Very good read from HawkeyeReport

I agree Iowa needs to take a close look at the whole approach to the basketball program. Iowa has a terrible reputation with the sports media for being arrogant and unhelpful. This needs to change for basketball. Local media is usually docile and can be a great PR vehichle.

This is just one area, but I hope the administration is willing to examine the ways they can help make the new coach a success.
This is only scratches the surface. Barta needs to "evaluate" his entire admin staff that has been there longer than dirt. This admin fails MISERABLY in comparison to other major conference admin staffs and what they do to support their programs to make them successful. And i'm not only talking about Rick Klatt.

Phil Haddy and Rick Klatt need to be shown the door the minute the new hire is put in place. If the best they can come up with for marketing ideas are free student tickets and $1 hot dogs, then just hire interns.
I was willing to give Lick one more year but Barta pulled the trigger after three and I can't argue. The fact is Barta has been around longer than Lick, he brought him in, the fans have left under his watch.

I say give Barta one more year. If he can't hire someone to get this turned around quickly, he needs to be canned for the same reasons he canned Lick and then some.
Brommelkamp is friends with one of the assistants. It sucks when someone you like get's fired. Nuff said.

I agree it sucks when a friend gets the axe.
This opinion piece is written from that biased point of view,tho.
Fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion and defending their friend,but not entitled to their own facts.

The only legit point was that the facilities did lag behind the promises...for both SA and Lick. Fine, but even there, the extenuating circumstances can explain it from Barta's standpoint. Lick was hired in April 2007, December 2007 our country went into the most severe recession since the 1930's...within 8 months of licks hire...Barta was dealing in a very challenging economic environment from that point the facilities were delayed...bad break for the iowa bb program and lick,but SA had the same issues,and no one cried tears for him.

Todd dropped the ball on this piece...too personally invested,I guess.
Phil Haddy and Rick Klatt need to be shown the door the minute the new hire is put in place. If the best they can come up with for marketing ideas are free student tickets and $1 hot dogs, then just hire interns.

Yes, understandable argument for the practice facility. But that was promised to SA long before the recession hit.

But what about the strength coach hiring process? Why was one hired without Lick's input??!!

Klatt's banter in the Gazette's 5 part series made it blantantly obvious that he has no business running an exciting, effective & pro-active marketing department...oh wait, he doesn't. Spend your resources on football, the team that needs it the least. Learfield took over selling corporate sponsorships.
I think Todd laid out a side of the argument that he feels is worth a discussion. I understand if some folks don't agree with it, because you will not find consensus on opinions like that. It's far easier to toe the line than it is to write something like that.

I have no problem with Todd having a different opinion; I have a problem with him overlooking key facts in order to support it.
I don't see anything wrong with Barta supporting Lick in February only to let him go on Monday. Obviously something happened and Barta changed his mind on the situation. Those things happen.
I have no problem with Todd having a different opinion; I have a problem with him overlooking key facts in order to support it.


Listen Todd is ****** his good buddy got canned. Todd HATED Alford and ripped Steve for the same things he now blames anyone but Lickliter and his former staff for.

The guy is crying about all of these missed promises....forget the most losses on Hawkeye history, the most losses in a 3 year period, having 7 players leave in 3 seasons, etc. It is all the administrations fault, not Todd and his good buddy (an assistant coach).

I really respect Kakert a lot but Todd wrote an article that was in poor taste and nothing more than a pathetic excuse for his pals. Clearly, the same article was not written when Alford left despite the EXACT SAME ADMIN ISSUES being present, except Alford didnt have a practice facilty being built. If anything the deal Alford got was even worse, the promises he was made were not even close to being delivered. However, in Todd's world they only are an issue now because he has lost his personal gain which he did not have when Alford was there. If he had any guts he would come out and admit it. I will not hold my breath waiting...
The article is crap and so is Rivals. Todd is drinking buddies with JC and now is being throwing a fit about it(his buddy losing his job, and him losing a very inside contact). Todd and Tom were on the hunt against anybody who disagreed with them last year regarding Lick and the staff and the transfers(they are card carrying members of the Todd Lickliter fan club you know), funny how they were wrong, so now its time for them to lash out. Bummer for them. Rivals lacks integrity in my mind, too full of themselves.
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