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  1. R

    Rumors about Brust

    Yes. 0-31 would be worse.
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    Concerned about Fuller

    Of course the coach needs to be a leader, but there needs to be leaders on the floor. The players have plenty of friends, they need some one to mentor them. A coach doesn't need to associate much with his players off the court as long as he has their respect on the court. We need to not...
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    Van Coleman takes a shot at Lick

    I'd be interested in Jon explaining what he meant
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    Jon deleting my posts-African American Coach

    I hope it will be his last hire of not only basketball, but any program. And that has nothing to do Fran as I hope him the best and am now a big fan!
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    As it turned out, I wonder if money...

    Money was not the factor. The state of the program was.
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    Tucker wants to stay @ Iowa...

    Getting his chain jerked? I guess I must be in the minority when people think coaches need to baby players who are suspended. Every situation is different. In the end, Tucker WAS NOT kicked off the team. Being a starter shouldn't have anything to do with the discipline of a...
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    Tucker wants to stay @ Iowa...

    Oh, the one who has been suspended twice and hasn't played a game in his career. I see. I bet James quit as well.
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    Tucker wants to stay @ Iowa...

    He didn't. He even went to bat for him.
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    Very good read from HawkeyeReport

    I was willing to give Lick one more year but Barta pulled the trigger after three and I can't argue. The fact is Barta has been around longer than Lick, he brought him in, the fans have left under his watch. I say give Barta one more year. If he can't hire someone to get this turned around...
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    Sad day in Iowa history

    And according to the Marble thread I am not the only one who thinks this was done poorly. In the end, I am only one fan. I am more worried about the perspective from people who may have a greater impact on the state of the program than you or I.
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    Sad day in Iowa history

    Way to add something insightful, PJ.
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    Sad day in Iowa history

    First, my ties is I listen to radio and TV sports talk shows. I doubt they would come on bashing Iowa if that is not how they feel. Could they lie, sure. There has been alot of lies thrown out there this last week. Second, I don't make a decision until after the season is over. Nobody...
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    Sad day in Iowa history

    Someway, somehow, this was leaked before the season was over. I truly believe that Lick did not know he was fired before it was reported by KCJJ. It was either leaked by Barta, a donor, a player, or a parent. However it was leaked, it made for a very uncomfortable Big Ten tournament and a...
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    Sad day in Iowa history

    I've been very disappointed in how the media and Barta handled this situation. This could have been handled a lot differently by a lot of people. I remember when Alford left and Bobby Knight said the Iowa job was a bad job to have and you couldn't consistantly win here. I disagreed with...
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    Two coaches who could turn this mess around quickest

    The season is now over so go ahead and quit. Maybe you can enjoy watching UNI.
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    Two coaches who could turn this mess around quickest

    How are you guranteeing the loss of at least one player? Are you basing this on rumor or fact? The only thing I have seen the players say is they all want to come back. I thought I would show some facts. Here is the box score from our last 3 losses. IOWA vs MICHIGAN 03/11/10 2:35 p.m...
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    Two coaches who could turn this mess around quickest

    I believe there are only two great options Iowa has here. One is bringing in a top tier coach with national appeal. Someone like Bill, Self, Roy Williams, Tom Izzo, etc. The only coach that we would have a shot at in this category would be Bruce Pearl. Yes, I think the fanbase would be as...