 2-3 win seasons
You don't need to be an expert to see that Kirk does not develop talent like he used to. Our mediocre recruits turn into mediocre players. They few bright spots we get (Willies, CJ, etc.) don't see the field because Kirk will always take the lesser player who does it his way. I fully expect us to bottom out in 2016 if Kirk is still around to the tune of a 2-10 season.

You mean he doesn't develop players like Brandon Scherff, Carl Davis & Louis Trinca-Passat or Drew Ott? Or maybe you mean last year Hitchens, Kirksey, Van Sloten, Bofelli?

To say KF doesn't develop players still is wong. Do I think he made some mistakes this year? sure.

A mistake at who he played at QB and an offense that wanted to run a fulback outside the tackles too much? sure. Lets keep in mind I think he wanted to play other players at running back more but was forced due to injuries to go with Weisman a lot more the 2nd half of the year. Remember the issue was no one received enough carries at the beginning of the year? I still think they should have modified the offense and took out all of the off tackle stuff with Weisman, although I am sure they felt their tackles were the strength of the line so it was probably a trade off of Weisman's lack of lateral running and losing the value of your best lineman's run blocking.
Cause I don't think Barta will be there for long either. Sure he's raised money like no other but he's been half the problem with the program being where it is too. And the next AD will not be that soft.

Here is what worries me (and I am not being an advocate for Barta):

If Barta ends up losing his job because of the field hockey coach debacle, I can see a gun-shy administration hiring a milquetoast AD who is more concerned with political correctness and fairness than winning. In fact (although I doubt it would happen) it would not surprise me in the least if a woman was hired to replace Barta.

I don't really believe the above will happen, and I am certainly not predicting it....but with the University of Iowa, I never rule anything out.
You don't need to be an expert to see that Kirk does not develop talent like he used to. Our mediocre recruits turn into mediocre players. They few bright spots we get (Willies, CJ, etc.) don't see the field because Kirk will always take the lesser player who does it his way. I fully expect us to bottom out in 2016 if Kirk is still around to the tune of a 2-10 season.

that is crazy talk.

for examples, look no further than last years team - where many members - like #59 on the Cowboys - are at now, and this years' team where a lightly recruited guy from Denison IA turns into an Outland and Consensus All American. #59 on the Cowboys came in as a 2* RB and Brandon didn't start playing OL until his JR year in HS. Development? I say yes.
Here is what worries me (and I am not being an advocate for Barta):

If Barta ends up losing his job because of the field hockey coach debacle, I can see a gun-shy administration hiring a milquetoast AD who is more concerned with political correctness and fairness than winning. In fact (although I doubt it would happen) it would not surprise me in the least if a woman was hired to replace Barta.

I don't really believe the above will happen, and I am certainly not predicting it....but with the University of Iowa, I never rule anything out.

I hear ya... When it comes to Barta it sounds like Mason has his back with the whole field hockey deal. So letting him go would have to be a performance thing. And to me that won't happen any sooner then the middle to end of next football season when/if Kinnick is half empty all year long due to us not winning and looking bad doing it. I just hope Barta isn't making the next football hire...

I've heard Jon Miller talk about his lack of confidence in Mason even more so then Barta... The whole thing is a mess...
Taking low star recruits and turning them into NFL draft picks, still doing it.

Using the talent that was developed and turning that talent into sufficient and quality wins and competing for conference and other worthy championships, not any more.
I just don't think iowa football can drop THAT much more. Sure it can get a little worse. Bring in a coach that almost always beats terrible teams and that guarantees at least 4-5 wins a year.
Here is what worries me (and I am not being an advocate for Barta):

If Barta ends up losing his job because of the field hockey coach debacle, I can see a gun-shy administration hiring a milquetoast AD who is more concerned with political correctness and fairness than winning. In fact (although I doubt it would happen) it would not surprise me in the least if a woman was hired to replace Barta.

I don't really believe the above will happen, and I am certainly not predicting it....but with the University of Iowa, I never rule anything out.
And what would concern you about a female AD. They are out there now. Do you think she could not lead an athletic department? Do you think she would not be capable of fundraising properly? Do you think she would not understand how to hire a great male coach?
that is crazy talk.

for examples, look no further than last years team - where many members - like #59 on the Cowboys - are at now, and this years' team where a lightly recruited guy from Denison IA turns into an Outland and Consensus All American. #59 on the Cowboys came in as a 2* RB and Brandon didn't start playing OL until his JR year in HS. Development? I say yes.

I think of more concern is how we end up with all these NFL prospects but can't beat teams without any. Give me wins over NFL prospects.
No matter what the status of the program is, I always want to keep a historical perspective. Though I am not pleased at 7-6, its not 0-11, 2-9, 3-8 or 4-7, it can always be worse. We could be an Iowa State fan , win 2 games, and not even have a discussion about the staff and status of the program.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't think so when I say that 7-6 sure felt like 3-10 this year...or worse. The Bowl game drove this fact home for me. A 7 win team vs a great schedule is one thing, the bowl game clearly showed we are closer to a 3-10 team if we played good competition this year and not the weak sauce schedule we have. The eyes don't deceive and I won't fall for the whole winning record and a bowl game spin.

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