Marty Tirrell Predicts....

Marty has a right to his opinion, I personally think his opinion is wrong! Which opinion am I refering to? ALL OF THEM!
When the majority of the sports world says one thing, he likes to go the other way...not because he really thinks or believes it, but because it will irritate you and hopefully get you to call or to post about it and his show on a message board...which it did. So mission accomplished ;)

No truer words have been spoken.
When the majority of the sports world says one thing, he likes to go the other way...not because he really thinks or believes it, but because it will irritate you and hopefully get you to call or to post about it and his show on a message board...which it did. So mission accomplished ;)

That is a perfect synopsis
The mouth is a monkey. I would look forward to farting in his general direction. Although all told, I listen to his show so what does that say about the words of Alanis, isnt it ironic?

Go hawks.

That's loads more ironic than any of the things she lists in her song.

Tirrell is a blowhard who is working on systematically burning all of his bridges in the radio industry one-by-one. I for one was hopeful that he would never work in this market again after his on-air incident with Cotlar.
It's just bad radio. It's disinenguous.
And it's the oldest trick in the book. If you can't be honest and engaging, be the contrarian.

Why people keep listening, I'll never know. Force your programmers to hire talented people. They can be found and they are out there.
When the majority of the sports world says one thing, he likes to go the other way...not because he really thinks or believes it, but because it will irritate you and hopefully get you to call or to post about it and his show on a message board...which it did. So mission accomplished ;)

That's true. What's also true is that his act is completely transparent and unoriginal, which is why I turn him off. He's not entertaining. He's irritating.

If I want to be agitated I'll go grab my toddler's bottle and listen to her freak out. I don't need to subject myself to a disingenuous radio shock jock trolling for ratings. I may disagree with you sometimes in your opinions that you express on your programs, but at least I know that you're shooting straight. I don't have time for people who are intentionally dishonest.
ShadasRevenge said:
I did. Perrault comes off as the kind of guy who has to constantly remind you of how smart he is. With Marty you at least know that 1/2 the time what he says is BS. BINGO - we have a winner.

You know that Mary is just pulling your chain. If Perrault can tell that the caller is not going to agree with him in the first 5 seconds (ala Jim Rome) he cuts him off OR Laughs at him, which is an age old tactic to dis-credit someone without saying anything.
In my opinion, Marty rocks & is one of the most-talented broadcasters in our state. Of course, a part of what he's doing is to stir people up, because that's part of his job. Don't listen if you don't like it. I happen to enjoy it very much, because he is so good at describing things & being entertaining. He really is good at what he does and nobody can really dispute that. The only thing you can do is say you don't prefer his style. So, listen elsewhere. I'll continue to listen to his show because he's the most-talented sports talk person on during his time slot.
In my opinion, Marty rocks & is one of the most-talented broadcasters in our state. Of course, a part of what he's doing is to stir people up, because that's part of his job. Don't listen if you don't like it. I happen to enjoy it very much, because he is so good at describing things & being entertaining. He really is good at what he does and nobody can really dispute that. The only thing you can do is say you don't prefer his style. So, listen elsewhere. I'll continue to listen to his show because he's the most-talented sports talk person on during his time slot.

clearly there are people that are entertained by that brand of radio across the country. Different strokes for different folks. Marty & Miller could get away with it. I loved to listen to that show and it had veryittle to do with when they talked sports. This latest resurrection? I am pretty much home with the kids by that time of day so I haven't heard much of it b
clearly there are people that are entertained by that brand of radio across the country. Different strokes for different folks. Marty & Miller could get away with it. I loved to listen to that show and it had veryittle to do with when they talked sports. This latest resurrection? I am pretty much home with the kids by that time of day so I haven't heard much of it b
Why would anyone take a chance on hiring Marty again in this market? You will answer, "because people listen". That tells you a lot about the lack of morality of those that hired him, too. Maybe he deserves to make a living, but not around here. Marty, go back to Boston.
Why would anyone take a chance on hiring Marty again in this market? You will answer, "because people listen". That tells you a lot about the lack of morality of those that hired him, too. Maybe he deserves to make a living, but not around here. Marty, go back to Boston.

