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  1. Q

    Football Games Are 60 Minutes

    My question that I haved posed to people today is....if we got off to a 35-3 lead in the first half, and still had 5 interceptions and won the game 42-24, would that be an ugly win?? Why is it different to outscore a team 35-3 in the second half as opposed to the first half?
  2. Q

    Not all stanzi fault

    This is the first thing I noticed on both balls thrown down the field to DJK. He just sat down, didnt even try to come back to the ball. Im sure he will see it in film tomorrow.
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    Jon, nice rant this morning

    I don't know how many people caught it, but it was a well spoken rant regarding a poster saying no excuses and anything less than 11-1 is unacceptable. This is what Hawkeye football is about, next man in, getting the most out of 3 star recruits. Keep doing what you are doing Hawks, we are behind...
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    Anyone else in tears

    After MSU TD, buddy of mine said Iowa wins 16-13, to which I said what aboujt our offense tonight makes you think that we can go the length of the field and score a TD? Well as we all know now, I have had a big plate of crow. And as long as we continue to win I will eat crow every saturday...
  5. Q

    Marty Tirrell Predicts....

    Matt slays me....earlier this year Matt and Ken fought over the "Should ISU try to buy out of theUtah and UCONN games next year?" Ken says yes, Matt said no, they should want to play the best teams possible yada yada yada. NOW, the talk of Iowa playing in the NC has pushed Matt to say that...