Van Coleman takes a shot at Lick

And here Iowa fans thought Lickliter was finally involved in recruiting and he was sitting in Iowa City in the dark hiding from people...
Let's just be honest here... Most of those kids are Iowa guys. How much recruiting did Lick have to do? They didn't come here for Lick, they came to play for Iowa... as you see with them still committed after Lick is gone.

Totally. McCabe, ummm....ummm...

Well, that would be it (Brust-ILL, Marble-MICH, Larsen-SD)
It's like Deace was saying this morning...these recruiting experts tend to overvalue the guys they see the most...Rivals in Texas, Leming in the Chicagoland area...Van probably did the same thing...

But you're still missing the point C17...saying that Lick wasn't hands on has nothing to do the class ranking...

I get that Shane. And I agree with Deace that guys overrate players they see more than others.

I guess I am not for saying things about a coach AFTER he is gone.
I don't know Van personally, but I did attend his "future stars" camp when I was in high school. Based on that experience I do not like the guy and never will. He came off as a complete jerk in my opinion. I know Jon likes him and he is a personal friend of his and maybe he is a nice guy if you know him. Al Lorenzen was at that camp too and I thought he was a bigger jerk than Van. You paid 400 bucks to go to this "elite" camp and he spoke for about 15 minutes and bragged about how he could evaluate a players talent in about 20 seconds(please). Al chose to humiliate a friend of mine in front of the entire camp for really no reason other than to show he was a really important guy. Again, a guy that paid 400 bucks to go to the stupid camp just to get humiliated and have Lorenzen drop the F-bomb to him in front of the whole camp. So to sum up Van is a hack and a joke and Al is a ***** or vice-versa. That being said, I think this coach talks a good game and time will tell.
If Lick's "style" was truly that hard to sell (one hand tied behind the back?) this program was never going anywhere with him at the helm.

I think maybe Jon meant that having to try and sell a system that is completely different than the predecessor is like recruiting with one hand tied behind your back. That's why so often new coaches lose a year of recruits because they bring in a different style, personality, etc.
I don't know Van personally, but I did attend his "future stars" camp when I was in high school. Based on that experience I do not like the guy and never will. He came off as a complete jerk in my opinion. I know Jon likes him and he is a personal friend of his and maybe he is a nice guy if you know him. Al Lorenzen was at that camp too and I thought he was a bigger jerk than Van. You paid 400 bucks to go to this "elite" camp and he spoke for about 15 minutes and bragged about how he could evaluate a players talent in about 20 seconds(please). Al chose to humiliate a friend of mine in front of the entire camp for really no reason other than to show he was a really important guy. Again, a guy that paid 400 bucks to go to the stupid camp just to get humiliated and have Lorenzen drop the F-bomb to him in front of the whole camp. So to sum up Van is a hack and a joke and Al is a ***** or vice-versa. That being said, I think this coach talks a good game and time will tell.

I am going to take a wild guess that Ole Van didn't give you the kind of evaluation that you thought you should get. I am guessing perhaps you greatly overestimated your talents.

Of course if you did go on to get a D I schollie then I apologize.
I am going to take a wild guess that Ole Van didn't give you the kind of evaluation that you thought you should get. I am guessing perhaps you greatly overestimated your talents.

Of course if you did go on to get a D I schollie then I apologize.

Many people have gone to those camps and Van Coleman already has an idea of the kids to watch for DI talent. He doesn't give evaluations to everyone. More of a selling point to bring kids in. It sold me. You get an evaluation from your coach. I'm assuming the DI talent got evaluations from Van. At least that is the experience that I had. Most of the watch was on the all-star players for the day. The camp I went to had a guy dunk from the free throw line in a slam dunk competition. I think he was 6'4" or less. I was in awe and realized my athletic genes weren't close.

Eddy probably has a bit of point to his story. Most people would look poor against Al Lorenzen whether they went DI or not. Most people don't realize the athletic step up to DI or beyond.
I am going to take a wild guess that Ole Van didn't give you the kind of evaluation that you thought you should get. I am guessing perhaps you greatly overestimated your talents.

Of course if you did go on to get a D I schollie then I apologize.

Yeah, I thought I was going to be a lottery pick someday. I am just telling you my experience and that I thought his camp was a joke. Granted, it was a long time ago but it had a lasting impression on me. Maybe, if you know him he is a good guy I don't know. But, bragging how you can evaluate a player in 20 seconds is completely ridiculous to me. Of course, you were not there and you were probably a bench warmer so what the hell do you know?
Do you not get the point? Wait I am talking to Shane....of course you don't.

He ranks Iowa's class top 25 right now which is a very good ranking. Yet at the same time he is taking shots at Lickliter for how he recruits? One cannot equal the other.

For the record I agree with him that Lick didn't do a good job recruiting top notch players. But like I said if that is the case than you can't rank his class top 25 (especially when nobody else has it top 40)

You are wrong. Van can criticize Lick and still rank his class however he sees fit.
If Lick didn't pull his weight in recruiting, didn't speak with student-athletes outside of practice and games, what the hell did he do?
Eddy, I had nearly the identical experience with my kid at that FutureStars camp. I know of what you speak, and it has forever colored my view of Coleman and Lorenzen. Whether any of those kids were D1 talent wasn't the point. He invited them ALL to the camp with his promos, not just those he has evaluated in his 20 seconds to be D1 talent. Be sure, he wanted us all there for our $400, and to sell his t-shirts.