The Champ did not hiring. A group of people bought the time on the champ and have put Marty on. That group is trying to sell ads to offset their costs. Ratings book should come out soon. If they show up that will be a good start for them. If they get clubbed that is trouble heading into the 4th q. I have not seen them and generally don't look or care so much. I figure if I am o. Trouble someone will call me in.
sejkm. I agree go back to Boston.Not only is he a loud mouth on the air he is a loud mouth off it. When he burns his next bridge it will be his last and he should take the first bus east.
Where did all those people go that said they we're switching off Matt Perault in favor of Marty because of all the Iowa hate Matt was spewing? Seems Iowa can't get any love at the 4pm-7pm time slot...

Matt slays me....earlier this year Matt and Ken fought over the "Should ISU try to buy out of theUtah and UCONN games next year?" Ken says yes, Matt said no, they should want to play the best teams possible yada yada yada.

NOW, the talk of Iowa playing in the NC has pushed Matt to say that even if Iowa wins out they should not want to play against Florida, Alabama or Texas cuz we would just get rolled. Why shouldnt we want to play the best teams out there, to see where actually stand? I say if we win out BRING EM ON!!! I know,let's win out first.
The Champ did not hiring. A group of people bought the time on the champ and have put Marty on. That group is trying to sell ads to offset their costs. Ratings book should come out soon. If they show up that will be a good start for them. If they get clubbed that is trouble heading into the 4th q. I have not seen them and generally don't look or care so much. I figure if I am o. Trouble someone will call me in.

Ratings aren't going to matter much. Especially if they're buying time. Ratings pretty only much matter to big numbers buyers and local agencies. In the case of this show, it's all about Marty's Sandbox. Who can he get to come play in it. We've seen it before. I could name the names of these third tier "players" in Des Moines who think hooking up with some radio guy who will wow them with access to significant sporting events and such will further their presence in Des Moines.

If Tirrell can go out and sell a couple bars, a car dealer or two, and there's enough "expense" opportunities there. And as long as the station ownership is getting paid, they could really care less about numbers.
sejkm. I agree go back to Boston.Not only is he a loud mouth on the air he is a loud mouth off it. When he burns his next bridge it will be his last and he should take the first bus east.

It'll never happen. Guys like that, always seam to escape the noose, no matter how short or long the rope you give them. The only way this works is if people stop listening.
Ratings aren't going to matter much. Especially if they're buying time. Ratings pretty only much matter to big numbers buyers and local agencies. In the case of this show, it's all about Marty's Sandbox. Who can he get to come play in it. We've seen it before. I could name the names of these third tier "players" in Des Moines who think hooking up with some radio guy who will wow them with access to significant sporting events and such will further their presence in Des Moines.

If Tirrell can go out and sell a couple bars, a car dealer or two, and there's enough "expense" opportunities there. And as long as the station ownership is getting paid, they could really care less about numbers.

Ratings will matter to someone that wants to buy time. If Marty has good numbers, then that will make that easier. If he doesn't, there are a lot of stations in town that are calling on the same companies, and they will have those numbers.

But you are right, he is more insulated with this arrangement. I don't wish ill on him. I don't always agree with his methods, but he certainly has to whether or not you are entertained by it is a matter of personal preference.
Mouth kinda reminds me of Jim Tressell. They both look like accounting class nerds. Dress lika a damn football coach!!! the difference is< Tressell is a good coach. Mouth is a freakin idiot!!!!
Not many people were picking Iowa to beat PSU outisde of the most ardent believers. I can't fault Ken for that. Ken knows his college football, and I don't know anyone that watches more college games on a weekly basis than he does. Doesn't mean he will always be right, no one is...but his opinions come from an informed perspective.

I know Jon, my point was "tying one thing to another" like that, when each game is it's own thing...if Iowa had beaten Illinois by 1, he'd think they'd have a shot, but if they had lost by 1, then no shot...that sort of thing.

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