Sad day in Iowa history

I agree. It's sad that it got to the point that we have to fire him after only three years. I'm afraid we are clearly a laughingstock right now in the world of college basketball. I'm sure there's a pretty boy in New Mexico just laughing his butt off right about now.

Yet, if "several players" approached Barta to tell him that it was Lick or them, I suppose Barta had no choice. Still, unless Lick was slapping players around or locking them in the closet I believe that they have some measure of culpability in this. And the "we're tired of losing" excuse rings somewhat hollow as well. I mean, if you're tired of losing, then PLAY BETTER! The losing is not all on Lick IMO. Some-maybe most-but not all.

Then there's also the practice facility. I mean, it sounds like Barta promised Lick it would be up an running by this year and yet it's still just a hole in the ground. So, it seems that Barta has to accept some of the blame, no? Otherwise, don't make such a promise. It really sounds like he should look into a political career because he's making promises he can't keep. Shoot, wasn't Alford promised it as well? Come on, bury a St. Joseph statue in the ground or something to get this built already (I know that's not exactly what you bury St. Joe's statue for but still). How many more hours of practice did other B10 teams get over Iowa because this hole in the ground remains a hole?

Just a sad, sad day.
I agree that this is a sad day. 3 years isn't long enough. That is the rub.

Barta is a waffle -- and that will come back to haunt this

Desire for instant gratification wins again.
I thought that it seemed like a graceful way of stepping down was put into place for Lickliter (health reasons) but he decided to say FU to Barta on TV. Pure speculation I know but thats sure what it looked like.
Wanna know a sad day in Iowa Basketball History? Losing 22 games in a season, 10k empty seats in CHA, players transfering constantly (let alone 3 top scorers) now that is sad. 3 seasons is enough to prove there is hope. There was zero hope after this season!
And it probably would have be 4 top scorers.
We just sent a former NCOTY packing in a very non-professional way. The coaching frat has taken noticed. I believe our next head coach will have great ties to Iowa, as no one outside would touch this job.

Come to Iowa. We will sign you to a 6-7 year deal. We will give you 3 years to win. If you don't win after those 3 years we will pay you 2.4 million dollars and show you the door.

It's hard to construct an argument that Iowa treats is a bad place to go....
I agree that this is a sad day. 3 years isn't long enough. That is the rub.

Barta is a waffle -- and that will come back to haunt this

Desire for instant gratification wins again.

I'm so sick and tired of hearing how 3 years isn't long enough. The situation Lick walked into wasn't that bad, yes it could have been better. But it wasn't any worse than what Tubby walked into at Minnesota and he is in the NCAA for the 2nd time in 3 years, how about Alf at NM, a coach shouldn't be losing 22 games in his 3rd year when he is trying to get things turned around.
Change that to "3 Sad Years in Iowa History!" Lick is set financially for life, and what do we have to show for it? I don't feel sorry for him at all.
I've been very disappointed in how the media and Barta handled this situation. This could have been handled alot differently by alot of people.

I remember when Alford left and Bobby Knight said the Iowa job was a bad job to have and you couldn't consistantly win here. I disagreed with him then but couldn't agree with him more now.

We just sent a former NCOTY packing in a very non-professional way. The coaching frat has taken noticed. I believe our next head coach will have great ties to Iowa, as no one outside would touch this job.
Get over it...coaches don't think that way at all. They know the business...and how it works.
Question, how should have it been handled differently? I don't get how it was non-professional?

The first time I tried to fire someone, after about 15 minutes he said, "Are you trying to fire me?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Okay, keep going."

Eventually I got better at it , but going slower was never a good idea.
I've been very disappointed in how the media and Barta handled this situation. This could have been handled a lot differently by a lot of people.

I remember when Alford left and Bobby Knight said the Iowa job was a bad job to have and you couldn't consistantly win here. I disagreed with him then but couldn't agree with him more now.

We just sent a former NCOTY packing in a very non-professional way. The coaching frat has taken noticed. I believe our next head coach will have great ties to Iowa, as no one outside would touch this job.

First, I'm not convinced you have ties to the coaching fraternity and know what the other coaches around the nation are thinking about this. If I'm wrong, feel free to tell me how you know what all coaches are thinking and saying behind closed doors. I really doubt that you know.

Second, I'm not sure exactly how you wanted Barta to handle this. Please give us your suggestion as to how YOU would have handled it.

Third, a NCOTY award in the Horizon League doesn't mean that Lickliter shouldn't be held accountable for the worst three-year run in school history.
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Someway, somehow, this was leaked before the season was over. I truly believe that Lick did not know he was fired before it was reported by KCJJ.

It was either leaked by Barta, a donor, a player, or a parent. However it was leaked, it made for a very uncomfortable Big Ten tournament and a very long weekend. It could have only have gotten worse if we would have beat Michigan in that game. Could you imagine instead of talking about the victory, the lead story is the Lick rumor?

If it comes out after the tournament, the players go on spring break and they don't have to be involved in the circus. Instead they have cameras in their face immediately following a tough loss.
First, I'm not convinced you have ties to the coaching fraternity and know what the other coaches around the nation are thinking about this. If I'm wrong, feel free to tell me how you know what all coaches are thinking and saying behind closed doors. I really doubt that you know.

Second, I'm not sure exactly how you wanted Barta to handle this. Please give us your suggestion as to how YOU would have handled it.

Third, a NCOTY award in the Horizon League doesn't mean that Lickliter shouldn't be held accountable for the worst three-year run in school history.

First, my ties is I listen to radio and TV sports talk shows. I doubt they would come on bashing Iowa if that is not how they feel. Could they lie, sure. There has been alot of lies thrown out there this last week.

Second, I don't make a decision until after the season is over. Nobody know my final decision and it is not leaked to any sources.

Third, he was held accountable. But it could have been done with more class, just like the Davis situation could have been done with more class.
Most fans in the Big Ten agree with the "letting go" of Lickliter.

Most fans across the country don't care enough to think twice about it. So Iowa will not become a laughing stock.

The ones I talked too would have been shocked if Iowa held on for another year.
And according to the Marble thread I am not the only one who thinks this was done poorly. In the end, I am only one fan. I am more worried about the perspective from people who may have a greater impact on the state of the program than you or I.
And according to the Marble thread I am not the only one who thinks this was done poorly. In the end, I am only one fan. I am more worried about the perspective from people who may have a greater impact on the state of the program than you or I.

Don't have to trust me on this but anyone who is anyone within the program loves what is going down right now.

Lick gets a huge payday. There is no animousity between the fans and Lick. No animousity between anyone, anywhere. Overall, well done.