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  1. J

    Torrey Campbell

    My earlier post was tongue-in-cheek. I agree 100% with what 515 posted.
  2. J

    JVB has a long way to go

    Craig -- Go back and watch the final play of the Michigan State-Iowa game. Rucker most certainly had an inside shade on McNutt. Rucker's problem was that he allowed McNutt to have a clean release off the line of scrimmage.
  3. J

    Torrey Campbell

    James Morris played RB, too. Would love to see Iowa line-up in the wishbone with JVB under center, Morris at the point of the 'bone and Campbell and Coker on the wings. That backfield would probably rival that of Oklahoma in the 70s and 80s.
  4. J

    JVB has a long way to go

    Craig- There's no way McNutt allows a CB to jump a slant, and with lack of cushion the CB gave McNutt on that play, it would be virtually impossible to jump the slant. McNutt should have easily been able to get an inside release regardless of the fact the CB had taken an inside shade...
  5. J

    JVB has a long way to go

    CAAR -- Progression vs. read. It comes down to symantics. The arrow route to Herman should have been a pre-snap read. No safety on Herman's side, linebacker's feet totally gave away the fact he was going to stunt. JVB should have known Davis was going to occupy the CB (which he did)...
  6. J

    JVB has a long way to go

    My initial thought on JVB's performance immediately after the game was 'average' and after re-watching the game I have amended my thought to 'slightly below average'. Granted, I realize the conditions were horrendous and JVB was playing with a wet ball all day, but I was more concerned with...
  7. J

    Iowa Big Ten Champs - 1500-1 odds

    Not calling names. Just pointing out the obvious.
  8. J

    November 5

    What full lives you people lead.
  9. J

    Iowa Big Ten Champs - 1500-1 odds

    olddude, You are an idiot. +2000 does not equal 200-1 odds. It is 20-1. You were correct in stating that the +2000 is the payout on a $100 wager. Yes, $50 will win you $1000, but a $1 bet will win you $20 -- not $200. Please do not pass along gambling information unless you know what...
  10. J

    if you could get one former Hawk back for one game in Kinnick

    Fuldose, In a tight game, would you take Houghtlin "hands down" over Kaeding? I cannot stand Kaeding (he is my least favorite Iowa player ever based upon his off-field conduct), but would be hard-pressed not to select Kaeding if I needed Iowa to make a FG. Kaeding didn't start to choke in...
  11. J

    if you could get one former Hawk back for one game in Kinnick

    Alex Karras. I would love to see Karras come out and receive the reception that he dserves (and would receive). Hopefully this would put to rest any bad blood between Karras and the university. Now if you are asking which former Hawk I would choose to come back to Kinnick and actually play...
  12. J

    How did the 1997 team go 7-5?

    I just went back and watched Wolverine Historian's highlights of the 1997 Iowa-Michigan game on YouTube. Sherman was evern worse than I remembered. 8-21 for 86 yards and 3 INTs against Michigan.
  13. J

    How did the 1997 team go 7-5?

    Iowa was not that good at the QB position in '97 (whether Sherman, Reiners or Mullen). Dwight was under-utilized offensively. Banks was dinged the second half of the season.
  14. J

    Wisconsin May Have Russell: Title Contender??

    Also, there was no coaching change that prompted Wilson to leave. Tom O'Brien was, and still is, Wilson's coach at NCSU throughout his career. O'Brien questioned Wilson's commitment to the 'Pack given the fact Wilson is playing minor league baseball. Sounds like O'Brien wanted to go with a...
  15. J

    B1G Reshuffle: 2011 Big Ten Race Without Pryor

    Regardless of whether Wisconsin acquires Wilson, I'm sticking with Ohio State to win the Leaders. Wilson was 1st team all-ACC in 2008, but has yet to repeat that feat the following two years. He threw 1 INT his freshman season, 11 as a sophomore and 14 last year. In his 3 seasons as QB, NCSU...
  16. J

    Wisconsin May Have Russell: Title Contender??

    Further. Wisconsin could make it to Pasadena or further. Unless, of course, you were talking about geographical distance (like say, going to Honolulu for the Aloha Bowl). Then, "farther" would be correct. But I doubt that is what you had in mind, and thus, "further" is the correct word.
  17. J

    B1G Reshuffle: 2011 Big Ten Race Without Pryor

    Ohio State will still win the Leaders. The loss of Pryor is a blessing in disguise. Whoever wins the Bucks' QB job won't have to look over his shoulder and know he is simply a placeholder until Pryor would return. OSU can now tailor its offensive attack around the new QB's...
  18. J

    Pac 12 Just Got Ridiculously Rich

    You have to think Delaney and his staff are poring over the B1G's existing television contracts to see if there is any provision they can cite to invalidate said contracts and renegotiate the deals (i.e., admission of a new member, etc.).
  19. J

    Miller: leave the Hubbard thing alone

    Jon: Not telling you how to run your website or forcing you to validate and/or justify your website's existence, just stating that the article could have been condensed. You thought the piece was the correct length, I merely stated that you could have claimed the same in one-third the words...
  20. J

    Miller: leave the Hubbard thing alone

    The article should have been edited and condensed. The general theme and antecdotes could have been accurately conveyed in one-third of the words used. Plus, it is a theme that will be played out by every Iowa sportswriter during the next two years. I.e., I, too, was once young and I, too...